New Feats for Babylon 5 RPG

New Feats for Babylon 5 RPG

I felt that B5 RPG 2nd Edition was lacking in some of the standard feats that comes with d20. Meanwhile, theWars RPG had the feats I was looking for. So I converted them to B5, using the Action point system for some of them.

Wars RPG Feats converted to B5 RPG 2nd Edition PDF available in here.

I have also added to the list feats from other B5 sources with reference to where the full description can be found.

Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting

You are a true combat master, able to swipe with a melee weapon in one hand while blasting away with a gun in the other, or wielding two katanas to create a whirling field of monomolecular-edged death.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: You gain a third attack with your offhand weapon, at a 10 penalty. This feat also allows you to use a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the other (but the ranged weapon must still be Small).

AI Psychology

You are familiar with the strange, complex and inhuman logic processes of an artificial intelligence.Prerequisites: Computer Use 8 ranks, Knowledge (technology) 5 ranks, Int 15.

Benefit: With this feat, you are able to use your Computer Use skill to attempt to effect a change in an Ais systems.

Normal: Affecting an Ais systems is impossible without the intuitive understanding that comes with this feat.

Autofire Proficiency

You are skilled at using weapons in burst fire mode, you penalty for that attack is reduced..

Prerequisite: Weapons Proficiency in applicable weapons group

Benefit: Firing any personal firearm on automatic, in a burst fire attack, you penalty for the 3 attacks is reduced to -4.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a 6 penalty attack rolls made with automatic personal firearms set on burst fire.

Special: You can take this feat a second time to reduce the penalty to -2..


You are so tough that many enemies have a hard time wounding you.

Prerequisite: Constitution 13.

Benefit: Once per combat round, you may spend an Action Point to attempt to block an enemys attack. You must be aware of your enemy in order for this feat to function and you must be aware that he is about to attack you. Make a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to the enemys attack roll. If you are, successful, you gain Damage Reduction 5 against the attack. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you gain Damage Reduction 10 against the attack. You may not use both Block and Dodge in the same round.

Burst Fire

You are uncannily accurate with burst fire weapons and can train a solid burst onto just one target. *

Prerequisites: Weapons Proficiency in applicable weapons group

Benefit: When using an rapid fire firearm in burst fire mode, you penalty for the attacks is reduced to -4.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a 6 penalty attack rolls made with rapid fire personal firearms set on burst fire.

Special: You can take this feat a second time to reduce the penalty to -2..

Breachpoint Freak (General)

You live for the rush of stepping over that magseal into hostile territory, those first few seconds of smoke and PPG fire is your bread and butter. You are at your best when breaching.

Prerequisite: Breaching Marine level 2 or higher

Benefit: You gain a +2 to all Initiative checks and Saving Throws during the first five rounds of any breaching/boarding action into hostile territory.


When one foe falls, you may immediately attack another.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack.

Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage in melee combat to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below zero hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.

Close-In Shot

You can use a pistol in melee combat without penalty.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Pistol Fighter.

Benefit: You are sufficiently facile with a pistol that you can use one even when someone is attempting to beat you bloody with his fists or eviscerate you with a sword, without exposing yourself to additional attacks.If you have this feat, you may use a pistol weapon without penalty.

Normal: You suffer a -4 penalty to use a pistol with someone in melee range .


Been there, done that there is no situation in which you are not completely sure of yourself.

Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on all Diplomacy and Bluff checks and on checks to resist Intimidation.

Cover Identity

You have a second identity which you can use for some dealings.

Benefit: You have a second identity, complete with forged identification, documents and so on. This identity is usually fairly innocuous; the equivalent of a man on the street, but it allows you to interact in ways which would be problematic if done in your own name. The cover identity is of someone in your own faction and species. An Investigate (DC 18 + your related Influence) check is required to penetrate the cover identity. If you have the disguise focus for Persuasion, this DC increases to 23. Any bonuses which you have from Famous or Infamous do not apply to the cover identity. The cover identity has a Reputation score equal to any value from zero to one less than your own. This must be chosen when this feat is selected.

Special: You may have more than one cover identity. Each time this feat is taken a second cover is created.


Prerequisites: Medical 4+, Technical (electronics) 4+

Benefit: This feat can be taken multiple times. With each instance, you can do the following things:

1st – Light Cyberrepair: You can quickly repair minor damage to cybernetic limbs, removing 1d6 points of damage. This takes a full round of work and exposes the engineer to free attacksYou must have a toolkit. This can be applied only once to the same person or bot per day.

2nd – Moderate Cyberrepair: You can quickly repair significant damage to cybernetic limbs, removing 2d6 points of damage. This takes a full round of work and exposes you to free attacks. You must have a toolkit. This can be applied only once to the same person per day.

Special: After the second instance, if you also has the Medical skill ranks 6+ and the Surgery feat, you can add or replace cybernetic parts. If he lacks these, but is assisting someone else who has them, the person he is assisting is treated as having this ability.

Normal: Anyone attempting to add or repair cybernetic limbs without this ability suffers a 8 modifier to the Medical check, and can only repair 1d4 points of damage.

Dead Aim

Given time to aim, you become deadly accurate.

Prerequisites: Far Shot.

