Missed Dues (Savage Bloodshadows)

Missed Dues (Savage Bloodshadows)

I am converting the CoC adventure Missed Dues to Bloodshadows setting using Savage Worlds rules – yes, not only am I converting the system but also the setting. While the feel will still remain mysterious and investigative, there will be some place I can insert the setting to make it different. The Gangster aspect of the adventure plays well in the Bloodshadows. Of all the games out there, CoC is the easiest game to convert to Bloodshadows.


The setting is going to change from Arkham to Galatia. Locations will be shifted based on locations that make more sense in Galatia. I think it will be primarily based out of Esler but maybe a little in the Seer’s Quarter or Frenzy. Miskatonic University and the Museum will be new locations there.

  • The University of Galitia – The Seer’s Quarter is home to the University of Galitia, one of the leading vocational universities on Marl. It is also home to a major research center studying the God War and ancient artifacts of that era.
  • University Museum of History – Located on the edge of the Seer’s Quarter and Canons, it is the one of the centers of research into the God War and pre-God War history on Marl.

The O’Bannon Gang

In the world of Bloodshadows, the O’Bannons are a small syndicate that has territory in portions of Esler, Hesen, most of Frenzy and southern Seer’s Quarter. They have various criminal operations that infiltrate South Esler and sometimes into Vrenthar. They primarily operate as an extortion racket, taking cuts from the various business in their territory for protection. When these business don’t pay, they arrange for a citizen of Frenzy to be released in their vicinity.

Few know that the O’Bannon are actually a ancient Breed of near-humans crossed with an ancient extinct (as far as they know) Fae race called the Sidhe. Internally, they called themselves Na’sidhe. They have a strong aptitude for magic and have a severe hatred for vampires. They are also a very long-lived race. They are a very persuasive species, with a strong empathic aura. The Na’sidhe are also very spiritual and are followers of a ancient faith called the Thu’Atha’a. There are temples to this cult through the O’Bannon territory.

  • Mordecai “The Hammer” O’Leary – A fairly young Na’Sidhe, O’Leary is a lieutenant to O’Bannon clan that covers large swath of eastern Esler. He is a second cousin to O’Bannon himself. The Hammer is ruthless and some believe mildly psychotic. His partner “Nails” is equally savage.
  • “Nails” O’Keefe – Nails is a large Na’Sidhe with pale hairless skin. Many mistake him for a Vampire.

Territory will be a big theme in the adventure because of all the other criminal factions

  • Arle
  • Flowers
  • Esmer
  • Kendall

I primarily pitted the O’Bannon’s against the Vampire Arle.


Sean “Hopeful” Doyle

Broad face, thick-set eyes with heavy brows. “One day I wanna be the boss, but no one listens to me! Gotta earn my place and do whatever it takes.” Grandma always said you were special. The picture of her with a Hugor gave you a concern that maybe you were not the kind of special you thought you were.

You are from Selastos, the city on the other end of the Selastos-Galitia Gate.  You were a member of an rival syndicate to the O’Bannon Syndicate in Selastos, but unfortunately inexplicably forced out by your boss.  There was something he did not like about you, and he put a hit on you.  You escaped and joined their rival in Galitia. 

Joined the outfit recently, you, along with Mr. Murphy and Mr. Grady, were involved in a smuggling operation into Esler that did not turn out too good. You lost the truckload of illegal magically laced liquor to the Sentinels. It was a big haul and to lose something like that could get you killed. But you stuck around to face the music.

Significant People: “My grand mar, god rest her soul- what would she think about the life I’m living?!” – Meaningful Locations: “Grand mar’s grave in Starkwood Cemetery” – Treasured Possession: “Grandmar’s breadknife, still cuts as good as it used to.”

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d8+1, Vigor d6

Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Tough: 6

Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Focus d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Thievery d8

Hindrances: Ugly (Minor, Sean is not the best-looking guy), Driven (Major, Wants to be a mob boss and will do anything to prove it.  He is always doing crazy things to get noticed.), Thin-Skinned (Minor, Sean is real sensitive and any slight against him might make him snap.)

