Lyianna Kennirunlin

High Elf Wizard | Owner/Captain (Played by Stephanie M.) |
Cusarielle the Tressym familiar.
Born of a water world called Connarilia in the Elven Core, among a population of eccentric high elves that embraced most modern technologies but still appear as if they were in the middle ages. Her family consists of four siblings and her parents. Lyianna was born with a twin but was told that she died at birth.
Her father was a soldier for the Elven Army of her world, which served the Dragon Empire from time to time. During a particular nasty war, her father returned changed, never to be the same again,. He was violent and abusive to those beneath him (but never his family) and obsessed with revenge for some unspoken wrong. After serving in the miliary, he became a spacer, piloting whatever the market would provide him. Be would bring along his children as crew, especially Lyianna who seemed to be a natural pilot and spacer.
Her mother was a healer and a house wife. She provided various potions for the clan. However, she too had military experience in the same war and seems to know a lot about what her father experienced, but rarely spoke of it.
Lyianna had 4 other siblings – two brother and two sisters. She remains in contact with them from time to time. Glorandal the oldest brother followed his fathers footsteps and became a solder but found it did not suit him. Instead, he became a gunmen for hire. Her sister Tanila works for the corporations as a botanist and terraformer but has a gambling problem that the entire family knows about. Her other sister Imra stayed on homeworld and works as a fishmen and sailor for the local clans. And her youngest brother Tannatar owns a local tavern on homeworld and also deals in exotic pets. This is where Lyianna got Cusarielle.
As part of her clan tradition, when the oldest of the family reaches a certain age, they must go through a ritual that sends the young elf deep into the forest of her home island for a month, where she becomes one with the land, the animals and the planet itself. She was gone for a month and the entire time, she felt she was only one with the stars, never the planet. While there, she wrote poetry about the stars and flying among them.
When she returned, she had learned that she had inherited a ship from a distant relative from another world. This ship – The Lost Legacy – was to be hers once she was old enough to captain it. No other explanation was given. She would sleep in it as often as her parents would let her. It was during these times that she finally discovered that the ship had it’s own magically implanted intelligence and she commonly conversed with it. However, this intelligence insisted that she kept it a secret.