Mole Men of Criticorum

Medium Changed Humanoid
Race: Changed
CR 3
Hit Dice: 4d8+9 (27)
AC: 14 ( base 10, Dex +1, Nat Armor +3)
Initiative: +1 (+4 underground)
Speed: 30 ft
Base Attack: +4/+4
Attacks – Melee: +7/+1 (Claws 1d6+6, bite 1d4+2)
Attack – Ranged: +5
Full Attack: Claws, +7/+1 1d4+3. Bite +7/+1
Face/Reach: (normal medium humanoid)
Special Attack: Claws, Fangs, Highbreed version have the Crystal Attack .
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Tunneling (30ft), Claws, Fangs, Carapace Armor (+3 to AC)
Abilities & Saves:
Str | 16 (+3) | Int | 10 (0) | Fort | +8 |
Dex | 13 (+1) | Wis | 8 (-1) | Ref | +4 |
Con | 17 (+3) | Cha | 6 (-2) | Wil | +1 |
Skills: (GM Discretion)
Feats: (GM Discretion)