Edges: Arcane Background: Gifted (Everyone on Marl knows some magic in some fashion or another.), Brute , First Strike

Powers: Protection

Equipment: Bread Knife (+d6 damage If used against something that is trying to hurt Sean. Grand Mother’s spirit), .22 Delken Auto

Eddie ‘Lurch’ Kelly

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 5

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Focus d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Thievery d6

Hindrances: Impulsive (Major), Code of Honor (Major)

Edges: Arcane Background: Gifted (Everyone on Marl knows some magic in some fashion or another.), Steady Hands, Combat Reflexes

Powers: Mind Link (Sister Only), Detect Arcana

Equipment: .38 Gelvash Revolver, Rune Rounds (2d6 + Spell DMG, Spell: Electric Bolt (VIG-1 or Stun), 6 slugs ), Enchanmted Gloves (+1 to Theivery when lockpicking)

Gaunt looking, high cheek bones and thin lips.

Lurch thought it was a sweet job – a new bank on the corner of Halston and Broad. He and his sister were too eager. Wendy said she was going to ask permission from the boss before they pulled it off. Bossman Hammer is going to be pissed!

Ideology/Beliefs: “Gotta be tough in this life to get along. Look after your kin and to hell with the rest.” Casual Holy Star believer.
Significant People: “My sister, Wendy, who’s never let me down.” Treasured Possessions “My father’s lucky pocket watch, the day I lose it is the day I run out of luck.”

Wendy ‘No Nonsense’ Kelly

Larger build, dark curly hair, dresses like a man. “No one’s gonna give you a break so take what you can. Look after your kin and to hell with the rest.”

Wendy thought it was a sweet job – a new bank on the corner of Halston and Broad. She and her brother were too eager. Lurch said he was going to ask permission from the boss before they pulled it off. Bossman Hammer is going to be pissed!

Significant People: My twin brother, Eddie, who’s never let me down. Meaningful Locations: The sun set while sitting on the Docks off Dunwich Street. Treasured Possessions: My trusty shotgun, I never leave home without it.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 5

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Taunt d4, Thievery d6

Hindrances: Mean (Minor), Code of Honor (Major), Greedy  (Minor)

Edges: Arcane Background: Gifted (Everyone on Marl knows some magic in some fashion or another.), Alertness, Streetwise

Powers: Mind Link (Brother Only), Conceal Arcana

Equipment: Enchanted Knife (d4+STR+special, Decay: (only living) + d4 for 3Rounds), Rune Shells (DMG + 2d4, Spell: Fire mini-bolt, 6 total), Enchanted Trench (+1 Armor), Thunder 12G Shotgun

Marty “Pug” O’Connor

Looks of a boxer, broken nose, cauliflower ears, cropped curly blond hair. “I ain’t into learning nor thinking,
I’m best at doing. Most folk have bigger brains than me, so best to do what they say and have a quiet life.”

You have worked hard to hide your true nature from the O’Bannon syndicate but one job that the Hammer sent you on went bad. Pug was supposed to scare a guy and the next thing he knew, the guy was shredded. Hammer is going to be pissed! Maybe he won’t use silver bullets.

That night changed everything. The guy you were supposed to rough up suddenly turned into a wolf and attacked. The bite hurt but healed fast. You thought nothing of it, until the next full moon. Lycantropes are hunted, you know that at least. You have to keep it secret or risk taking a silver bullet from the sentinels.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 5

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Taunt d4, Thievery d6

Hindrances: Clueless (Major), Bloodthirsty (Major)

Edges: Arcane Background: Gifted (Everyone on Marl knows some magic in some fashion or another.), Berserk, Brawny

Powers: Damage Field (Fists only)

Equipment: Enchanted Boxing Gloves (Stun/Wild Att., Enchanted: VIG-2or Stun on Wild Att.), 12-G Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun

Pug’s Werewolf (Were-Pug?)

