Boss Ogron

Boss Ogron

Male Human

Psionic Vampire (Leek) – Life drainer

BOss of Volkos and the Mindwalkers of the PaleRank: Veteran (9 advancements)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d4

Skills: Academics: d4, Athletics: d4, Battle: d4, Common Knowledge: d4, Fighting: d6, Intimidation: d6, Notice: d6, Persuasion: d4, Psionics: d8, Science: d6, Shooting: d6, Stealth: d6, Survival: d4, Taunt: d4

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 9(5)

Strain: 4/4

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Ruthless (major)

Edges: Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance, Hard to Kill, New Powers, New Powers, New Powers, Power Points, Power Surge

Armor: Body Armor, Kevlar helmet, Leather Jacket

Language: Native Language (Native)

Arcane Background: Psionics (SWADE p148)

Total Powers: 3

Power Points: 15 / 15

Powers: Life Burst (Burst; SWADE p157), Fear (SWADE p161), Puppet (SWADE p166), Protection (Arcane Protection; SWADE p148), Life Drain (Drain Power Points; SWADE p159-160), Darksight (Darksight; SWADE p157), Life Manipulation (Elemental Manipulation; SWADE p160), Life Bolt (Bolt; SWADE p156), Life Blast (Blast; SWADE p155-156)


  1. Edge: New Powers
  2. Edge: Power Surge
  3. Edge: New Powers
  4. Raise Attribute: Smarts
  5. Raise Attribute: Strength
  6. Edge: New Powers
  7. Raise Attribute: Smarts
  8. Edge: Arcane Resistance
  9. Raise Skills: Fighting/Science

Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Science Fiction Companion
Setting Rules: Unarmored Hero, Born a Hero, Cyberware (w/Strain)
Setting Skill Points: 15

Pyokinetics lead by Boss Pyro, they look like undead burn victims in gas masks. The reside in a section of the asylum near the power generation and engineering sections. It has collapsed and the natural gas veins they used for power continue to burn.

Boss Pyro

Boss Pyro is a humanoid female from a high-G line of humanoids. She has injected herself with crystalline particles that now enhance her pyrokinetics.

Female Human

Rank: Veteran (8 advancements)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8

Skills: Athletics: d4, Common Knowledge: d4, Fighting: d6, Intimidation: d6, Notice: d6, Persuasion: d4, Piloting: d4, Psionics: d10, Shooting: d6, Stealth: d4, Survival: d4, Taunt: d8

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 8(2)

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Impulsive

Edges: Arcane Background, Berserk, New Powers, New Powers, Power Points, Power Surge, Quick, Strong Willed

Armor: Kevlar Riding Jacket, Kevlar Riding Jeans

Weapons: Knife/Dagger (Str+d4), Unarmed (Natural Attack, Str), Uzi (9mm) (2d6, 12/24/48, AP 1, ROF 3, Two Hands)

Gear: Cellular Phone, Clothing, Casual

Wealth: $355

Languages: Galactic Basic (Native)

Arcane Background: Psionics (SWADE p148)
Total Powers: 7
Power Points: 15 / 15
Powers: Bolt (SWADE p156), Damage Field (SWADE p157), Environmental Protection (SWADE p161), Deflection (SWADE p157-158), Blast (SWADE p155-156), Fly (SWADE p161-162), Barrier (SWADE p155)

Edge: Quick
Edge: Power Surge
Raise Attribute: Smarts
Edge: New Powers
Raise Skills: Taunt/Piloting
Edge: Power Points
Edge: Strong Willed
Edge: New Powers

NOTE: Her Berserk adds a damage bonus to her fire-based Powers as well (Blast, Bolt, Damage Field) at the cost of maybe 1 PP per round.

She looks like she’s on fire when she’s Berserk.