Benefit: Before making a ranged attack, you may take a full-round action to line up your shot. This grants you a +2 bonus on your next attack roll. Once you begin aiming, you cannot move until after you make your next attack, or the benefit of the feat is lost. Likewise, if your concentration is disrupted or you are attacked before your next action, you lose the benefit of aiming.

Special: This feat can be taken a second time, but its benefit changes completely. If you take Dead Aim twice, you gain the ability to take a full-round action to reduce range penalties. This negates two points of range penalty to an attack roll for every full round you spend aiming. This round does not count for the purpose of getting the bonus noted above; that is a separate full-round action.

You may spend as many rounds aiming to reduce a range penalty as you like, but the range penalty can never be better than 2.

Defensive Fire

You can lay down shots in such a way that your opponents cannot draw a bead on you.

Prerequisites: Weapon Specialization (any semi-automatic weapon), Int 13.

Benefit: When using any Rapid Fire weapon in which you have selected with the Weapon Specialization feat, you may choose to spray bullets or energy bolts in such a way as to keep those targeting you jumping, unable to return fire accurately. This grants you a +4 on Defense against all ranged attacks you are aware of (you cannot intimidate a sniper when you do not know he is there).

This requires an attack action, but no actual attack is performed. This feat is most often used to stay alive for a round or two until help can arrive. Using it will provoke a free attack from anyone in melee range and uses up 10 rounds of ammunition.

Disarming Shot

You can blast the gun out of a targets hand.

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon) with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +4 or higher.

Benefit: An exceptionally dramatic and often useful move, this feat allows you to shoot at the hand holding a weapon so as to force the target to drop his gun (or knife or katana or whatever he is holding a datapad, a grenade, anything, as long as you are using a ranged weapon which you have selected with the Weapon Focus feat). You must be within 20 ft of your target to attempt this shot. You must hit a target two size categories smaller than the character you are aiming at (so against a human, you must hit a Tiny target, taking a 2 penalty to hit). If the shot hits, the target must make a Fortitude save at a DC of 10 + 1 for each point by which the shot hit, or drop whatever was in his hand. He gains a +2 on this save if he held the item in both hands. The character takes only 1d2 points of actual damage, whether or not he makes the save.

Double Tap

You can make two quick attacks with a firearm in the time it takes most people to line up and fire just one shot.

Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot.

Benefit: When using a modern firearm with at least two charges remaining (or two bullets, for both modern and ancient slugthrowers), you may fire two blasts as a single attack against a single target. You receive a 2 penalty on this attack, but deal +1 die of damage with a successful hit. Using this feat consumes two charges or rounds.

Dubious Contact

You seem to know someone everywhere in the system.

Prerequisite: Cha 13.

Benefit: Everywhere you go it seems you have friend or at least an acquaintance, or you know some guy who knows this guy who can set you up. Anytime you are in contact with a society of at least 20 people of your own species, you may spend an Action Point to gain a Contact there. If you are stranded at a scientific base on Pluto, one of the scientists there could be an old school chum or a former lover. If you are in a crowded mall on Earth, you may run into a former business partner or childhood friend. The contact will be useful for a single task, unless more Action Points are spent. Unlike a true contact, these temporary contacts have certain agendas of their own, which may confl ict with yours. The Games Master will secretly roll on the following table when a contact is found via this feat.

Dubious Contact

Roll Own Faction Other Faction
112 Reliable Reliable
1315 Unreliable Unreliable
1619 Unreliable Treasonous
20 Treasonous Treasonous

A reliable contact is just that reliable. He will act as a normal contact for the duration of the scenario. An unreliable contact has only a 50% chance of doing what the character asks, but he will not betray the character. He will often have some excuse as to his failure. A treasonous contact will do whatever he can to sell the character out. An Investigate [sense motive] check (DC 25) will reveal his true nature.

Special: Only one contact may be found per week (though the same contact may be used multiple times so long as Action Points are spent), and the Games Master may impose further limits based on logic while a Player Character might know one scientist at a remote XeLabs base, he is unlikely to know two. The more populous the area, the more likely it is for a character to be able to find a second contact.


You are unusually well-known.

Benefit: Your Influence score gains a +2 bonus where Fame will help you. Some reason must be provided for your fame but this deed needs to be seen as a great accomplishment by majority of the factions (otherwise it would be considered an infamous act). You gain a +2 to Diplomacy [persuade] checks in situations where your fame would be an asset.


Someone powerful owes you something.

Benefit: Someone in a particular Influence faction with power is in your debt. He will do almost anything you ask in order to pay you back. This feat expires after a single use. When you decide to collect on this favor, you gain a +8 to your Influence role within the subjects faction and +4 to your Influence role in any other faction related or is allied to the subject.

This feat may be taken to reflect actions in play, or the Games Master may grant it to a player free, as a reward for exceptional play or overcoming a major obstacle. If a player would rather have a number of small favors rather than one large one, he should select Contact.

Special:This feat expires after a single use. Once expired, the player has the option to converts the feat to a Contact.


You are especially resistant to fear.

Benefit: Perhaps you have had intensive combat conditioning, extreme mental training or you are just too overconfident to ever imagine something could hurt you. No matter the cause, the net result is that you are exceptionally hard to frighten, gaining a +4 on all Will saves to resist fear.


Technology is your passion and there are few aspects of it that you do not have a natural affinity for.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Computer Use, Operations or Technical checks.

Special: You may gain this feat twice. When gained for the second time, select a skill you did not choose for this feat before.

