08: Casting Descriptions (S-Z)

08: Casting Descriptions (S-Z)

Shape Change

4th Level Casting.

Success Rate: 35% + 1/3 DEX (rd) (+5% per Level above 4).

Range: Personal.

Duration:(Force Level x Level)/50 (ru) in minutes.

This Casting allows the Jedi to transform his body into a living creature. Upon acquiring this Casting, the Jedi chooses a form from the creatures he familiar with. For each Level above 4 the Jedi has, he can be one additional creature. The GM needs to monitor this choice of creatures. These creatures can not be changed once chosen. They can not be any larger than the Limitation below. Limitation: Creature’s STA <= (Jedi’s STA x Level/2). Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi can not Shape Change for 1d10 days. 2d6 additional Force Level Cost and 1d6 additional LF Cost.

Smoke Powers

3rd Level Castings.

Success Rate: 25% + 1/4 STA (rd) (+5% per Level above 3)

3 Sub-Powers

Choke Steam.

A choking mist emanates from the Jedi’s palm, under the Jedi’s guidance. Gas masks, and other normal breathing apparatuses are ineffective. The Casting is ineffective underwater. It chokes its victims to unconsciousness or death. Victim must roll STA/(Jedi’s Level) or go unconscious immediately. If successful, mst make same attempt for every turn in the duration. Duration: Level + 1d6 in turns. Range: Force Level/4 + LF/4 (rd) Meters (line of sight required) DMG: (Level/2) (rd)d10 per turn. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi must roll STA/2 or unconsciousness. +1d6 Force Level Cost.

Vapor Sleep.

With this Casting, the Jedi throws a cloud of vapor that renders its victims asleep. Anyone with in the area of effect will fall asleep. Sleep Duration: (LF +. Success Rate)/10 minutes. Range: (Force Level + LF)/4 (rd) meters (line of sight required) Area of effect: Force Level/2 in meters. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi must roll STA or fall asleep for half the duration.

Stay Smoke.

With this casting, the Jedi can create a cloud of burning black smoke, that burns the eyes and irritate the skin. People caught in the area of effect loose all sense of direction and will attempt to exit the smoke in any way they can (Random direction determined by the GM). No breathing apparatus will work in the cloud, and it interferes with all types of scanners, visors, and goggles. Duration: (Force Level) in turns Area of Effect: LF/2 in meters. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: -1d10 Damage, 1d6 addition Force Level Cost. .

Sound Powers

1st Level Castings.

Success Rate: 45% + [(LOG+INT)/20] (rd) (+5% per Level above 1)

4 Sub-Powers


With this power, the Jedi can create a thunderous blast of sound, with a clap of his hands. It shatters glass, and rumbles walls. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: 1d10 additional Force Level Cost. SilenceThis Casting is targeted towards an individual, and physical contact is require. The Jedi then renders the target completely silent for the duration. He can not talk, and can not make a sound in anyway with his body. This is very advantageous in stealth situations, where not even a foot step can be hear. Duration: (LF + Force Level)/5 + Level in minutes. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Target’s sounds are amplified for half the duration. 1d6 additional Force Level Cost to Jedi.


This power allows the Jedi to do the following: (1) Enables the Jedi to change his voice to any voice he has hear; (2) Enables the Jedi to project or throw his voice from any direction he wants. In this Casting, the Jedi must state how he plans on using the power before he uses it. Duration: Level x 3 Phrases. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: The Jedi can not talk for (Force Level)/2 minutes.


This enables the Jedi to create a high intensity sonic screech that does sonic damage. It only harms those that want harm to the Jedi. The Jedi can cancel the Casting at any time during the duration. Duration: (Force Level + LF)/20 in turns. DMG: (Level/2)d10(rd) + LF/10 per turn in duration. Success: +1d10 FPTs. Failure: 1d10 DMG to Jedi.


2nd Level Casting.

Success Rate: 20% + 1/4 STA (rd) (+5% per Level above 2).

Range: Personal.

Duration:Level2 +(Force Level)/5 in turns.

This enables the Jedi to increase his movement rating. Movement Bonus: (Level x Movement Rating). Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi has half movement for duration.


1st Level Casting.

