Dark Conspiracy in Alternity

Converting Characters
Dark Conspiracy Attributes are calculated through a 2d6-2 roll (other than Empathy). Alternity Attributes are calculated by a 2D6+2 roll. For all Attributes, to convert from Dark Conspiracy to Alternity, do the following:
Alternity Attribute = Dark Conspiracy Attribute + 4
Follow the following Table to determine which DC Attribute corresponds to which Alt Attribute:
DC Attributes | Alternity Attributes |
Strength (STR) | Strength |
Agility (AGL) | Dexterity |
Constitution (CON) | Constitution |
Education (EDU) | Intelligence |
Intelligence (INT) | Will |
Charisma (CHA) | Personality |
Empathy doesn’t directly translate to Alternity, however, if the player is a Empath of some kind, but has particular low EDU, INT, CON, or CHA, that person can use his Empathy to effect those lower scores. He can do the follwing:
New Alternity Score = [(Dark Conspiracy Score +(Empathy x 2)) / 2] + 4
This must be done with the GMs discretion. It should only be used to the Alternity Attributes the character will use as part of his new Alternity Psi character.
Other Character Creations Notes:
Psi-Points: Because FX will be used in Alternity Dark Conspiracy, all Psi players must double their Psi points to be competitive.
FX Powers: Only Arcane Magic FX and Faith FX are compatible with Dark Conspiracy, however, Super Power FX would make for an interesting Dark Conspiracy game. That’s left to the GM
Psi Talents: Psi Talents do exist in Alternity: Dark Conspiracy.
FX Talents: FX Talents do exist in Alternity: Dark Conspiracy.
Mutations: Mutations can exists.
Cybernetics: Cybernetics only exists at Progress Level 6 (only for corporate cronies and the Idle Rich). Some PL 7 Cyber does exist, but only those that deal with ETs.
Equipment and Progress Level: In general, for normal characters, use the Dark Matter equipment sourcebooks. Use the Progress Level of Dark Matter, as well.
Because of the Alternity mechanic of Broad versus Specialty skills, Dark Conspiracy Skill Levels are not directly translated. Instead, the following method is used to translate DC Skill Levels into Alternity.
Dark Conspiracy Levels | Alternity Skill Ranks |
Level 1-2 | Broad Skill |
3+ | Broad Skill and (DC Level – 2) Ranks in the applicable Specialty Skills (See below for applicable skills) ** |
** – These ranks can be distributed among any number of specialties.
If the character has two skills that translate into the same Alternity skill, the player simply translates the total ranks into the skill. For example, if the player has Pilot (Rotary) Level 4 and Pilot (Fixed Wing) Level 3, it translates to the Vehicle Ops broad skill and 5 Ranks to Vehicle Ops: Air.
While assigning skills, it’s important to keep a tally of the total skills points spent to get these ranks. Starting Dark Conspiracy characters do not translate directly into starting Alternity characters, so the skill point total will be used to calculate the current Alternity character’s Achievement Level.
Some skills convert directly while others are more ambiguous. The Specialty skills listed below in Italics and in parentheses indicate a choice of specialties.
DC Attribute | Dark Conspiracy Skills | Alternity Skills | |
STR | Archery | Ranged Weapons Primitive: Bow | DEX |
Heavy Weapons | Heavy Weapons: (Direct or Indirect) | STR | |
Mechanic | Technical Science: (Repair) | INT | |
Melee Combat (Unarmed) | Unarmed Attack (Brawl or Power Martial Arts) | STR | |
Melee Combat (Armed) | Melee Weapons (Blade or Bludgeon) | STR | |
Small Arms (Pistol) | Ranged Weapons Modern: Pistol | DEX | |
Small Arms (Rifle) | Ranged Weapons Modern: (Rifle or SMG ) | DEX | |
Thrown Weapons | Athletics: Throw | STR | |
CON | Climbing | Athletics: Climbing | STR |
Horsemanship | Animal Handling: Animal Riding | WIL | |
Parachute | Acrobatics: Daredevil | DEX | |
Swimming | Movement: Swim | CON | |