Greater Improved Critical

You can deal amazing damage with a chosen weapon.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Improved Critical, base attack bonus +12 or higher.

Benefit: If a critical is scored with this weapon (not merely threatened), you may choose to spend an Action Point to increase the critical damage by one die type. This must be done before any damage dice are rolled.

Greater Weapon Focus

Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You can also choose unarmed strike as your weapon for purposes of this feat.

Prerequisites: Weapons Proficiency in applicable weapons group, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +8 or higher (Exotic Proficiency with selected weapon, if needed)

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including the one from Weapon Focus (see below).

Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Greater Weapon Specialization

Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Specialization. You can also choose unarmed strike as your weapon for purposes of this feat.

Prerequisites: Weapons Proficiency in applicable weapons group, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +12 or higher. (Exotic Proficiency with selected weapon, if needed)

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls, including the one from Weapon Specialization (see below).

Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Specialization multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.


The wilderness is your true home and you are able to survive in the wilds for months at a time, if need be.

Benefit: The character gets a +3 bonus on all Survival checks.

Hacker (General)

You are a master at splicing into foreign computer systems and the electronic roadways are your playground. Making them do your bidding is second nature to you.

Prerequisite: Data Access, Hobby (computer use)

Benefi t: You may take 10 on any Computer Use skill check in one minute instead of the normal time. Also, you also can re-roll one failed Computer Use skill check once per session.

Hasty Retreat

The character knows how to duck out of hand-to-hand combat safely.

Prerequisite: Run.

Benefit: When a character ends up in hand-to-hand combat it often ends badly most citizens of the system prefer guns to brawling. This feat allows you to step back to firing range safely. You do not grant opponents a free attack when you leave melee combat as long as you take a double move to do so. You do not have to move any farther than just out of melee range, but you must still take a double move to use this feat.

Normal: Withdrawing from melee combat offers a free attack to any opponent engaging you.

Heroic Surge

When the chips are down, heroes get on with the job. You are sometimes able to perform actions that defy belief.

Benefit: After spending an Action Point, you may take an extra move action or attack action in a round, either before or after your regular actions. You may use Heroic Surge a number of times per day depending on your character level (as shown below), but never more than once per round. Using Heroic Surge costs an Action Point each round you activate it.

Heroic Surge Per Day

Character Level Times per Day
1st4th 1
5th8th 2
9th12th 3
13th16th 4
17th20th 5

Improved Brawler

Many in the Galaxy know how to brawl. Few have achieved the mastery you have attained in this art.

Prerequisites: Brawler, base attack bonus +3 or higher.

Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, you receive a +2 competence bonus on your attack roll and you deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d3 + your Strength modifier.

Improved Bull Rush

You are capable of knocking an enemy back with little risk to yourself.

Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack.

Benefit: You do not risk a free attack when attempting to bull rush an opponent.

Normal: Using the bull rush maneuver exposes the character to a free attack.

Improved Disarm

You are skilled at removing weapons from an opponents hand.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: You do not risk a free attack when attempting to disarm an opponent.

Normal: Using the disarm maneuver exposes the character to a free attack.


You have a dark and sinister reputation.

Benefit: Your Influence checks are gain a +2 within underground, criminal or otherwise nefarious factions, primarily because of your hostile or criminal actions. You may be known as someone whose enemies conveniently disappear or you may have killed a man with your bare hands in front of a crowd. This grants a +2 to Intimidate checks against anyone who might know of your reputation.


They accept you, and you know their ways.

Prerequisite: Cha 13, at least one Contact in selected faction

Benefit: You are well known among a particular faction, and are trusted to some extent. You can travel freely to all but restricted areas without fear of official problems. This feat negates the 2 penalty for Diplomacy and Investigate skills when used against someone not of your own faction.

Normal: Normally, Diplomacy and Investigate suffer a 2 penalty when used cross-faction.

Special: This feat may not be used if you are actively involved in harming the faction. It may be used in tense situations. It may also be lost completely if you act to betray or harm the faction in some way beyond the normal ways of war. Pirating weapons components and fuel is acceptable; slaughtering a crew which had already surrendered is not.

This feat can be taken more then once, however, can only apply to one faction at a time. So taking the feat a second time will change the focus of the feat you already have.

Jovian Standoff

You can hold an armed opponent at bay.

Prerequisites: Pistol Fighter, base attack bonus +5 or higher.

Benefit: If you have this feat, you may target any opponent within range, provided he is flat-footed and you are not. You draw a bead on him and prepare to fire but do not. When his initiative comes up, he may choose to attack you or surrender. If he attacks, he makes his attack with a +2 to his attack roll, but you will fire your own weapon a split-second earlier with a +4 to your own attack roll.

Combat then proceeds normally.

Special: This feat cannot be used if you are currently in melee combat.

Knockout Punch

You have learned that a quick strike at the start of combat can sometimes bring the fight to a quick and satisfactory end.

Prerequisites: Brawl, base attack bonus +3 or higher.

Benefit: If you spend an Action Point when making your first unarmed attack in a round, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. This damage is nonlethal.

Special: Even if you have the ability to treat unarmed damage as lethal damage, the damage from a knockout punch is always nonlethal.

