Jacob Marley, Esq. Board Game

From: Cheapass Games

Reviewed by: Ron McClung

Jacob Marley, Esq. Board Game is a new Board Game from Cheapass Games.

Jacob Marley, Esquire is an economic and financial game. In this board game, you are a clerk in young Jacob Marley’s investment firm, which lends money to needy people throughout the city of London. Marley has decided to elevate one lucky clerk to the status of friend. This means a partnership in Marley’s business, a handsome promotion, and Marley’s lifetime friendship. To make the most points with the boss, you must lend his money to the most trustworthy clients and stay away from the ones that will ruin you.

From the website:

“Jacob Marley is alive and well. And what’s more, he’s the boss of you.”

As a clerk in the investment firm, you are given an account of £12 to lend to various clients in London. Each turn, you move Marley through the streets of the city where he randomly affects the economy of London represented in the Economy Chart. After seeing what is going on in the street where Marley stopped, you make a decision on what to do. You might lend your money to a lawyer, a financial institution, or a petty criminal. Some clients are good, others are not.

From the website:

Jacob Marley, Esquire is a banking game with all the fun and excitement that implies. No, seriously, it’s good.”

Players gain money and points from loans they have sold, the Economy Chart and the space where Marley lands. The first player to earn 30 points wins the game. The strategy of the game is to earn money in the beginning and earn points towards the end.

In conclusion, I will be honest with you. I am not a huge fan of economic or financial games. However, I have to give Cheapass Games credit. This is an interesting game and well worth the money. I like Cheapass Games philosophy, even if I do not like a lot of their games. This game has an interesting flow and strategy to it. There is undoubtedly a fan base for these types of games because I see them all the time at the conventions I run. This is good game for those type of fans. It is one of the better ones.

For more details on Cheapass Games and their new Board Game “Jacob Marley, Esq. Board Game” check them out at their website http://www.cheapass.com and at all of your local game stores.

Jacob Marley, Esq. Board Game

From: Cheapass Games

Type of Game: Board Game

Written by: James Ernest

Contributing Authors: Cheapass Games

Game Design by: James Ernest

Developed by: James Ernest

Art by: Michael O’Connor

Number of Pages: 2 Page rule book

Game Components Included: Box containing Game boards (City Board and Economy Board) 60 Cards, and the rules

Game Components Not Included: One Pawn to represent Jacob Marley, ten colored counters for each player, six more counters, money, and a way to keep score.

Retail Price: $ 7.50 (US) Number of Players: 4-6 Play Time: 90 minutes

Website: www.cheapass.com

Reviewed by: Ron McClung