4.0 A/C D6 Appendix

4.0 A/C D6 Appendix


Point Costs


Point Costs: 3

The character has mastered meditation techniques that allow him to heal more rapidly. He regains Stunned damage at the rate of two results per round of rest.

Up Condition

Point Costs: 4

The character operates as if up (See MasterDeck Conversion to SW/D6) under certain proscribed conditions. The condition should be a common one, but one that is naturally absent at least half the time or one that can be countered. Examples are sunlight, darkness, cold and heat. Often, the character will have a vulnerability to the opposite condition from that which causes his up (i.e., a character who gets an up from darkness might have a vulnerability to sunlight),

Attack Form Resistance (Magical Attack)

Point Costs: 4

The character is highly resistant to one type of damage either physical or mental – from sorcerous attack (relevant Attribute +3D). Characters who wish to be immune to both physical and mental damage must purchase this Advantage twice.

Attribute Adjustment

The character can adjust a targets attributes temporarily. He gains the scramble skill at 1D (it is a Knowledge skill, described only here) that he can increase as normal. When he hits a target with an unarmed combat roll, he may choose (as a multi-action) to also perform a scramble attack versus his target’s willpower or Knowledge. If his total is higher, he may shift his target’s attribute points around, within certain limits. The scrambler must pick as his focus either physical or mental abilities. He can never do both. He may then rearrange his victim’s attribute points by increasing one or more physical or mental attributes by a number equal to the amount he takes away from other physical or mental attributes – but he may not decrease or increase any one attribute by more than four points. The change lasts for a time equal to the result points (Success Roll – Difficulty)of the scramble attack versus the target’s willpower or Knowledge as read below. A character who has been adjusted cannot be scrambled again until the original adjustment wears off.

Point Costs: 4 

Result PointsTime
0-51 Round
6-101 minute
11-175 minutes
18-201 hour
20-221 day
+21 day


Point Costs: 4

The character is able to scramble the thoughts of those he comes into physical contact with, at will. Willpower total of 16 to resist.Characters so affected are considered to be confused (-1D to all actions and no Wild Die Effects) for two rounds. Gamemaster characters who are confused must perform nothing but the most obvious actions (attack, defend, etc.) and should not be allowed to formulate or execute plans.


Point Costs: 4

The character is capable of projecting a field of darkness in a three meter radius around himself, adding +10 to the difficulty of any sight-based skill checks. The field can be maintained for a maximum of one minute before dispersing.


Point Costs: 4

The character is able to reduce his physical density to virtually zero for one minute. During that time, his Strength for purposes of Damage Resistance is effectively +7D, but his movement rate is halved. An intangible character can pass through solid objects, providing they do not contain wards or other spells of protection designed to repel passage of this nature. The character must spend at least one minute solid before attempting intangibility again. While intangible, the character cannot carry any object along (including clothing), nor can they attempt any physical attack. It Takes a full round for a character to become intangible or solid, during which he can do nothing else.


Point Costs: 4

The character is transparent. This adds +4D to any stealth-related (sneak, etc.) totals the character may generate, with the additional bonus that no character should be allowed to generate a Perception total to”spot” the character unless the gamemaster feels there is sufficient provocation.It is up to the gamemaster whether the invisibility Special Ability extends to the character’s clothing. If it does, it should cover his basic clothes only -not any gear he’s carrying, or anything he picks up. Also, remember that the character is transparent when invisible – he can’t hide things behind his back. In fact, if the character picks anything up, watchers should gain significant bonuses to ‘spot” him.

Natural Sorcery 1

Point Costs: 4

The character is able to use a magic spell as a natural ability. An example of this would be a character who can sense the presence of undead by his nature, rather than through the use of a sense undead spell. The character should treat the use of the spell as if it were a standard skill use at a value of the relevant magic skill’s Attribute +1D.The player and the gamemaster will have to sit down and discuss what spell the character will have, and what the range, duration, etc. will be.It’s suggested that some limitations be placed on the use of this ability to maintain game balance – for example, a character who can toss fireballs as a natural ability might have to recharge for a certain number of rounds between doing so (a small price to pay,considering that he doesn’t have to worry about feedback).

Natural Sorcery II

Point Costs: 5

This works the same as “Natural Sorcery I,” save that the character gains two spells as natural abilities. Value is equal to the relevant magic skill +1D or one spell at 2D.

