Lords of Creation Revised: Magic/Psychic System
Not entirely sure this was finished either or if stuff got lost in a crash, but this is some rough work to make Magic work in the SF/ZG system.
It has always been believed that magic & Psionics are related. The Lords of creation created these powers of mind and matter to give to certain chosen Mortals. As the Time Flow began to split off as a result of the Time Wars, the Lords saw that certain Mortals in certain worlds were depending more on technology than on magic, therefore, the Lords, not wanting to completely tear magic away from them, created psionics, a lesser division of magic. But the Psionic Mortals grew, and soon it became a Power all to itself.
Those whom are blessed with the power of magic are called wizards or druids. Wizards are the most knowledged and most powerful magic users the lords created, but this power does have its costs. Any wizards, after completing the initial stages of a Lesser Wizard, can split off into Speciality wizards( Demonoligist,Illusionist, Invoker, or Necromancer) or simply go on to a Higher Wizard. Druids or Druidic Priests, or Clerics, as sometimes they’re called, are magic users that draw their power from nature, the power that surrounds life itself. They are less skilled than the Wizards, for no other reason than they prefer to stay that way. They do not respect wizards and their “self gaining ways”. They believe that all wizards pursue selfish ends, where the Druidic ways are very unselfish,( and religious) and only life and nature gains from their work.
Professional Skills
Here is a list of skills available to the Druid at Professional Cost:
Animal Care(**)
Animal Taming(+)
Animal Training(+)
Body Speak(*+)
Entertainer: Music(**)
Entertainer: Story Telling(**)
Find Direction(+)
Languages: Arcane(**)
Languages: Old Tongue(**)
Magic Lore(**)
Magic Sense(**)
Read/Write Arcane
Read/Write Common
Read/Write Old Tongue
Rune Lore
Scroll Lore
Spell Casting: Druidic
Weapons: Mace
Weapons: Warstaff
Lesser Wizards
Skills available to Lesser Wizards at Professional Cost:
Find Direction(+)
Jewelry Making(**)
Languages: Arcane
Languages: Common
Magic Lore
Magic Sense
Mythos Lore
Ride Mount
Rune Lore
Scroll Lore
Spell Casting: Lesser Wizard
Spot Hidden
Weapons: Warstaff
Footnotes: (+)- In Zebulon’s Guide
(**)- In Fantasy Skill List
(*+)- In Zebulon’s Guide but subject to changes in Fantasy Skill List.
Casting Spells & Spell Casting Skills
To cast a spell, the character first must have the skill, listed as Spell Casting and followed by the type the magic can cast.(Lesser Wizard, druidic, and later, Demonoligist, Invoker, Illusionist, & Necromancer.) Once the character gains the skill, the character can buy Spells from the Spell List with Mental Points.( Note: Spell Casting has a Success rate of Automatic, although Spells have their own). Initially, a Character does not have any Mental Points to spend to get his first spells. The Initial Amount of Mental Points is equal to:
(Power + Magic/Psychic Ability)/5
Like professional and Non-Professional Skills, every casting has a Specialty and Non-Specialty Cost. These costs are in Mental Points. Specialties are Druid, Lesser Wizard, Higher Wizard, Necromancer, Demonoligist, Illusionist, and, Invoker. Like the Professional/Non-Professional Cost Table on page 9 in Zebulon’s Guide, here is the Specialty/Non-Specialty Skill Cost Table:
Spell Level | Specialty Cost | Non-Specialty Cost |
1 | 2 | 6 |
2 | 4 | 12 |
3 | 6 | 18 |
4 | 8 | 24 |
5 | 10 | 30 |
6 | 12 | 36 |
7 | 14 | 42 |
8 | 16 | 48 |
The reason for the high Costs is because the rules are trying to keep characters within they’re Specialty, but make it not impossible to splurge a little and go out.
Maximum Amount of Spells
To avoid over-powerful magic-users, the GM may enforce the Maximum Spell rule, which gives the maximum amount of spells a character can have (see Formula Below)
Maximum # of Spell= (Power)-{(100-LOG)/10}
Minimum Casting Cost
Every Spell has a Minimum Casting Cost (MCC), which represents the Minimum amount of Magic/Psychic Ability the character can invest in casting the particular spell. But the character can invest more if he prefers. The character must state how much of his M/P (Magic/Psychic) Ability he wishes to allocate in the beginning of the game turn.
Note About Zebulon’s Guide Mentalist and Casting Cost: The Star Frontier’s Mentalist does not list a casting cost for it Disciplines. For purposes of this game, the Minimum Casting Cost will be the Level of the Discipline, and any extra will be added to increase the effects of the Discipline (Increase range, or damage or number affected).
