

Gannok  In-system pilot/technician played by Tim McCrary

Technical Wizard and aspiring pilot, he primairly has flown in-system shuttles. He can be a handful if he gets an idea in his head.


Gleek (Gannok Tech/Pilot)

Future Histories: Imperial Space


Tech Level: Fourth Stellar Age

Culture: Retrogressive Culture

This is a Stagnant culture which is slowly losing the technological, social and cultural gains of earlier generations. Their Tech Level slowly, but surely slips backwards towards lower numbers. Governments tend towards either dictatorial or authoritarian rule or the “wisdom” of elders. This culture might be common in post holocaust communities where specialized knowledge and skills died with the “bomb.”

Roleplay: Character may have a “relationship” with any technological devices in his keeping, nurturing them along like a sick friend. He may also covet devices of higher Tech Levels, seeking to replace lost or damaged items in his own inventory.

Gifts & Legacies: A suit of light flexible, metallic body armor.

Social Status: Comfortable, Nobility

This is the middle class of any Culture, regardless of the Tech Level or average wealth of its citizens. These folk usually live in clean, nicely apportioned homes or apartments, often in better neighborhoods. They eat regularly and occasionally very well. Children are schooled and often go on to higher education. They usually own conservative forms of transport – a modest ground car or other inexpensive vehicle. Luxuries include travel vacations, good food, the ability to hire occasional menial services, nice clothing, and leisure devices. This class includes “impoverished” nobility, upper level office workers, professors and teachers, skilled craftsmen and technicians, highly-skilled laborers, lower govem ment officials, low-ranking military officers, lesser clergy, and shopkeepers.

Roleplay: Folk from this Social Status are considered to represent the mainstream of their Culture’s beliefs and attitudes.

Nobles:  Parents were High King/High Queen of Tribe/Group. Rules over lesser kings and/or queens, often an elected position.  Sphere of Influence: Local, influence limited to a country and its neighbors, either by control or reknown (fame).


Legitimate Birth, One Parent, Mother, Siblings & Birth Order: fourth of 4

Place of Birth: Colony World (at the fringe of civilization), Volcanic world; active volcanism everywhere. In a forest.

Significant Events of Childhood

Family throws an extravagant birthday party for the character. Everyone who is anyone attends. When all the gifts are recorded, one unusual gift stands alone without a card to say where it came from – a Neck Ring.

Significant Events of Childhood

Character teases and angers an old alien who allegedly puts a “curse” on him. {They say that it was this curse that caused the death of your mother and sisters}

Significant Events of Adolescence

The character enters military service. {A Barbarian War.  Sent away due to the fear of the curse}

Duties: Mercenaries – Ship Gunnery Mechanic. Combat Skills: Field repair of weapons and armor.

A fierce war breaks out. The situation is grim. All Noncombat troops are put in the field as light infantry. Enemy Forces are from a neighboring planet/land. The characters unit is in the thickest fighting for months and sees more action than most. Several battles occur.

Character is the only survivor of his unit.  {again some think because of the curse}

Character is captured and imprisoned. Military service ends with this event.  Low security luxury camp, for 2 years.  Character is placed in a work gang.

Because he was captured, the character is accused of dereliction of duty.

Significant Events of Adulthood

Character inherits property on another planet from a relative {High Queen}. Property: Swampland {Barbarian Space}


Parent 1: (Mother) (deceased)

Occupations: (HIGH QUEEN)

Noteworthy Items: NPC untimely dies. The deceased sacrificed his or her life – To save the character from death.

Sibling 1 (sister) (deceased):

Occupation: Landlord – owns property, rents it to others.

Noteworthy Items: NPC untimely dies. Victim killed during the commission of a crime. Someone killed the victim while committing a crime. She was being robbed.

Sibling 2 (sister):

Appearances: Body odor {different from the standard Gannok smell}. Character has a distinct odor. Smell may not be bad, but it is readily apparent.

Occupations: Research Scientist: Aerospace

Noteworthy Items: NPC is noted for his appearance. Hairless. No hair on head.

Sibling 3 (brother):

Occupation: Medical Engineer

Noteworthy Items: NPC is noted for an outstanding aspect of his personality. Emotionless: rarely shows emotions,

Noteworthy Items: NPC was affected by an exotic event which is spoken of often. The character’s home city is unavoidably doomed to destruction. Those in the know keep their knowledge secret, but prepare for their own escapes. The character participates in a secret project to both stop the rulers and let some or all of the city’s people escape the destruction. The character and his friends succeed in at least saving themselves. The catastrophe is averted by what can only be called a heavenly miracle.

GM Notes 5/1/2013

The Curse

This curse is always in the back of Gleek’s mind.  Too many people have died from being around him; for caring for him.  He seeks a shaman to lift the curse if he could find one.  But he is too afraid to ask, for some overly pious Church fanatic would burn him for being possessed by daemons.  For now, it lingers.  But every time someone dies in his party, he has to wonder if the curse has returned.

GM Notes 8/27/2014

Winging It

Gleek made contacts back at the port in Protos Adrian, working deals with various entities to help the Unwinged become winged again. It seemed that all it took was a little greasing of the social wheels and resources came available fairly easily. Those resources are now on reserve and a smuggler has been hired to bring them to the island once contact has been made with the proper factions on the Island of the Dead Eaters. It seemed entirely too easy to arrange this deal. It was as if the deal was waiting for some one to facilitate it.

The contact that supplied the resources explained that had friends within a underground engineering faction dealing in genetic engineered and cloaned organs. A second contact lined up the surgeons to graft these organs. A third arranged for the facilities and the smuggler to get all the items to a secluded island near the Isle of the Dead Eaters.

All three contacts game from one person – a human male named Herzil Cromerson. He indicated that his benefactor would like for Gleek contact the Golds only. He wants nothing to do with the Blacks.


2 Comments on “Gleek

  1. The Curse

    This curse is always in the back of Gleek’s mind.  Too many people have died from being around him; for caring for him.  He seeks a shaman to lift the curse if he could find one.  But he is too afraid to ask, for some overly pious Church fanatic would burn him for being possessed by daemons.  For now, it lingers.  But every time someone dies in his party, he has to wonder if the curse has returned.

  2. Winging It

    Grail, Island of the Dead Eaters

    Gleak made contacts back at the port in Protos Adrian, working deals with various entities to help the Unwinged become winged again. It seemed that all it took was a little greasing of the social wheels and resources came available fairly easily. Those resources are now on reserve and a smuggler has been hired to bring them to the island once contact has been made with the proper factions on the Island of the Dead Eaters. It seemed entirely too easy to arrange this deal. It was as if the deal was waiting for some one to facilitate it.

    The contact that supplied the resources explained that had friends within a underground engineering faction dealing in genetic engineered and cloaned organs. A second contact lined up the surgeons to graft these organs. A third arranged for the facilities and the smuggler to get all the items to a secluded island near the Isle of the Dead Eaters.

    All three contacts game from one person – a human male named Herzil Cromerson. He indicated that his benefactor would like for Gleak contact the Golds only. He wants nothing to do with the Blacks.