Lauded Flyer

Born to ride or born to tear through the sky, you have a passion for vehicles and are a master in their control.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all Drive, Operations (Piloting). Operations (driving) and Pilot checks. Vehicles that you control solely (or are under the control of crew members that all possess this feat) receive a +1 bonus to their Acceleration, Deceleration and Defense Value scores. This bonus only applies once, no matter how many crew might operate a vehicle with this feat.

Special: This feat applies to jet packs as well as all air, ground and aquatic vehicles, but does not apply to spacecraft larger than fighters and flyers.


You are a natural leader.

Prerequisite: Character level 6th.

Benefits: Having this feat enables you to attract loyal companions or devoted followers, subordinates who assist you. See the table below for what sort of cohort and how many followers you can recruit.

Leadership Modifiers: Several factors can affect a characters Leadership score, causing it to vary from the base score (character level + Charisma modifier). A characters Influence (from the point of view of the cohort or follower he is trying to attract) raises or lowers his Leadership score:

Influence Modifier

Leaders Infuence in Modifier
One friendly faction +1
More than one friendly faction +2
One unfriendly faction 1
More than one unfriendly faction 2

Other modifiers may apply when the character tries to attract a cohort:

Miscellaneous Modifiers

The Leader Modifier
Recruits a cohort of a different faction 1
Recruits a cohort of a different species 2
Caused the death of a cohort 21

1 Cumulative per cohort killed.

Followers have different priorities from cohorts. When the character tries to attract a new follower, use any of the following modifiers that apply.

Modifiers to Followers

The Leader Modifier
Has a stronghold, base of operations, asteroid hideout or the like +2
Moves around a lot 1
Caused the death of other followers 1


Leadership Table
Leadership Score Cohort Level Number of Followers by Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or lower
2 1st
3 2nd
4 3rd
5 3rd
6 4th
7 5th
8 5th
9 6th
10 7th 5
11 7th 6
12 8th 8
13 9th 10 1
14 10th 15 1
15 10th 20 2 1
16 11th 25 2 1
17 12th 30 3 1 1
18 12th 35 3 1 1
19 13th 40 4 2 1 1
20 14th 50 5 3 2 1
21 15th 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 15th 75 7 4 2 2 1
23 16th 90 9 5 3 2 1
24 17th 110 11 6 3 2 1
25+ 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2

Leadership Score: A characters base Leadership score equals his level plus any Charisma modifier. In order to take into account negative Charisma modifiers, this table allows for very low Leadership scores, but the character must still be 6th level or higher in order to gain the Leadership feat. Outside factors can affect a characters Leadership score, as detailed above.

Cohort Level: The character can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of a characters Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than himself. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. A character can try to attract a cohort of a particular faction or class.

Cohorts earn XP as follows: The cohort does not count as a party member when determining the partys XP.

Divide the cohorts level by the level of the Player Character with whom he is associated (the character with the Leadership feat who attracted the cohort).

Multiply this result by the total XP awarded to the Player Character and add that number of experience points to the cohorts total.

If a cohort gains enough XP to bring it to a level one lower than the associated PCs character level, the cohort does not gain the new level its new XP total is one less than the amount needed to attain the next level.

Number of Followers by Level: The character can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level. Followers are similar to cohorts, except they are generally low-level Non-Player Characters. Because they are generally five or more levels behind the character they follow, they are

rarely effective in combat.

Followers do not earn experience and thus do not gain levels. However, when a character with Leadership attains a new level, the player consults the table above to determine if he has acquired more followers, some of which may be higher level than the existing followers. You do not consult the table to see if your cohort gains levels, however, because cohorts earn experience on their own.


You are authorized to do something most people are not.

Benefit: You have a license which allows you certain powers, perks and privileges. There are two possible licenses, listed below. Note that governments at war often do not recognize the legal authority of other nations.

Medical: You may practice non-emergency medicine. Doing this without a license will result in a 1d6 x 1,000 credit fine if no harm was done, and a 1d6 x 10,000 credit fine as well as 1d4 years in prison if harm resulted. No license is needed to perform first aid or otherwise respond to an emergency. The holder of a medical license gains a +2 on Diplomacy or Bluff checks in many circumstances, such as bullying past guards (Let me through, theres a medical emergency!) or acquiring drugs without a prescription (If my patient doesn’t get this soon, hell die!).

Firearm: You are authorized to carry a sidearm (concealed or unconcealed) in public places. This may have limits, depending on the characters justification for the license the Games Master should set reasonable limits, such as not permitting the weapon in a bar if you plan to drink, license or no. Carrying a gun openly tends to draw attention on most core worlds or stations. The Games Master may grant bonuses to Notice [spot] or Investigate checks due to the fact you stand out. On the plus side, having a weapon in plain view in societies where this is not common grants a +2 on Intimidate checks.


You are a repository of obscure facts and occasionally useful trivia.

Prerequisite: Int 13.

Benefit: You love to scour the datanet for obscure facts, study random subjects and otherwise build up a collection of bits and pieces of knowledge that may sometimes come in handy. Every level you gain a single bonus skill point to add to your lowest Knowledge skill (you must have a minimum of one rank in the skill already). If there are multiple subskills with the same number of ranks, pick any one

of them.

Master Craftsman

You have a special gift when it comes to arts and crafts.

Benefit: Choose one subskill of the Technical skill. When making skill checks with the chosen option, you gain a +2 bonus and can perform work in the normal time listed in the skills description.

