Alien: Vorox (True20)

Alien: Vorox (True20)

Ability Adjustments: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma

Bonus Feats: Talented (Climb, Survival)

Favored Feats: Noble Claw, Drox, Garza, Glangarza

Natural armor: +2 to Toughness.

Size: Large – As Large-sized creatures, Vorox suffer a –1 to Toughness penalty when fighting Medium-sized creatures, but they gain increased reach: 10 ft. In addition, they gain the following benefits: +4 grapple against Medium-sized targets, +4 Strength checks for rushes and trips against Medium-sized targets. However, they also suffer the following drawbacks: -4 Hide (they’re just too big to effectively hide), and suits of armor cost double and weigh twice as much.

Extra Limbs: (Six limbs) Vorox have six limbs, four of which can be used as arms while standing upright on the remaining two. Those who study the Graa martial art can learn to use their additional limbs to make extra actions. See the Drox and Throx feats for more details.  If a Vorox gets down on four or six legs, he gains a +4 stability bonus against bull rush and trip attacks.

Speed: Vorox base speed is 40 feet or 50 feet when on all sixes. When climbing, a Vorox can move at half his speed (20 ft.) as a full-round action, or half that far (10 ft.) as a move-equivalent action. If he devotes all six of his limbs to the climb, his gets his full base speed (40 ft.) as a full-round action and half that (20 ft.) as a move-equivalent action.

Scent: (T20 Revised 132)

Immunity to Most Poisons: +10 to checks vs. Poisons.

Class Limitation: Vorox cannot naturally awaken supernatural. Hence, they may only gain the levels in Adept with gamemaster permission.  Only by some alien tech or ancient miracle drug can such power manifest itself in a Vorox.

Vorox Feats

Drox (General)

As a Vorox, you have trained in the Graa martial art to master using your multiple arms in combat. You gain one additional  off-hand attack.

Prerequisites: Vorox , base attack bonus +3 or higher

Like any two-limbed Humanoid, you can use a primary hand for attack and make an off-hand attack, suffering normal penalties for doing so. With Drox, you can also make an additional off-hand attack with a third limb, at the normal penalties for off-hand two-weapon fighting.

Glangarza (General)

As a Vorox, you have trained in the Graa martial art to fight with a weapon in each of your four hands. Your penalties are lower when making attacks with each weapon.

Prerequisites: Vorox

Your penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by two (normal penalties are –6 for your primary hand and –10 your secondary hand). Glangarza applies to any weapon attack made with the Drox and Throx feats.

Noble Claw (General)

You are a member of a royal Vorox family and are thus allowed to retain a single poisonous claw.

Prerequisites: Vorox, Noble level 1+.

One of your hand attacks can be made with your poison claw. This claw delivers +1 + Str modifier as damage, plus Vorox claw poison, a slow-acting paralytic. Type: Injury DC 14; Initial Damage: 2 Dex; Secondary Damage: 2d4 Dex.

Throx (General)

As a Vorox, you have trained in the Graa martial art to master using your multiple arms in combat. You gain one additional off-hand attack.

Prerequisites: Vorox, base attack bonus +6 or higher, Drox.

You can now make an additional off-hand attack with a fourth limb (a total of one primary attack and three offhand attacks), at the normal penalties for off-hand attacks and/or two-weapon fighting.