Special Ability | Savage Conversions |
Ambidextrous | Edge: Ambidextrous |
Animal Control | Super Power: Animal Control |
Animal Friendship | Edge: Animal Bond |
Armor-Defeating Attack | Super Power: Attack (Melee or Ranged) Armor Piercing |
Attack Form Resistance (Environmental) | Environmental Resistance |
Attack Form Resistance (Interaction) | Various Edges |
Attack Form Resistance (Specific Weapon) | Super Power: Resistance or Super Power: Toughness |
Blur | Super Power: Invisibility |
Drug Tolerance | Immune to Poison/Disease |
Elasticity | Super Power: Altered Form |
Fast Reactions | Super Power: Uncanny Replexes |
Fear | Super Power: Fear |
Gas Tolerance | Environmental Tolerance |
Gills | Aquatic |
Hardiness | Hardy, Super Power: Resistance |
Hypnotism | Super Power: Mind Control or Psionic Power: Confusion |
Immortality | Super Power: Ageless |
Life Drain | Super Power: Decay |
Limited Regeneration | Regeneration |
Long Life Span | Ageless |
Natural Resistance | Super Power: Resistance or Enviromental Resistance |
Omnivorousness | New Ability: Omnivorous |
Paralyzing Touch | Poisoning Touch |
Quick Draw | ? |
Regeneration | Regeneration |
Sense of Direction | Skill or Skill Bonus |
Silence | Skill or Skill Bonus |
Speed | Pace |
Stamina | Attribute Increase |
Uncanny Aptitude | Skill or Skill Bonus |
Ventriloquism | ? |
Youthful Appearance | Edge: Attractive |