Special: You may choose this feat multiple times. Each time it either applies fully to a new subskill or adds a further +1 to checks with the same subskill. The second time you choose the same subskill, you may perform work in the time, but further feat choices will not reduce this again.

Natural Mathematician

You have an uncanny knack for complex mathematics and can plot out the most intricate equations and proofs in your head without need of a computer or other aids.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Technical skill checks. If you have the Far Shot feat, Natural Mathematician will allow you to apply that feats Benefits to attacks made with an indirect fire weapon.

Normal: You cannot use Far Shot with an indirect fire weapon.

Physical Adept

Your body is a temple and physical exertion is your preferred form of worship.

Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on all Acrobatics and Athletics checks.

Pistol Fighter

You have a natural gift with pistols and can take shots so quickly they can be hard to track with the naked eye.

Prerequisite: Weapons Proficiency (pistol)

Benefit: You may spend an Action point to use a pistol to take a free attack. Also, if armed with a pistol when a surprise round occurs in which you cannot normally act, you can always spend an Action Point and take a single shot with it at any enemy in range just before normal combat rounds commence.

Normal: Ranged weapons cannot be used to take free attacks. In a surprise round, only those entitled to act may do anything before normal combat begins.

Power Attack

You can use your strength to deliver a mighty blow.

Prerequisite: Str 13.

Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.

Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You cannot add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks).

Power Kick

You can kick someone away from you or into something else.

Prerequisite: Brawler

Benefit: You can deliver a mighty kick that will send opponents tumbling. As a full-attack action, make an unarmed attack against your target. If you hit, your opponent must make an Acrobatics check at a DC of 10 + damage done. If he fails, he staggers back 5 ft and must make a second Acrobatics check at the same DC or fall prone. Use of this feat will provoke a free attack unless the character also has the Improved Bull Rush feat.

Special: Legs are stronger than fists. Add +1 to the base unarmed damage. Characters with cybernetic legs add an additional +1.

Quick Draw

The product of way too many action holos while a child, you have learned how to bring your weapon to bear in a fraction of a second.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher.

Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action. You may also throw weapons at your full normal rate of attacks.

Normal: A character draws a weapon as a move action. If a character has a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, the character can draw a weapon as a free action when moving.

Quick Reload

Nothing is more terrifying in a heated battle than hearing the distinctive buzz of a F.L.I.C. whose power cell has been drained. You have developed the ability to reload your weapon with barely a break in shooting.

Prerequisites: Quick Draw, base attack bonus +1 or higher.

Benefit: Reloading a weapon with a new power cell or magazine (for slugthrowers) is a free action. Reloading any slugthrower with an internal magazine is a move action. You may also reload a weapon without granting a free attack to your opponents.

Normal: Reloading a weapon with a new power cell, or a slugthrower with a new magazine, is a move action. Reloading a slugthrower with an internal magazine is a full-round action.


You have status in a formal organization.

Prerequisite: 3rd level or above.

Benefit: You are a member of a hierarchical faction (for example, military), and a moderately high-ranking one at that. This is the equivalent of being a 2nd lieutenant in the military, a Senior Manager in a large corporation or a made man in the Mafia. You are not at the top, but you are not at the bottom, and you can issue orders to the lower ranks or draw on organizational resources. However, this must be done with the aims of the organization in mind. Rank gains you a +8 bonus to Influence checks within the faction and +4 to other factions of the same race. This does not stack with Inside feat.


You have a place to hide when things get hairy.

Benefit: You have a secure location to hole up in. Typical safe houses include an innocuous apartment in an Earth megaplex, a base on a small asteroid whose orbit takes it far from prying eyes or a small emergency shelter. The safe house is concealed from casual inspection and contains moderate levels of electronic countermeasures all Technical or Investigation checks to find it suffer a 4 modifier. The safe house contains supplies suitable for one person for ten days. If the safe house is located in a civilized area, the occupants may of course venture out to buy food and so on, but this may result in them being seen and trailed.

Special: A character may take this feat multiple times, in order to have multiple safe houses scattered throughout the system.


You know something most people do not.

Benefit: You have some knowledge which very few people have and which very few people want you to have. This may be the location of an Earth Alliance weapons stockpile, the password to the Cenauri private bank accounts or the dishonor that hangs over a prestigious Narn family. In general, a secret gains the user a +2 stackable bonus to any Influence checks in the related faction.

The exact nature of the secret should be worked about between the player and the Games Master, as well as the consequences should the secret become known. Other benefits from secret can also be worked out by the GM and the player.

Skip Shot

Time spent fighting in cramped and cluttered areas has taught you to bounce bullets around corners.

Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.

Benefit: If you have a solid, relatively smooth surface on which to skip a bullet (such as a street or a concrete wall), and a target within ten feet of that surface, you may ignore cover between yourself and the target. However, you receive a 2 penalty on your attack roll, and your attack deals 1 die of damage.

Special: The surface does not have to be perfectly smooth and level; a brick wall or an asphalt road can be used. The target can have no more than cover for you to attempt a skip shot. This ability cannot be used with energy weapons.


In the complex and ever-shifting universe of Babylon 5, it sometimes pays to be quiet and sneaky.

Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on all Stealth checks.


Letting loose with an automatic fire weapon, you can concentrate its effects in a more confined area.

