New Section of the Web Site: Ron’s Reviews
Between the independent game review site The Gaming Report, it’s subsequent owner Scrye Magazine, a short stint with DriveThru RPG and my own attempt at a review site through JustUs Productions – The Gamers Codex, I have several hundred reviews of games from 2004 until 2019. In total, I probably did over 350 reviews, a lot during the big d20 craze and it’s aftermath. With The Gaming Report, I had a lot of fun, they sent me to GenCon as Press and I had a blast. I started The Gamers Codex to expand JustUs Productions offerings but it never really took off like I had hoped.
It was a lot of fun but it was also a lot of work with only a little reward. For every good game I reviewed, there was a lot of crap out there too. Regardless, I have found my back up of all the old HTML files and transferred them here since most of the original web sites are now long gone.
I still review things occasionally – games I buy or kickstart, so you may see more in the future.