A magic-user’s Level is based on his M/P Ability, which is increased by Mental Points. Each Specialty (Druid, Lesser wizard, etc) has its own Level table.
Before anything else, the character’s M/P Ability must be regenerated back to its Maximum Level, then the character can increase it with Mental Points, or acquire more spells.
Also M/P Ability is raised when spells reach a certain level.(See table below)
Spell Level | Additional Mental points |
3 | 1d10 |
6 | 2d6 |
8 | 2d10 |
Explanation: When Any spell reaches 3rd level, the character can add 1 to 10 points to his M/P Ability, and so on.
Druid Spells
These are spells available to Druids at Specialty Cost:
Befriend Animal
Cure: Disease
Cure: Infection
Cure: Poison
Dry Powers: Decompose
Heal: Heavy Wounds
Heal:Light Wounds
Heal: Severed Limb
Shape Change
Storm Powers: Hail
Summon Horde
Swamp slime
Druid Levels
Level | M/P Ability |
1 | 0-45 |
2 | 46-75 |
3 | 76-110 |
4 | 111-165 |
5 | 165-200 |
6 | 201-250 |
Lower Wizard Spells
Flame Powers: Fire Darts
Heal: Light Wound
Light Powers: Create Light
Light Powers:Flash
Light Powers: Eliminate Light
Protection Aura
Read Intent
Sound Powers: Noise
Sound Powers:Screech
Sound Powers: Thunder
Sound Powers: Voice
Wind Powers: Blast
Wind Powers: Dust Devil
Zone Powers: Cold
Zone Powers: Silence
Zone Powers: Warmth
“There is Power in Death, as there is in Life” (Quote from The Book of the Wiseman,Nor the Long Man). A Necromancer is the type of wizard that delves into the power in death. As life and the balance of everything has power, so does death. A Necromancer harnesses that power, which is not easy to do. Usually, Demonologist and Necromancer are side by side in the most costly category; costly of Sanity, Power, and Stamina. necromancers can create, control, and destroy Undead (Vampires, Ghouls,Mummies, Zombies, and Skeletons Warriors) and any other type of Living Dead. Necromancers, on the other hand, do not control Ethereal Undead (Ghosts, Phantoms, Spectres etc) This level of existence was not allowed accessible by magical ways(See Psychic Medium).
Necromancer Skills
Spell Casting: Necromancer
Necromancer Spells
Control: Undead
Curse of the Undead
Death Powers: Dead Stop
Death Powers: Decay
Death Powers: Touch of Death
Death Powers: Wind of Death
Destroy Undead
Dispel: Undead
Dry Powers: Dehydration
Dry Powers: Disintegrate
Dry Powers: Touch of Dust
Raise Dead
Summon: Undead
Modern Psionics
In the modern world, the Lords, and the Gods have blessed certain individuals with seemingly magical powers, like telepathy, telekinesis, etc. But these are actually what are called Psionic Powers, or powers that spawn from the mind; no ingredients or mystic chanting to unseen dieties. This is the power of the human mind alone. Mentalist is an example, and is available as a Psionic specialty in the modern setting, as well as the Science Fiction setting (Star Frontiers). The other Psionic specialty is Psychic Medium , which is explained below.
Psychic Medium Skills
The Psychic Medium can choose any profession under the Modern setting to be skilled under.
Psychic Medium
Psychic Mediums are the channels for the Mortals to the Ethereal Plane. They can communicate to Living Souls of dead Mortals, Ethereal Undead which are those living Souls that still walk this existence for their own reasons (Unfinished quest, or unavenged murder. Examples are ghost, Specter, Phantom.). They go beyond the curtain of death. The body dies and rots for eternity, but the soul lives on in the Ethereal Plane, in its own existence (Heaven or Hell).
Psychic Mediums are people too. A Psychic Medium can choose one of the modern professions, and still have his Powers. Along with the Powers listed below, the Psychic Medium character can also choose a limited amount of enlightened one disciplines in the Mentalist Discipline list.( See Zebulon’s Guide for th list) This limited amount is equal to: Log/10 in Disciplines
Note: For M/P Ability Cost see Note on Zebulon’s Mentalist
Psychic Medium Levels
Level | M/P Ability |
1 | 0-45 |
2 | 46-75 |
3 | 76-105 |
4 | 106-135 |
5 | 136-180 |
6 | 181-215 |
7 ; | 216-245 |
8 | 246-285 |
Psychic Medium Powers (or Disciplines)
Banish Ethereal Undead
Banish Portal
Communicate with Soul
Contact Soul
Create Portal
Ethereal Protection
Sense Communication
Sense Ethereal Undead
Sense Portal
Summon: Ethereal Undead