01.00 Basic Equipment d6

01.00 Basic Equipment d6


Artificial nerve fiber used to connect items of cyberware within the body. SimNerve is run from the brain through the spinal column and out its base to the various pieces of equipment. SimNerve is essential to the smooth operation of any cyberware except Grade II and III syntheflesh.

There’s a little bit of basic medical knowledge you need in order to understand cyberware. I know you don’t want to be a doctor, so I’ll give you the layman’s condensed version.

To control the hardware directly from the brain, you need to have SimNerve installed. SimNerve allows direct communication between the brain and cyberware via artificial nerve fibers which connect the two. Attempts have been made to get around this, but something has to connect the brain and ‘ware, and SimNerve is the best way to do this. On better cyberware, SimNerve is also used to enable tactile feeling on the cybered limb.

This next point is most often forgotten by neo’s to cyber-ville. Unless you replace the entire body with cyberware, you will have body limits based on your biological body. Sure, it’s possible to add an arm that has the strength to pick up a land rover, but as soon as the arm lifts more than the shoulder and back it’s attached to can support, the shoulder will start to separate. If the user continues lifting, eventually the arm will be attached to the vehicle maybe even gripping it with the full force of a Brodie cyberhand -but the rest of the body will no longer be attached to the arm.

One way to negate some of this is to use synthetic muscle. The artificial muscle fiber is applied throughout the whole body so that one may go beyond the body’s normal limits. Unless you were incredibly strong to begin with, you still can’t lift that rover. However, with synthetic muscle, you can become stronger overall. That is, you will be able to lift and carry more than you could originally because your overall Strength Attribute will be increased. There are two types of artificial muscle: basic SyntheMuscle, which is the combination of your own muscles with cyberware tendons and beefed up joints; and BioMuscle which, through the wonders of genetic engineering and Ishantran know-how, uses samples of your own muscles which have been strengthened and replaced throughout the whole body. Either of these has to be installed, and like any medical procedure, there are risks.


Artificial skin used to hide cyberware. It comes in various grades: Grade I syntheflesh is almost indistinguishable from flesh, even to the extent of being laced with SimNerve to allow for reactions to stimuli; Grade II is visually adequate, but unable to transmit sensations to the brain; Grade III is crude and unconvincing, but the least expensive of the three.

Syntheflesh comes in various hues and textures to accommodate many different species. Note that when any syntheflesh is damaged (the character takes a wound on the area), it needs to be replaced – though the effects are merely cosmetic.

Neural Jack

This is a device resembling a socket, used for interface with computers and S-Comp connections. A cable connects the user’s jack with the machine, allowing for easy access. Neural jacks are most commonly installed in the temple or on the neck, lessening the amount of SimNerve needed to connect them to the brain.

Enhanced SimNerve

The use of Enhanced SimNerve (ESN) increases the level of strain caused by cyberware, since it forces the body to provide energy to the cyberware from the user’s own central nervous system.

So how does this work in game terms? For the purposes of figuring overload effects, someone using ESN has to roll against his Willpower or Knowledge – 1 after adding up his cyber rating total. For example, the Cyber Grunt has a Willpower of 3D and a total cyber rating of 8. However, when she rolls her Willpower check, if she has ESN, she rolls 2D+2 versus the value of 8.


So you’re cybered-up and don’t want anyone to know it. Fooler is what you’re looking for. The Fooler is a specially-coated synthetic skin layer which masks the presence of cyberware in your body. Authorities don’t like it for obvious reasons. [Adds +2D to difficulty of sensors to detect cyberware.]

Weapon Jack

Similar to a neural jack, a weapon jack is specifically designed to interface with weapons fitted with the corresponding neural-interface adapter. Usually the weapon’s user plugs the weapon interface plug into the jack. A weapon jack enables the weapon’s systems to report directly to the user’s current cyber-enhancements, such as a Brodie LED. Signals from the gun are also relayed directly to the user’s brain, increasing response time. A neural jack can be used for interface-capable weapons, but the weapon jack provides a leaner link to the weapon since it doesn’t need to provide for the overhead of Scomp-connection conversion calculations. When used alone, a weapon jack adds +1D to the interfaced weapons skill attempt. When used in conjunction with an eye display system (Furtherman Hunter, EyeHUD, Brodie LED), the system adds +2D. Neural jacks used as weapons jacks provide 1 less pip to all attempts than if the weapon jack was used(+2 alone/+1D+2 with eye display system). Weapon jacks are produced by Brodie and Furtherman.

Testron BodyVision

“BodyVision is a subcutaneous system which can enhance the body’s natural pigmentation or be used to give it a unique coloring of its own. Your mate will look in wonder at your enhanced beauty. Hey, I’m reading the brochure – of course, I don’t normally use words like “subcutaneous.” This is extremely fashionable amongst the club scene, where they constantly try to outdo one another with temporary body art. There are several prestigious skin art competitions held at various Core dance clubs. BodyVision is also used by Corporate Sector Authority to provide their special operatives with additional camouflage. In my opinion, for Fash Boys and Fleet Girls only.” [Adds +1D to sneak or disguise skill checks.]

Cybernetic Organs

Testron is the leader in cybernetic replacement organs. They are more resilient and longer lasting than natural organs. The most common organs replaced are heart (see “Broken Heart” below), lungs, stomach and liver. [Increases a patient’s STR by +1D to a Maximum of +3D.]

Broken Heart: Testron has developed a multi-unit replacement circulatory system. They noted that a single centrally-located heart is much more susceptible to attack and damage and came up with this as a solution. Each of the major portions of the heart has been divided into a separate cybernetic pump (rejection rate < 0.005%) that can be dispersed throughout the body. [In game mechanics, each heart-unit adds +1D to the person’s roll versus dying when mortally wounded (see 2nd Ed. Rev. & Exp Rules). Keep in mind the locations of the character’s heart units for purposes of hit location and vital blow checks.]

NetWorld Personal Jammer

Protect your privacy anywhere with the NW Personal Jammer system! PJ blocks electronic, intrusion/eavesdropping systems by producing a white noise which interferes with emitted signals. System installation includes shielding for other personal cyberware on a piece-by-piece basis (User note: Make sure what you have is legal wherever you get NW PJ installed!). [Adds +2D to difficulty to electronic surveillance rolls.]

Finger Stinger

The finger stinger is a needle with a small sac, usually mounted in a finger. The sac may contain a drug of the user’s choice, such as a fast-acting neurotoxin. This item requires SimNerve.

NetWorld Adjustable Comlink

The Personal Comlink is implanted near the vocal and auditory organs of the user. Activation is via subvocalized command. Sounds received by the comlink are only audible to the user. For users with EyeHUD, a “screen” display capability is available so that verbal communications can be displayed. The additional cost for screen display hookup to EyeHUD is 500 credits.

Motion Scanner

The motion scanner allows the user to detect motion up to 10 meters. It combines vibration and tactile input to sense motion. Used by miners and architects as well as law enforcement agents who have to chase suspects, it is often implanted in the hands or feet to aid detection of vibrations on walls or floors. Motion scanner is also available as a cyberhand module. Cost: 2000 if implanted into biological hand; 900 if added as a cyberhand module [Adds +1D to Perception for detecting vibrations.]

Element Scanner

The element scanner allows the user to identify the composition of items made of common substances. The scanner is usually implanted in a hand. It is also available as a cyberhand enhancement option. Cost: 2100 if implanted into biological hand;1000 if added as a cyberhand module [Adds +1D to sensor attempts to identify composition of an item.]