Note: Pug has learned that it is more than just to full moon that can make the wolf come out of him.  When Pug enters into Berserk, there is a risk of “wolfing out”.  Each turn Pug remains in Berserk and kills an enemy (draw mortal blood), he must make a Spirit check or the change occurs.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10+2, Intimidation d10, Notice d12, Stealth d10, Survival d10

Pace: 8; Parry: 9; Toughness: 8

Special Abilities: Bite/Claws (Str+d8), Fast Regeneration, Fear (−2), Infection, Infravision

Wesley “Smooth”‘ O’Grady

Slicked-back hair, wide smile, old eyes. “I should be the boss, O’Leary is a fool and incompetent -I’ll show him up one day and prove my value to O’Bannion…”

You are secretly a Na’Sidhe, an ancient immortal race that they say are half-fey and half-human.  They are tolerated but fear the Powers That Be enough to keep their existence secret.  You also know that they entire O’Bannon syndicate are Na’Sidhe.  Na’Sidhe also have a strong hatred of Vampires.

Along with Mr. Murphy and Mr. Doyle, you were involved in a smuggling operation into Esler that did not turn out too good. You lost the truckload of illegal magically laced liquor to the Sentinels. It was a big haul and to lose something like that could get you killed. But you stuck around to face the music.

Your sister was gunned down by accident by a shooter that was aiming for you. You suspect it was O’Leary or one of his thugs and you are searching for absolution for it. You are considered a low level magic user and the Syndicate has it’s own Mage guild.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 6

Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Healing d4, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d6

Hindrances: Vengeful (Major), Arrogant (Major), Enemy (Vampires)

Edges: Arcane Background: Magic, Streetwise, Attractive, Low-Light Vision

Powers: Fire-Bolt, Entangle, Empathy, Boost/Lower Traits

Equipment: Enchanted Coat (+2 Armor), Enchanted Tie (used in Entangle), .32 Delken Revolver

Keiran “The Hat” Murphy

Mouse-like face, thin but always sharply dressed. Staring eyes and a humorless demeanor. Always wears a hat no matter what. “I’ll do anything to get to the top -I ‘d even sell my own mother if it would help. Got to look good for the boss and eventually, he’ll promote me.

Along with Mr. O’Grady and Mr. Doyle, you were involved in a smuggling operation into Esler that did not turn out too good. You lost the truckload of illegal magically laced liquor to the Sentinels. It was a big haul and to lose something like that could get you killed. But you stuck around to face the music.

As a child, you were once possessed by a demon. The cleric that exorcised you died in the attempt but successfully banished the creature elsewhere – or so you were told. You still have nightmares about it, some very vivid.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 6

Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Taunt d6, Thievery d4

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Mean (Minor), Ruthless (Minor)

Edges: Arcane Background: Gifted (Everyone on Marl knows some magic in some fashion or another.), Charismatic, Connections (Newspapers, police)

Powers: Smite

Equipment: Enchanted Hat (+1 to Focus), Enchanted Coat (+2 Armor), .32 Delken Auto


Modified the handouts to reflect the setting. The newspaper clippings should be the first thing to go out. Don’t even bother letting the players think about it. Saves time.


To break this adventure down into a one shot, there basically needed to be one minor combat and one major. And no more than 3 investigative encounters. Splitting up in the beginning would work but they begin to turn over rocks, more snakes will come out.

  1. Investigation into the “Sticky Jack” Fulton and the 3 items he took. This should but simple encounters and may even be quick encounters in some instances. Make one encounter something interesting.
    • I had the first encounter take place in a version of the bar mentioned in the adventure (The Northside Speakeasy – renamed to just the Northside Bar). I made it clear that this bar was in disputed territory between the O’Bannons and the gang lead by the Vampire Arle. However, there was also a meeting between two Mob factions. All they see for now is agents of Arle meeting in the bar, which is a concern because they are in disputed territory.
  2. Once they have the information about the stolen items, and the location of Jack’s apartment, an encounter with the cult has to happen to let them know a third party is involved. Out of this, they could learn that the cult is looking for their missing members. More importantly, they can learn that the cult is the third party that Jack is working for.
  3. The Apartment – This really doesn’t change much.