Prerequisites: Weapons Proficiency in applicable weapons group

Benefit: When using a firearm on automatic fire to Spray an Area, you can affect an area up to 6 10X10 ft areas, and are limited to 30 shots or the amount of ammo you have left in your weapon, which ever is lower.

Normal: A firearm on automatic fire normally affects up to 5 10X10 areas and is limited to 25 rounds or shots..


There is no honor among brawlers and you have learned a variety of dirty tricks.

Prerequisites: Brawler, base attack bonus +2 or higher.

Benefit: Once per round, if you make a successful melee attack with an unarmed strike or light weapon, you deal an extra 1d4 points of damage.

Supreme Effort

You can take yourself to the very limit of your abilities for a cause you believe in.

Prerequisites: Heroic Surge, Iron Will.

Benefit: When spending an Action Point to modify a d20 roll using the rules for Action Points in the Basic Rules, you can spend a second Action Point to activate this feat. If you do, the Action Point roll is modified by your base Will saving throw bonus (including the bonus provided by the Iron Will feat, but no other feat that modifies Will saves applies).


You are capable of using your medical skill for more than first aid; you can perform complex operations.

Prerequisite: Medical 4 ranks.

Benefit: You can use the Medical skill to perform surgery without penalty.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a 4 penalty on Medical checks made to perform surgery.


When you have shot one foe dead, you may quickly begin firing at another.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.

Benefit: Essentially, this feat does for ranged weapons what Cleave does for melee weapons. If you deal a creature enough damage with a ranged weapon to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below zero hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra ranged attack against another creature within four meters of the previous target. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.

Telepathic Feeds (Telepath)

Using your telepathic abilities, you have an additional data feed that literally comes to you at the speed of thought itself. This gives you another dimension in which to plan your tactical decisions.

Prerequisite: Combat Telepathy, Telepathic Coordination, Combat Tactician level 1 or higher

Benefit: You may add your P-Rating to the bonuses that the Combat Feeds special Class Feature grants you.


You are adept at noting the tiniest of clues of an enemys passing and using them to accurately track him great distances.

Benefit: To find tracks or follow them for one kilometer requires a Survival check. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow.

You move at half your normal speed (or at your normal speed with a 5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice the characters speed with a 20 penalty on the check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions.

Track DCs

Surface Track DC
Very soft 5
Soft 10
Firm 15
Hard 20

Very Soft: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of footprints.

Soft: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which the quarry leaves frequent but shallow footprints.

Firm: Most normal outdoor or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces. The quarry might leave some traces of its passage, but only occasional or partial footprints can be found.

Hard: Any surface that does not hold footprints at all, such as bare rock, concrete, metal decking or indoor floors. The quarry leaves only traces, such as scuff marks.

If you fail a Survival check, you can retry after one hour (out doors) or ten minutes (indoors) of searching.

Normal: A character without this feat can use the Survival skill to find tracks, but can only follow tracks if the DC is 10 or less. A character can use the Search skill to find individual footprints, but cannot follow tracks using Search.

Track Modifiers

Condition DC Modifier
Every three targets in the group being tracked 1
Size of targets being tracked:1
Fine +8
Diminutive +4
Tiny +2
Small +1
Medium +0
Large 1
Huge 2
Gargantuan 4
Colossal 8
Every 24 hours since the trail was made +1
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +10
Poor visibility:2
Overcast or moonless night +6
Moonlight +3
Fog or precipitation +3
Tracked target hides trail (and moves at half speed) +5

1 For a group of mixed sizes, apply only the modifier for the largest size category represented.

2 Apply only the largest modifier from this category.

Ultra Immune System

Maybe it is your genes, maybe you are just too tough to succumb, but poisons, disease and radiation have a noticeably lesser effect on you.

Prerequisite: Con 13, Great Fortitude.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws made to resist poisons, disease and radiation sickness. You also reduce ability score damage from such effects by one point but cannot suffer less than one point of damage per instance this way.

Voidrider (General)

Someone needs to pilot those assault shuttles and breaching pods through the dangerous battlefields of space. You are one of those people. Lives often depend on your skill at the helm to survive and your superiors depend on it for success.

Prerequisite: Spacecraft Proficiency, Veteran Spacehand

Benefit: You may double the effects of the Veteran Spacehand feat while piloting a breaching pod or assault shuttle. In addition, you may add half your Reflex save to the Defense of your ship versus any incoming fire while piloting these vessel.


Your passion for your cause allows you to achieve greatness.

Benefit: When you are fighting for a cause you truly believe in (Games Masters discretion as to when this is taking place), you may spend an Action Point to enter a state of profound determination and enthusiasm, granting you a +1 bonus on all attack, damage and saving throw checks for the duration of the combat.

Zero-G Training

Accustomed to shipboard life, you can fight in weightless environments with little difficulty.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Acrobatics 4 ranks.

Benefit: When in a low- or zero-gravity environment, you suffer no penalty to attack rolls, nor do you suffer from space sickness.

Normal: Characters normally suffer a 4 penalty to attack rolls when in zero-gravity environments and a 2 penalty while in low-gravity environments. In addition, they are also subject to space sickness.




+2 bonus to Influence checks where Fame will help. +2 to Diplomacy where the Fame will help

Improved Brawler

Brawler, base attack bonus +3 or higher

+2 competence bonus on your attack roll and you deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.