Possession 1

Point Costs: 4

The character can possess the body of a living creature or a corpse. Possessing a corpse is a simple action. Possessing a living being involves making a Knowledge or willpower check versus a difficulty number of the target’s Knowledge or willpower. Success means the target has been possessed. The target can actively defend, which ads 3D to the difficulty to possess. To gather knowledge about its host body’s life, the possessing character must generate a successful perception total against the target’s Knowledge. Information gained is dependent upon success level achieved.With Possession I, the character does not gain control of the new form.Instead, he must use persuasion, intimidation and other interaction skills to convince his host to do what he wishes. Exiting a host body is commonly a simple action. A Possessing character can be killed if the host body dies while he is within it, but if he exits before death comes, he can simply move on to another form. Killing a possessing spirit usually involves taking it completely by surprise with a killing blow to the hostform or else using binding spells to force it to remain in the body until it can be slain.

Possession Knowledge Chart

Result Points (Roll – Difficulty)Knowledge Attained
0-5Basic information target’s name, age, address
6-10More personal information – target’s job, financial status, any current schedule
11-17More in-depth personal information – identities and backgrounds of family, friends, lovers
18-20Very personal information – secrets, private likes and dislikes, etc.
20+Everything there is to know

Possession II

The character can possess the body of a living creature ora corpse. This works in the same way as Possession I, save that the possessing charactergains his new form’s physical Attributes (DEX, STR, MECH) but retains his own mentalattributes, and does gain control over the new form.

Shapeshifting 1

Point Cost: 5

The character can alter his form and appearance.”Shapeshifting I” allows characters to change into one other new form, gainingcertain abilities of that new incarnation (gamemaster’s option), or shift into multipleforms without gaining any new abilities. Characters who take this Advantage automaticallyget the Knowledge-based shapeshifting skill at one pip. Shapeshifting may be triggered byenvironmental factors, stress or done at will. Only in the latter case is a skill checknecessary. If shifting voluntarily, the character must generate a Moderate shapeshifting to bring about the change, and a second total to turn back again. Failure atthe check means the transformation does not occur, and the character cannot try again forat least an hour. When a character wants to play a shapeshifter especially one that gainscertain abilities upon changinghis shape-the player should adjust the charactersAttributes for the new form. The character still has the same number of attribute Points,but they may be adjusted up or down within two points of their original value (withoutgoing above or below the maximum or minimum values allowed). But the character must end upwith the same number of Attribute points before and after each change.This Advantage may be chosen more than once, allowing the character to shapeshift into multiple forms andgain a few extra abilities. Note, however, that if the character wants to gain extraabilities (like “Claws” Natural Weaponry (HTH)), they must be chosen separately.

Shapeshifting II

Point Cost: 6

The character can alter his form and appearance.”Shapeshifting II” works in the same manner as ‘Shapeshifting I,” save thatthe character may shapeshift into multiple forms and gain the abilities of all in theprocess. The gamemaster and the player should define the limits of this. Generally, the character’s mass must remain roughly the same, and often, there are still only a setnumber of beings or things the character can shapeshift into. Choosing the”Shapeshifting II” Advantage automatically confers the shapeshifting skill atone add upon the character.


Point Cost: 6

The character can teleport up to 10 meters at any time. By pushing, the player can roll his Strength vs a Moderate Difficulty, and he can teleport farther. For every 1 point above the difficulty, the character can go another meter. The character must be able to see his destination clearly. In combat, this action takes an entire round. The character may take up to his body weight along, but not any other character or living thing more than one-tenth his body weight.


Point Cost: 6

The character is able to alter his substance to something else, while retaining his form (i.e., a man who turns to stone). Characters with thisability may only shift into one specific substance, which must be specified when theAdvantage is purchased. Generally, this substance gives them distinct advantages. For Example, a man of stone could still magically move (unless otherwise specified), but would be tougher and perhaps stronger than in his human form. In addition, the character wouldn’t have to breathe, eat or perform other natural functions. The gamemaster and the player should define the limits of this Special Ability carefully.


Point Cost: 6

The character may assume a gaseous form for up to one minute. During that time, the character’s Strength for purposes of damage reduction is effectively +7D, but the character’s normal movement rate is halved. The Character may not move through solid objects but may go through very small openings (like keyholes). The character may not carry anything along and may not perform any physical or verbal actions.