

The first n’sss encountered appeared to be a remorseless warrior species completely integrated with similar technology that created both the kroath and the magus.  A n’sss  is contained within a bio-engineered pod that stands 8 to 12 feet tall and weighs 800 to 1,200 pounds. It maneuvers about on a dozen powerful bio-metal tentacles that afford it considerable speed. These pods come in a variety of forms according to their function.   Primarily, heavily armed and armored battle pods have been encountered, typically defending other pods as the latter go about their business.  These other pods are commonly dedicated to scientific research and has delicate extensions designed to surgically take samples of different flora and fauna.

Inside the pods are the N’sss true form – a specific alien (unlike the kroath) from some unknown gas planet (perhaps a gas giant).  They are about 4 feet long and weighing only 16 pounds, its body is composed of several inflated gas cells that provide structure and rigidity, but look like fine gossamer.  They’re hydrogen breathers that combine insect and coelenterate jellyfish features.  A dozen long, delicate tentacles dangle from the creature’s thorax, allowing it to manipulate small objects with ease.  Two enormous blue eyes provide a hint to the location of the creature’s head.

The first recorded encounter with this mysterious external species occurred along the Xagyg Dust Nebula more than 50 years ago during the Sathar War.  Reports of a series of lightning raids against isolated outposts near Fleet Point Baus S916 were recorded for a period of three standard weeks.  Then, abruptly the raids stopped.  At the time, it was believed that the attacks were Sathar related, as they commonly used war beasts to attack the Frontier. Later, when the evidence was studied, the technology was found to be clearly of unknown and alien origin, and nothing remotely like Sathar technology.

Science Pod


Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor
d6 d12 d10 d6 d6
Pace Parry Toughness
6 9 (3)


Athletics Common Knowledge Notice Persuasion Stealth
d6 d6 d6 d4 d4
Electronics d8, Fighting d4, Hacking d8, Repair d8, Science d8, Shooting d6


Edges: –

Special Abilities

  • Tentacles: An N’sss scientists may make up to two attacks each round. On a raise, the creature has grappled the victim.  An entangled victim may only attempt an opposed Strength roll each round to escape. Once grappled, the N’sss scientists does its Str+d4 damage automatically by crushing. The N’sss scientists will not killed kill a victim however. Each tentacle is Toughness 14 (6).
  • Bioorganic Armor: A N’sss scientists armor is an extension of its body. As such, it imposes no armor penalties of any kind, despite its apparent bulk. When damaged, the armor automatically secretes a chemical that closes holes and effects repairs. If the kroath is rendered unconscious or reduced below 0 hit points, its armor releases a powerful acid that completely decomposes the N’sss scientists, armor and all, in 1 round. Any other creature touching the N’sss scientist during this round takes 3d6 points of acid damage. After the N’sss scientists has been reduced to its component chemicals, the acid becomes inert.  The Armor adds +3 to the N’sss scientists Toughness.
  • Size +2
  • Immunities: A N’sss scientists is immune to mind-affecting effects. Their pods also grant them immunity to detrimental atmospheric effects, such as gas, smoke, pressure, or lack of oxygen.
  • Environmental Weakness: A N’sss scientists cannot exist outside it’s pod when in human-normal atmosphere.  Each hour they spend in that kind of atmosphere, they must make a Vigor check -4 or take a wound.


Render Pistol: (Damage: 2d8.  Range: 20/40/80.  AP 2) A render pistol fires a spray of metallic needles. It can be fired ten times before reloading. Its reload ammo consists of a solid block of metal that has not yet been identified by human scientists.

Neural Blade: (Damage: STR+d8, Stun) A neural blade cuts like a sword but disrupts the target’s mind as well. Any creature that takes damage from the neural blade must make a successful Vigor check -2 or be stunned for 1 round.


Battle Pod


Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor
d8 d8 d8 d12 d8
Pace Parry Toughness
8 14 (8)


Athletics Common Knowledge Notice Persuasion Stealth
d10 d4 d8 d4 d8
Fighting d8, Hacking d4, Repair d4, Science d4, Shooting d12


Edges: –

Special Abilities

  • Tentacles: An N’sss warrior may make up to four attacks each round. On a raise, the creature has grappled the victim.  An entangled victim may only attempt an opposed Strength roll each round to escape. Once grappled, the N’sss warrior does its Str+d6 damage automatically by crushing. The N’sss warrior will reand and tear a grappled victim until it is torn in half. Each tentacle is Toughness 16 (8).
  • Bioorganic Armor: A N’sss warrior armor is an extension of its body. As such, it imposes no armor penalties of any kind, despite its apparent bulk. When damaged, the armor automatically secretes a chemical that closes holes and effects repairs. If the kroath is rendered unconscious or reduced below 0 hit points, its armor releases a powerful acid that completely decomposes the kroath, armor and all, in 1 round. Any other creature touching the kroath during this round takes 3d6 points of acid damage. After the kroath has been reduced to its component chemicals, the acid becomes inert.  The Armor adds +8 to the N’sss Toughness.
  • Size +3
  • Camouflage: N’sss warrior possess technology that distorts their forms, granting them one-half concealment (+4 to Stealth). This ability is always active and works even if a n’sss is observed with low-light vision, darkvision, or nightvision goggles.
  • Regeneration: A N’sss warrior heals damage quickly. It may make a natural healing roll once per day (rather than every five days). Permanent injuries may be recovered once all other Wounds are regenerated. Treat each injury as an additional Wound for purposes of recovery (the being may try once per week).
  • Immunities: A N’sss warrior is immune to mind-affecting effects. Their pods also grant them immunity to detrimental atmospheric effects, such as gas, smoke, pressure, or lack of oxygen.
  • Environmental Weakness: A N’sss warrior cannot exist outside it’s pod when in human-normal atmosphere.  Each hour they spend in that kind of atmosphere, they must make a Vigor check -4 or take a wound


Render Rifle: (Damage: 2d10.  Range: 20/40/80.  AP 4)  A render rifle is a larger version of the render pistol. It  can be fired ten times before reloading.

Cluster Rocket: (Damage: 4d6.  Range: 70/140/280.  AP 4) Cluster rockets are grenade like rockets fired from a large bulge on the side of an n’sss pod. They explode in a 20-foot-radius burst, dealing damage to any creatures in the area. A cluster rocket port can be fired three times before reloading.

Neural Blade: (Damage: STR+d8, Stun) A neural blade cuts like a sword but disrupts the target’s mind as well. Any creature that takes damage from the neural blade must make a successful Vigor check -2 or be stunned for 1 round.

My Notes

These are obviously inspired by Martians from War of the Worlds.  I have used these in the past in d20 Future.  They are pretty stacked though.  I thought it best, after reading through both sources to split up the Scientists and the Warrior.