Law Dog

Knowledge (law) 4

+25% to fee for a legeal bounty

Feats Prerequisites Benefit
Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 or higher Gain a third attack with your offhand weapon 10 penalty. Weapon can be a small ranged.
AI Psychology Computer Use 8 ranks, Knowledge (technology) 5 ranks, Int 15 Use your Computer Use skill to attempt to effect a change in an AIs systems
Alternate Persona Intrigue 4, Subterfuge 4, Cha 12+ A very strong (DC 30) fake Id with extensive credentials. +5 to Intrigue (Disguise) checks, +5 to Bluff.
Autofire Proficiency Weapons Proficiency Reduce Automatic Burst Fire penalty
Bloodcrest Assassin House Sorrati Centauri; Sneak Attack class ability +1d6 to Sneak Attacks.
Block Con 13 Spend Action Point to block attack
Brutal Reputation Intimidate 4, Special (see desc.) +25% to fee for Bounty Hunters
Burst Fire Weapons Proficiency Reduce Rapid Fire Burst Fire penalty
Breakpoint Freak* Breaching Marine level 2+ +2 to Initiative first 5 rounfs of a breach
Cleave Str 13, Power Attack Extra attack if opponent goes down
Close-In Shot Dex 13, Pistol Fighter Use a pistol in close combat
Confident +3 bonus on all Diplomacy and Bluff checks and on checks to resist Intimidation
Cover Identity Have a second/secret identity
Cybersurgery Medical 4+ ranks, Technical 4+ Repair cybernetics and install cybernetics
Dead Aim Far Shot +2 to ranged attack after a full round aiming
Destiny Must be taken 1st level +5 to a single role, one per session, tied to your Destiny
Defensive Fire Weapon Specialization, Int 13 With Rapid Fire weapon, +4 to Defense when concentrating fire
Disarming Shot Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +4 or higher Shoot item out of a targets hand
Double Tap Point Blank Shot 2 shots in a single attack, -2 penalty
Dubious Contact Cha 13 Can gain temporary contacts almost anywhere
Duck for Cover Stealth 4, Dogde DC 12 Reflex save before Initiative to make a Stealth check to hide yourself
Eclipse Caste Member Shadowsouled Minbari; Character level 5+, Contacts +2 to Initiative, attack, and damage rolls when targetting Minbari
Excellent Researcher Concentration 4 +1 to Research checks
Favor Someone owes you.
Fearless +4 on all Will saves to resist fear
Gearhead +2 bonus on Computer Use, Operations or Technical checks
Greater Improved Critical Dex 15, Improved Critical, base attack bonus +12 or higher. Spend an Action Point to increase the critical damage by one die type
Greater Weapon Focus Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +8 or higher +1 bonus stackable on all attack rolls
Greater Weapon Specialization Weapons Proficiency, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, base attack bonus +12 or higher +2 bonus on all damage rolls
Guide +3 bonus on all Survival checks
Hacker* Data Access, Hobby (computer use) Take 10 on Computer Use rolls in one minute, re-roll Computer Use checks once per session
Hasty Retreat Run Move from Melee to Ranged without AoO
Heart’s Calling Minbari; 3rd Level or higher; Special (see desc.) Two related skills gain +2 misc bonus, can be rerolled once per game session
Heroic Surge Spend an Action point for a free move or attack action
Hessius Scholar House Hessius Centauri; Int 14+ Possess the Hessius Noble Research Test, can takle 10 on Knowledge (Ancient history), Knowledge (First Ones), Technical (Acnients)
Hide Weapon Subterfuge 4 Double your Dex bonus to any Subterfuge checks to hide your weapon
Hobbling Shot Point Blank Shot, Weapons Focus (any personal ranged) -2 penalty to hit, Full round to aim. Half damage applied to Speed
Improved Bull Rush Str 13, Power Attack No AoO with a Bull Rush action
Improved Disarm Dex 13, Combat Expertise No AoO with a Disarm action
Improved Spacecraft Dodge Pilot 8, Spacecraft Dodge +1 to ship’s Defense Value & +1 to Defense against a specific enemy chosen before Orders are given each turn.
Infamous +2 bonus to Influence checks with criminal factions. +2 to Intimidate checks
Informant Network Cha 8+, Special (see desc.) Gain 2 additional member in Informant Network when used. roll d100 when in need of information. 50% chance informants know something useful. For every informant that has useful informaton, add +1d3 to relevent Influence checks, or +1d6 to Intrigue (Gather Information) checks.
Insider Cha 13, at least one Contact the faction. They know you and see you as one of them
IPX Orientation Investigate 2, Knowledge (any) 2 +1 bonus to Investigate, Notice. Pick 3 Knowlefdge skills, they can be used untrained
Jovian Standoff Pistol Fighter, base attack bonus +5 or higher See Description
Knockout Punch Brawl, base attack bonus +3 or higher Critical
Lauded Flyer +1 bonus on all Drive, Operations (Piloting). Operations (driving) and Pilot checks. +1 bonus to their Acceleration, Deceleration and Defense Value scores
Leadership Character level 6th Can gain cohorts or followers
License You gain a license
Loremaster Int 13 Every level, gain a bonus rank in a knowledge skill
Master Craftsman +2 bonus to Technical subskill
Master of the Game Diplomacy 6, Intrigue 4 When negotiating a deal, never take a loss on the primary amount offered at the beginning of negotiations. (See desc.)
Meta-Sensitive Must of a P-rating Once per game session, Notice check DC 20, listen to message of the spirits
Mindrider Descendant P-rating P-3 oe highter, must be taken at char. gen. You P-rating is considered 2 points higher for prerequisites purposes of telepathic feats, abilities and prestige classes
Natural Mathematician +2 bonus to all Technical skill. With Far Shot, apply bonuses to attack
Not Me! Athletics 6, Dodge, Improved Feint Can choose an alternate target for an attack.
Perfected Attitude Notice 6, Cha 13+ Take 1d6 minutes to observe situation. gain +2 Diplomacy, Intimidate, Intrigue, Sense Motive, Subterfuge, Telepathy
Physical Adept +3 bonus on all Acrobatics and Athletics checks
Pistol Fighter Weapons Proficiency (pistol) Spend an Action Point to use pistol as a free action or fire before surprise round
Power Attack Str 13 Use points from attack to add to damage in melee
Pour It On Concentration 6, Weapons Proficiency (spacecraft weapons) In space combat, when attacking the same target consecutively, you add extra damage
Power Kick Brawler Can possibly knock an opponent down with unarmed kick attack
Quick Draw Base attack bonus +1 or higher Draw weapon as free action
Quick Reload Quick Draw, base attack bonus +1 or higher Reload as a free action
Rank 3rd level or above You have authority within a faction
Refuge You have a place to hide
Research Librarian Pak’ma’ra only, Scientist 3+, Data Access +1 bonus to all Knowledge, Technical, and Profession skills checks. If have access to Libraries on Melat, can assume 3 ranks in any of those skills, however take 10 or 20, 3 x times.
Research Operative Cha Level 2+, Contacts make a Diplomacy or Bluff check vs target’s Will save to force him to believe in the ‘legality of your assignment’.
Secret You know something most people do not. +2 to Influence checks
Skip Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Shoot off a smooth surface at a target in cover.
Stealthy +3 bonus on all Stealth checks
Strafe Weapons Proficiency Increase Spray an Area effect
Stength of Will Wis 16+ Once per day, add Will save bonus to a saving throw or skill check. 1d6 non-lethal damage.
Street fighting Brawl, base attack bonus +2 or higher Deal an extra 1d4 points of damage in unarmed or light melee combat once per round
Supreme Effort Heroic Surge, Iron Will Spend an Action Point to use your Will save bonus to modify a d20 roll. See Description
Surgery Medical 4 ranks No penalty to perform Surgery
Takedown Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Cleave for ranged attacks
Takedown Strike Brawler or Martial Arts A succuess unarmed attack can automatically become a grapple or trip attack, after the attack is made. +3 bonus to AoO as well.
Telepahtic Feed* Combat Telepathy, Telepathic Coordination, Combat Tactician level 1 or higher Add your P-Rating to the bonuses from Combat Feeds class feature
Track Use Survival to track someone
Trapspringer Notice 4, Subterfuge 4 +2 to disarm/disable traps. +2 to Reflex to avoid traps
Trusted Informant Diplomacy or Intimidation 4, Cha 13+ Gain circumstance bonuses based on how much you paid an informant.
Ultra Immune System Con 13, Great Fortitude +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws made to resist poisons, disease and radiation sickness
Voidrider* Spacecraft Proficiency, Veteran Spacehand Double effects of Veteral Spacehand, addhalf Reflex to defense of ship
Weapons Proficiency (spacecraft weapons)   (something left out of the Core book)
Zealous Action Point, +1 bonus on all attack, damage and saving throw checks
Zero-G Training Dex 13, Acrobatics 4 ranks Suffer no penalty to attack rolls in a low- or zero-gravity environment