Success Rate: 43% (+5% per Level above 1).

Range: Personal.


This casting allows the Jedi to get a sense of how powerful his enemy is (out of game, it allows the Jedi to know his enemies statistics.). Success: +1 FPT. Failure: Casting can not be used for LF in hours.

Stellar Element Powers

6th Level Castings

At 1st Level, a Jedi must choose a Stellar Element to tie his Destiny and Lifeforce to. These Stellar Elements represents focuses of the Universal Force. Power can be drawn from them. Once the Jedi chooses the Stellar Element, he automatically gains the powers once he reaches 6th Level.




Black Hole.



Choosing a Stellar Element ties the Jedi’s Lifeforce to that Element. These Elements are relatively immortal, immortalizing that Lifeforce once the Jedi reaches 6th level. Each Element gives the Jedi unique powers and bonuses.Stellar elements create subdivisions with in Jedi society. All Jedi of the same Element division are of the same Stellar Order. They are bound by a stronger honor that stems from the Element’s existence itself. When two Jedi’s meet, they can tell what Stellar Order they are each aligned with just by sensing them.


When a Jedi ties his Lifeforce to the gallant and majestic asteroids, he’a bound to the silent masses of stellar debris that have seen the creation of the universe. They represent ancient wisdom, gravitational strength, and quiet grace; coldness of space and the silence of eternity. Certain bonuses apply: When the Jedi is in the vicinity of an asteroid field or on an asteroid (Asteroid base for example), +15% to all Castings and Level Abilities. Asteroid Jedi’s get a bonus to astrogate through an Asteroid Field of +20; +10% to Earth Powers, Gravity Powers and Cold Powers anytime. .

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate: 23% + 1/2 STR.

Comet Fire.

The enables the Jedi to project a icy fire blast at a target. It causes damage and instant unconsciousness. Range: (Force Level/2) x Level meter. DMG: (Level)d10 + (Level/2)(rd)d6. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level CostBlack hole.

Tying ones own Lifeforce to the majestic Black Hole is traditionally done by Dark side Jedis, because the temptation to use it’s power for evil is great. However, some brave and strong Light Side have been known to harness the power of the Black Hole and use it for good. But there weren’t many. This brings a Jedi closer to the chaotic forces of the universe, but in chaos there is always order, and in this order, Light Side Jedi’s are able to use Black Hole as their Stellar Element without falling to the Dark side. Black Hole gives the following bonuses – Gravitational Sensitivity – The Jedi has a sensitivity to gravitational forces of the universe. This allows him to sense when things are entering and exiting the Void and to Navigate the Void without a nav-computer (LOG roll to navigate); +20% to Anti-Powers; +15% to Abyss Powers; -15% resistance against Gravity Powers

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate:20% + 1/2 INT

Black Hole Grip

With this power, the Jedi can create a void in the palm of his hand, similar to a black hole, to draw something close to him. It pulls with incredible strength. The Jedi can also choose to damage as it’s pulling it near him, with fluctuating gravitational forces. Range: LF/5 in meters. DMG: Maximum – (Level)d10 – damage can very from 1d10 to the maximum based on how much damage the Jedi wants to do. STR of Grip: Jedi’s STR x Level. Non-Jedi victim must roll (STR/Jedi’s Level)% to get free. Jedi’s must roll (STR/Casting Jedi’s Level) + (LF/Casting Jedi’s Level) % to escape. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost.


The secrets of the moon are hidden in the night. Dark side Jedis more commonly choose Moon, however, some Light Side Jedis see goodness in the Moon Stellar Element. Moons are majestic bodies caught by the pull of larger bodies, worshipped by those that see them from the surface of these larger bodies, and sometimes feared. They represent the night, light in a sea of darkness, and mystery. Jedi receives +10 bonus to all Castings on planets with moons, at night. Jedi’s receive a +20 to all Castings bonus while on a moon of a world (even Gas Giant moons); +15% on Light Powers; +10% on Illusion Powers; -15% resistance against Abyss Powers

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate: 22% + 1/2 LOG

Moon Craze

Some say moons cause insanity. In this case, the Jedi can make that happen. With a stare, a Jedi can cause temporary insanity in a person. The person has no control over his action and act irrational for the duration. It’s at the GMs discretion exactly how this turns out, but the target does not act normally and does things he wouldn’t normally do. Range: Jedi must be able to see the person’s eyes, and stare into them. Duration: (Force Level)/10 turns. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost.