Vessel Use (Boat) | Vehicle Ops: Water | DEX | |
Vessel (Ship) | Vehicle Ops: Water | DEX | |
Vessel (Hovercraft) | Vehicle Ops: Air | DEX | |
AGL | Acrobatics | Acrobatics: (any specialty) | DEX |
Demolitions | Demolitions: (any specialty) | INT | |
Electronics | Technical Science: Repair | INT | |
Forgery | Creativity: Forgery | WIL | |
Lock pick | Manipulation: Lock pick | DEX | |
Pickpocket | Manipulation: Pickpocket | DEX | |
Stealth | Stealth: Sneak | DEX | |
INT | Navigation | Navigation: Navigate Surface | INT |
Observation | Awareness: Perception | WIL | |
Pilot (Fixed Wing) | Vehicle Ops: Air | DEX | |
Pilot (Rotary) | Vehicle Ops: Air | DEX | |
Pilot (Shuttle) | Vehicle Ops: Space | DEX | |
Psychology | Medical Science: Psychology | INT | |
Stalking | Stealth: Shadow | DEX | |
Tracking | Investigate: Track | INT | |
Vehicle Use (Motorcycle) | Vehicle Ops: Land | DEX | |
Vehicle Use (Wheeled) | Vehicle Ops: Land | DEX | |
Vehicle Use (Heavy Vehicle) | Vehicle Ops: Land | DEX | |
Willpower | Resolve: Mental | WIL | |
EDU | Biology | Life Science: Biology | INT |
Business | Business (any specialty) | INT | |
Chemistry | Physical Science: Chemistry | INT | |
Computer Operations | Knowledge: Computer Operations | INT | |
Engineer | Technical Science: (any specialty) | INT | |
Medical | Medical Science: (Forensics or Medical Knowledge or Surgery or Treatment) | INT | |
Physics | Physical Science: Physics | INT | |
CHA | Act/Bluff | Entertainment: Act or Deception: Bluff | PER |
Bargain | Interaction: Bargain | PER | |
Disguise | Entertainment: Act | PER | |
Instruction | Teach (any specialty) | WIL | |
Interrogation | Investigate: Interrogation | WIL | |
Language | Knowledge: Language | INT | |
Leadership | Leadership: (any specialty) | PER | |
Luck | Perk: Good Luck | Perk | |
Persuasion | Interaction: (Charm or Seduce) | PER | |
EMP | Animal Empathy | ESP: Empathy | INT |
Computer Empathy | Telepathy: Datalink | PER | |
Empathic Healing | Biokinesis: Heal | CON | |
Foreboding | ESP: Precognition | INT | |
Human Empathy | ESP: Empathy | INT | |
Project Emotion | Telepathy: Empathic Projection | INT | |
Project Thought | Telepathy: Suggest | PER | |
Willpower Drain | Telepathy: (Tire or Drain) | PER |
Advanced Empathic Powers
DC Attribute | Dark Conspiracy Skills | Alternity Skills | |
EMP | Dimension Walk | Telepathy: Psychic Projection | PER |
Clairaudience | ESP: Clairaudience | INT | |
Clairavoyance | ESP: Clairaudience | INT | |
Cryokinesis | Telekinesis: Cryokinesis | WIL | |
ESP | ESP: Precognition | INT | |
Metal Attack | Telepathy: Mind Blast | PER | |
Mind Shield | Telepathy: Mind Shield | PER | |
Psionic Scan | ESP: Sensitivity | INT | |
Pyrokinesis | Telekinesis: Pyrokinesis | WIL | |
Self-Healing | Biokinesis: Heal | CON | |
Telekinesis | Telekinesis: Psycokinetics | WIL | |
Telepathy | Telepathy: Contact | PER | |
Teleportation | Psychoportation: Apportation | WIL | |
Change Environment (Short Term) | GM’s Discretion | ||
Change Environment (Extended) | GM’s Discretion | ||
Change Environment (Special) | GM’s Discretion | ||
Close Portal | GM’s Discretion | ||
Phase | Biokinesis: Intangibility | CON | |
Sorcerous Flight | Telekinesis: Levitation | WIL | |
Sorcerous Telekinesis | Telekinesis: Psycokinetics | WIL | |
Psychometry | ESP: Psychometry | INT | |
Invulnerability | Biokinesis: Bio-Armor | CON | |
Darkling Empathy | ESP: Empathy | INT | |
Aura Reading | ESP: Empathy | INT | |
Psychic Invulnerability | Telepathy: Mind Shield | PER | |
Psychic Tracking | ESP: Navgonition | INT | |
Psychic Beacon | GM’s Discretion | ||
Time “Travel” | ESP: Postcognition | INT | |
Dream Intrusion | GM’s Discretion | ||
Excorcism | Monotheism: Excorism | WIL | |
Hypnosis | Mesmerism: Hypnotize | PER | |
Possession | Telepathy: Possess | WIL | |
Psychic Invisibility | Telepathy: Obscure | WIL | |
Psychic Surgery | GM’s Discretion | ||
Astral Combat | GM’s Discretion |