04.02 Rd6 Agility Skills

04.02 Rd6 Agility Skills


The ability to escape from otherwise secure physical bonds by twisting, writhing, and contorting the body.

The chart below contains sample difficulty numbers for escaping from various kinds of restraints. Modify the difficulty based on the circumstances of the escape, such as the conditions the character works under or specially designed restraints. The character may not use this skill if completely immobilized. If in multiple restraints, the character must make a separate roll for each one. A Critical Failure indicates that the character has pulled a muscle (and he does his Strength Damage to himself). The gamemaster decides whether he may try again.

Note that this skill does not substitute for the lock picking skill. The character may be able to pull his arms over his head to use his hands, but he may not be able to slip out of the shackles unless they are improperly secured.

Sample RestraintsDifficulty
Wires, chainDifficult
ShacklesVery Difficult
Restraints Table


This is the skill to slip out of danger’s way, whether avoiding an attack or a sprung booby trap. See Combat for uses of Dodge.


Focuses: Aquatic, Aerial, Space, Light Land Vehicle (i.e. cars or motorcycles), Medium Land Vehicle (i.e. trucks), Heavy Land Vehicle (i.e. Tanks)

Specializations: (sci-fi) Light Land – Exoskeleton, Medium Land – Powered Armor, Heavy Land – Power Mech.

This skill applies to sea, ground and flying vehicles (air and space) and is a Focus skill. A character must make a Piloting or Piloting roll whenever he attempts to perform a stunt (see the Vehicle Combat). Piloting a vehicle under normal circumstances does not require a roll. Types of vessels include starships, boats, and hovercraft. It also includes cars, trucks, and motorcycles in which case the skill can be called driving. See the Vehicle Movement for details on using these skills.


This is the skill to maneuvering under one’s own power (such as with wings or in zero gravity). Difficulties for these skills are included under Movement.


This skill increases the characters Multi-Action Limit. Each rank increases that limit by one.

Ranged Weapons

Archaic Specializations: Bow, Crossbow, Sling, Heavy Weapons, Artillery, Ship Gunnery

Modern Specializations: Light Arms (i.e. Pistol, Rifle), Heavy Weapons (i.e. Machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers), Artillery, Ship Gunnery

This is the skill must have a focus of either Archaic or Modern.  Also, the skill have a specialization (not all small arms experts are good at heavy weapons, etc).  Modern Ranged Weapons include shooting any kind of man-portable modern ranged weapon. See Combat for difficulties and uses of this skill. Archaic weapons include shooting any kind of man-portable primitive ranged weapon that projects missiles across a distance, like bows, crossbows, etc. See Combat for difficulties and uses of this skill.

Skill Knack: Blind-fighting A character may make a Search Moderate roll as a free action before each attack and the Results Points may be used as bonuses to the attack. This character then can operate or battle in dark or otherwise reduced-sight conditions (blizzards, blindfolded, etc). Character in combat normally suffer a -4D or -12 to the combat roll or total during full darkness conditions. (See Combat for more information.) The character must make a blind-fighting check using Search roll every round to continue to enjoy the skill’s effect.

Sleight of Hand

Skill Bonus: Thievery (Knowing what to steal)

This is a measure of the character’s nimbleness with the fingers and misdirection, including picking pockets, palming items, and stage magic. The difficulty for a sleight of hand attempt is usually the opponent’s Perception or search, either as a die roll (if the opponent is actively watching for tricks) or as a derived Passive value.  Modifiers that may affect the roll may be the level of how watchful the target is and the level of distractions around him or her.  Also the level of complexity of the trick may affect the roll.


Stealth is hiding self or items as well as moving silently and avoiding detection, whether through shadows or crowds. The difficulty for a hide or stealth attempt is usually the opponent’s Perception, search (for hide), or tracking (for stealth), either as a die roll (if the opponent is actively trying to find the object or person) or the derived Passive value.  Gamemasters may also opt to  have the size of the creature or item affect the roll when hiding something.  Additionally, when using Stealth would be affected by weather conditions, lighting, number of observers as well as how attentive the observers is.

Skill Use: Sneak – Moving silently and avoiding detection, whether through shadows or crowds.

Skill Use: Hide Item/Camouflage – Concealing objects, both on oneself and using camouflage.

Condition Modifier

ConditionsSkill Modifier
Heavy rain or snow+3
Dawn, dusk, fog, many trees, large crowd, etc.+2
Inattentive observer+1D
Dense concealment (thick jungle, crowd of people in costume)+1D
Many distractions (party, parade, combat)+1D
Attentive observer-1D
Open terrain-1D
Good lighting-1D
Several observers-2D