Nebulas are things of beauty and grace, magnificent swirls of primordial gas. Some see their existence as pure chaotic, while others see their beauty as order in the universe. They represent beauty and majesty, strength in subtlety, and timelessness. Jedi receive a +10 to all Castings while in the vicinity of a Nebula. Jedi receive a +15 bonus to astrogate through a Nebula. +15% to Smoke Powers. Immune to poisonous gases. .

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate:20% + 1/2 LDR.

Gas Wraith .

The Jedi can change his form into a cloud of poisonous gas. Duration: (Force Level)/10(rd) in turns. DMG: (Force Level/40)d10 per turn in the cloud. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost.


The heart of all life on some world, or the source of all destruction in others. Stars are the heart of solar systems, massive balls of destructive nuclear plasma churning eternally. They symbolize might, and strength of will, power and life. +5% to all Castings while in Daylight on a planet. +10% to Light Powers, and Flame Powers; +15% to Life Powers. Can survive great heat twice as long as normal.-15% resistance against Dehydration.

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate:24% + 1/2 STA


The enables the Jedi to through a super-heated blast of radiation all around him, within the radius. The target immediately in front of the Jedi takes severe damage, while surrounding targets take a dose of radiation. (Radiation Poisoning is up to the GM).Range: (Force Leve/10) meters. DMG: (LF/30)d10. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost.


The Void, hyperspace or warp – all the same term. The Void element is mysterious and unpredictable and not totally understood. At one time, the Void Stellar Order was thought lost, but only recently have Jedi of this Order resurface.They exemplify the mysterious power of the Void, fading in and out of situations with ease and stealth. They symbolize the heart of the void – fast transit. Must is not known of the powers and the strengths of the Void Stellar Order, but all know not to question it. +15% to all castings while in the Void. +10% to Enchantment, Wards, Element Animation, Displace & Transforce.

Stellar Castings:. Success Rate: 22% + 1/2 PER


This allows the Jedi to teleport an object to a place of the Jedi’s choosing. The Jedi must have been to that place before. There is no limit to the range, but there is penalties based on distance. Distance measured in Meters: no penalty Distance measured in kilometers: -5% Distance measured in hundred of km: -10% Distance measured in thousands of km: -20% Distance measured in Light Years: -30% Object. Mass Limit: Jedi’s STR X Level. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost.

Swamp Powers

2nd Level Castings.

Success Rate: 20% + 1/4 STR (rd) (+5% per Level above 2)

3 Sub-Powers


The Jedi can launch an acidic ball of green slime at a target. Range: (Force Level/3)(rd) meters. DMG: (Level)d6 per turn in contact with the slime. Success: (Level +1d6)/2 FPTs. Failure: Additional 1d6 to Force Level Cost.


This enables the Jedi to create a pool of Quicksand under a target. If the target is a being, the being must roll STR – (5% x Jedi’s Level) to escape the quicksand and for every failure it’s an additional -10%. Range: Must have Line of sight, LF/5(rd) in meters. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: 1d10 additional Force Level Cost. .

Snake Vines.

This allows the Jedi to create a mass of vines that snake their way around a target, by the Jedi’s guidance. They originate beneath the target and entangle the victim in strong grips, that are difficult to break. The vines can be cut but have 45 Structural points each. There are usually (Level)d10 vines, and more than half have to cut before the victim can be set free. In 10 – Level (minimum 1) turns, the Vines begin to regenerate at a rate of one per turn. Penalty to Break Free: -10 per attempt. Every failure makes the vines stronger. At some point, they will cause strangle damage. When the penalty is more than half the victim’s Strength, they start taking damage. Strangle Damage: (Jedi’s Level/2)d10 per turn entangled. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi must roll (LOG/2) or the vines entangle him.

Telepathic Powers

4th Level Castings.

