05.04.01 Rd6 Movement

05.04.01 Rd6 Movement

SituationExamplesDifficulty Modifier
Easy terrain Flat surface, smooth water, using a ladder, light breeze, light rain or fog.0
Moderate terrain Uneven surface, small obstacles, choppy water, climbing a tree, strong winds, heavy rain or fog1
Rough terrainLarge but negotiable obstacles, strong undercurrent, climbing a rough wall, unyielding obstacles – pillars, trees2
Very rough terrainDense and large obstacles, stormy weather, a few airborne hazards, hail3
Hazardous terrainMinefield, narrow walkway, many airborne hazards, large waves, climbing a smooth surface, complete darkness4
Very hazardous terrainCorridor filled with falling debris and explosions, swimming or flying in a hurricane5+
Movement Situation Modifier

Move, Partial Move and Max Move

This number represents how many SPACES your character moves in a round at maximum walking speed in standard (1G) gravity. (The Athletics skill can increase this rate. It also serves as the base for other movement skills.) Should the character have a different sort of movement than normal (such as fins for legs), see the Disadvantage (described in the Character Options) for information on how to account for this variability.

In RonD6, a Space represents a generic measure of distance. It can be a square or a hex on a combat map with miniatures and terrain and a general distance on a whiteboard combat map. As a general rule, one space is either 2 yards or 2 meters. A regular human sized creature has a base Move rating of 5. This is increased to 6 if they start the game with 3D in Strength: Athletics or Stamina.

Partial Move

A Partial Move is the amount of movement as a Free Action in a round and is 1/2 movement round down.

Maximum Movement

Characters may perform only one movement action of each type per round, unless a Special Ability allows them to do otherwise. One can not multi-action a run or climb or a simple move. Also, the maximum which character may travel is 6 times the Move rate for each type of movement.


Running is a Strength: Athletics (Running) Test and the number Moves the Character wishes to Run is the difficulty. Example: A character with a Move of 5 Space per round who wants to move 10 Spaces (1 extra move) in one round has a running difficulty of 2, while a character who wants to move 20 Spaces has a difficulty of 3. A character who fails his running roll covers only his Move or may even trip. Running more than one extra Move is a Full Action. Running One Extra Move is a Basic Action.


A hero’s swimming Move equals half his normal Move (rounded up). One can attempt to Swim Swiftly much like Running, in the same manner using Strength: Athletics (Swimming).

Without preparation, a character may hold his breath for a number of seconds equal to 10 times the Die Code of Stamina: Fortitude. With preparation – preoxygenating the lungs – the character can hold his Breath 5 times a Stamina: Fortitude Test.


Characters who have the Strength: Athletics (climbing) skill can move up a surface at their normal Move (barring adverse environmental factors) with a base difficulty of 0. Those without such a skill move at half their normal movement rate at Difficulty 0. Increasing the rate increases the difficulty by +1 for each additional Partial Move.


A character’s total leaping distance (vertically and horizontally) from a standing position (in Normal Gravity) 1 Space plus 1 Space per 2 Successes on Athletics: Strength (Jumping) (In lower Gravity it is 1 Space per 1 Success) up to 6 successes. If there is enough room (Half the character movement), the character may try running before jumping, gaining +1D to the Test.

Fatigue Check

Most characters cannot move rapidly for long periods of time. The maximum length of time one can maintain a single continuous strenuous action without taking Fatigue is the Stamina: Fortitude Dice Code in rounds. After these rounds, the character has to succeed at a Fatigue check – Stamina: Fortitude Test – where the difficulty is the number of Rounds after the limit is reached. Any relevant Special Abilities can come into play. Upon Failure of the Fatigue check, the character is Stunned and must stop.