My MACE 2017 Schedule
Fri 8 pm – 12 am: Shatterzone
Xenos Alpha
I play tested this at RonCon. I am not sure how well this is going to go. I never ran SZ at a Con because of its complexities. I am going to try my best to nail those down and avoid book diving, but it may be inevitable. I have a decent table and may get more at the con. We’ll see.
Sat 8 pm – 12 am: Savage Reich Star
Ice Station Schatzgräber (SSN)
Looking forward to this. It has been a while since I ran this. I plan to modify it a little to shorten the game. But this is so fun.
Sun 9 am – 1 pm: Star Trek: Ascendancy
First time playing with the two new expansions.
Sun 2 pm – 6 pm: Scythe
Finishing the weekend out with a simpel game of Scythe.