Success Rate: 25% + 1/2 LOG (rd) (+5% per Level above 4)

5 Sub-Powers

Mind Control.

This allows the Jedi to control another intelligent beings mind for the duration. This is more powerful than Influence. The target will not do life-threatening things, but will do just about anything the Jedi says (GM’s discretion). If the target is a Jedi, -10% to success rate. The target’s Jedi Level is also a factor – : (-10% per Level above the Mind Controling Jedi’s Level) or (+5% per Level Below the Mind Controling Jedi’s Level) Duration: (LF/10) + Level in turns. Success: +2d6 FPTs. Failure: -Level x10% on any attempts on that person. +1d6 additional Force Level Cost.

Mind Read.

Casting this allows the Jedi to find and read information from an intelligent being’s mind. The target is unaware of the attempt, unless the target is a Jedi. The GM may limit the amount of information based on the roll. The Jedi must state the information he is seeking before the casting. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: -15% on any attempt afterwards. Target rolls his LOG/Jedi’s Level to sense the attempt and any attempt afterwards.

Mind Shield.

This is used as a defense against other Jedi’s attempts at Telepathic or related powers. There is not Force Level or LF cost for this Casting. The Jedi will know automatically if someone is intruding on his mind, and he can use this to stop it. Successful roll means he has stopped the attempt. The roll is modified by the Level of the Jedi attempting Telepathy: (-10% per Level above the Mind Shielding Jedi’s Level) or (+5% per Level Below the Mind Shielding Jedi’s Level) – which ever is applicable. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Telepathic Jedi automatically succeeds at a second attempt if he so chooses, as well as this attempt.

Short Range Telepathy

This allows the Jedi to send thoughts and messages to any given intelligent target, through the mind. The Jedi must state what he is going to say ahead of time. If the Target is a willing target, the Jedi receives a +15% bonus. But if he is resisting, -15% penalty. Range: Jedi must be able to see the target’s eyes. Level X 5 in meters. Duration: (Level) thoughts or messages +1 Force Level Cost for every message or thought after that, if the jedi wants to extend it. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Can not be attempted for 1d10 hours with this target. .

Long Range Telepathy.

This is like Short Range Telepathy but at longer distances, and the Jedi does not have to be able to see the target. However, the Jedi must know the target and have made a previous Short Range Telepathy connection with that target before. Range limitations Distance measured in kilometers: No penalty Distance measured in hundreds of km: -10% Distance measured in thousands of km: -20% Distance measured in Light Years: -30%. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Can not be attempted for 1d10 hours with this target.


1st Level Casting.

Success Rate: [LOG + LDR]/2 (rd) (+5% per Level above 1).

Range: Personal.

Duration:(STR + LOG + (Levelx5))/5(rd) in hours

This allows the Jedi track a person he needs to fin.

However, the Jedi must have seen the target in person before he can successfully track him. For the duration, the Jedi will know exactly where the target went. Success: +1d10 FPTs. Failure: Casting can not be used for 1d10 days, on this target.


5th Level Casting.

Success Rate: 18% + (STA – 1/2 STR) (rd) (+5% per Level above 5).

Range: Up to LF + (Level x 5) in kilometers.

Duration: Force Level in minutes

This is like Displace, but at shorter ranges. It allows the Jedi to drain his entire Lifeforce and transport it to a place the Jedi’s has already been to. During this time, the Jedi appears as a ghostly figure, and can communicate with anyone that he wishes. He can also control who sees him and who doesn’t. The Jedi’s physical body will remain in a trance state until the Lifeforce returns or the duration expires. Success: 1d6 FPTs. Failure: Additional 1d10 Force Level Cost, and can not be used again 2d10 days.


1st Level Casting.

Success Rate: 35% (+5% per Level above 1).

Range: Contact.

Duration: Level x 1d10 questions

This enables the Jedi to force a victim to tell the truth for the duration. The duration is a number of questions, so the Jedi has to phrase them all very carefully. The victim will always tell the truth. If the victim is a Jedi, -10% to success rate. The Jedi Level is also a factor – : (-10% per Level above the target Jedi’s Level) or (+5% per Level Below the target Jedi’s Level). Success: +1d10 FPTs. Failure: Casting can not be used on the target again for 2d10 hours.