Telepathic Feats

Feats Prerequisites Benefit
Cerebral Siege P6+, Ability Focus (Scanning) Double P-rating for mental defense, Jamming, Dulling, or similar effects
Fighter Telepathic Co-ordination* P5+, Telepathic Co-ordination Boost Range of Telepathic Coordination
Mindscape Sight P6+, Notice 6+ +2 to Notice and Investigate
Mindwraith P5+, must be taken at char. gen. P-rating is 1d6 lower when targeted by telepathic sensory tests
Natural Ability P4+, must be taken at char. gen. One Telepathic Ability is Natural Ability, +3 bonus to this ability, suffer half the nonlethal
Telepathic Co-ordination* P5+ Can co-ordinate a group of allies
Telepathic Shot* Ability Focus (Sensing) After full round, Telepathy DC 15, gain +3 or target’s P-rating as bonus to a single attack
Telesadist P6+, Ability Focus (Biokinetic) Extend effect of an active ability
Xenopath Adaptive Mind +2 to DCs for alien targets

Feats in Red are from the Lurker’s Guide to Freedom Station Sourcebook (pp76-77)

Feats in Blue are from the Bounty Hunter Sourcebook (pp 79-81)

Feats in Green are from theLegends of the Rangers Sourcebook (pp 58-59)

Feats with Green background are from theDeconstruction of Falling Stars (PDF)

Feats with Blue background are from theIPXSourcebook pg 29

Feats that White on Gray background are from theLurker’s Guide to TelepathsSourcebook pg 64-65

Feats with (*) are converted from some 1st edition source and described below.