05.02 Rd6 Combat: Scale

05.02 Rd6 Combat: Scale

Version 1.0

RonD6 Scale Rules

SizeScale ModifierExample
Planetary16DMoon, large space station
Large Capital12DStarship
Small Capital8Dshuttle, sea vessel
Colossal4D5+ story buildings
Gargantuan3D2 to 4 story building
Huge2DLand Vehicles
Large1DLarge Animal
Small1DSmall Child, Animal
Scale Modifier Chart

Objects of vastly different sizes engaged in combat have varying effects on attacks and damage. The Scale modifier accounts for the fact that bigger items are easier to hit, and usually can take more damage, than smaller ones.

Both are less then or Equal to Medium

If both opponents are Medium or smaller, you also subtract the larger number from the smaller one to calculate the Scale modifier. For example in a combat between a Human (medium) vs. dog (Small), the Scale modifier is 1D – 0 = 1D.

Both are Greater than Medium

If both opponents are either larger than Medium, subtract the larger dice value from the smaller one to calculate the Scale modifier. For example, in a combat between a human (Medium) vs. Dragon (Huge), the Scale Modifier is 2D – 0 = 2D

One Less than or equal to Medium, Other more than Medium

If one opponent is smaller than Medium while the other is larger, then add together the two values to get the Scale Modifier. For example a Dragon (Huge) vs a Dog (Small), the Scale modifier would be 2D + 1D = 3D.

Once the Scale Modifier is determined, for most cases, use these rules:

Attacker larger than Defender

If the Attacker is larger than the Defender, then the Scale Modifier is:

  • Applied as a negative Skill Modifier to the attack skill roll (Harder to hit a smaller target).
  • Added to the the Damage total (more damage from a larger target).

For example, if a Dragon (Huge) is attacking a medium target, the Dragon’s attack has a penalty of -2D but a +2D to Damage.

Attacker smaller than Defender

If the Attacker is smaller than the Defender, then the Scale Modifier is:

  • Applied as a positive Skill Modifier to the attack skill roll
  • Added to the defender’s Damage Resistance total.


A smuggler has snuck into a warehouse guarded by miniature robots. The robots are Small. With the smuggler’s Scale of Medium, the Scale Modifier is 1D (1D – 0).

Because the robot is smaller than the smuggler, the robot gets a +1D to its Ranged Weapons: Firearms roll, while the smuggler gets a +1D to her Damage Resistance Total.

When the smuggler attacks the robot, the scale modifier is subtracted from the smuggler’s combat skill dice and to
her damage total, if she manages to shoot it.

In some cases, the object may be large but lightly constructed (such as a parade balloon). At these times, the gamemaster should not add the scale modifier to the damage resistance total. Typically, a weapon’s scale when determining how much damage it does is the same as the person holding it or the thing it’s mounted on. So, a rifle has a scale value of 0, while a full-size tank’s gun has a scale of 2D. These would differ if someone targeted just the weapon.