5th Level Casting.

Success Rate: 25% + 1/5 (STA+STR) (rd) (+5% per Level above 5).

Range: Contact.

Duration: Special

This is a special casting. A ward is a supernatural booby trap, triggered by whom it was set for. Each different type of ward causes different problems, damage and effects. Physical Ward – This includes the usual spikes, nets, rolling boulders, etc. The objects are set to go off magically when a specific target reaches a designated spot (all set by the Jedi when the Ward is set). DMG: (Damage of the physical trap) + (Level/2)(rd)d10.

Casting Wards – This allows the Jedi to set a casting to go off at a specific time. The Jedi must place the casting in a focus, if the Jedi is normally required to be there for the casting. This focus can be a crystal or a talisman – something with Lifeforce capabilities – see Enchantment, and Crystal Divination for examples. The Casting ward is set off based on what the Jedi specifies. Success: +1d10 FPTs. Failure: Casting can not be used for 1d10 hours.

Water Powers

3rd Level Castings.

Success Rate: 25% + 1/4 STR (rd) (+5% per Level above 3)

2 Sub-Powers

Produce Water.

This allows the Jedi to create water out of any source. He create an unlimited supply for one day (20 hours). It will flow from where the Jedi touches. Success: +2d6 FPTs. Failure: The Casting can not be used for 2d10 days.

Water Dart

With this castin, the Jedi is capable of throwing a high-pressure water stream at a target.  DMG: (LF/20)(ru)d10 + (Level/2)(rd)d6 . Range: (Force Level)/2 meters. Success: +1d6 FTPs. Failure: 1d10 additional Force Level Cost.

Wind Powers

2nd Level Castings.

Success Rate: 20% +1/2 LDR (rd) (+5% per Level above 2)

Dust Devil

With this Casting, the Jedi is able to create a man-sized whirlwind of blowing dust and debris. It can be used to surround a target and disrupt all forms of sight and sensors. While surrounding the target, the Dust Devil attacks its victim. The victim must roll DEX/2 to escape. The Dust Devil can re-engulf the victim or engulf another victim if the Jedi spends another Force Level point, one turn later. DMG: (Force Level/20)(ru)d6 per turns. Duration: (LF/5) turns. Success: +1d6 FTPs. Failure: 1d10 additional Force Level Cost.

Wind Blast

This allows the Jedi to throw an intense blast of air at a target. The Wind has a STR equal to (Level X Jedi’s STR). It causes most normal beings to fall prone. Targets with in the area of effect must roll STR – (Jedi’s Level x 10%) to avoid being thrown back. Throw back Distance: Force Level/3 in meters DMG from Throw back: 1d6 per 5 meters thrown. Success: +1d6 FTPs. Failure: 1d10 additional Force Level Cost.

Wrath Powers

4th Level Castings.

Success Rate: 25% + 1/4 (LDR+INT) (rd) (+5% per Level above 4)

3 Sub-Powers


This effects only a group of 2 or more beings. When cast against a group of two or more, the group will forget everything else they were doing and start verbally attacking each other. The group must be intelligent. Jedi must be able to see the group. Duration: ((LDR + LOG)/ 4) (rd) + Level in turns Maximum Number of People: Level x 2. Success: (Success Rate/20) (rd) + Level/2 (rd) FPTs. Failure: Force Level Cost +1d6.

Death Curse

This is similar to Quarrel, in that it must be cast onto a group that the Jedi can see. Instead of just quarreling, however, they are determined to kill or otherwise render their opponents immobile. Duration: (LDR + PER)/5 + Level in turns Maximum Number of People: Level + 2d10. Success: (Level +1d6)/2 (ru). Failure: The group will turn in the Jedi.


This is cast at an individual. It sends the target inot a battle rage, similar to the Yazirian’s Rage. The target of the casting weill not stop until his enemies are dead or fleeing. Bonus: +20 to hit (melee), +15 to hit (ranged), +1d6 PS, -10 to DEX. Success: (Level + 1d10)/2 (ru) FPTs. Failure: The target falls unconscious. Normal Force Level Cost + 1d6.