New SW d6 Rules

Accuracy Bonus
Result Points | Accuracy Bonus |
0 | 0 |
1-3 | +1 |
4-6 | +2 |
7-8 | +1D |
9-11 | +1D+1 |
12-13 | +1D+2 |
14-15 | +2D |
16-20 | +2D+1 |
21+ | +1 pip every 3 points above 20 |
Wild Die House Rule
Roll | What happens… |
1 | “Really bad” Complication |
2 | Complication |
3-5 | Take away the wild die and the highest die rolled |
6 | Nothing |
Result Point Success Chart (Masterdeck Interaction)
Result Points | General Success | Damage | Intimidation | Taunt, Trick | Maneuver |
0 | Minimal | Stunned | stymied | stymied | fatigued |
1-3 | Solid | Stunned | stymied | stymied | fatigued |
4-6 | Good | Wound | untrained | untrained | fatigued |
7-8 | Good | Wound | untrained | untrained | stymied |
9-11 | Superior | Incapacitated | setback | setback | stymied |
12 | Superior | Incapacitated | setback | setback | stymied/fatigued |
13 | Spectacular | Mortally Wounded | break | setback | stymied/fatigued |
14-15 | Spectacular | Mortally Wounded | break | up/setback | stymied/fatigued |
16-20 | Spectacular+ | Killed | break | up/setback | setback/fatigued |
21+ | Spectacularly Heroic+ | Killed | player’s call | player’s call | player’s call |
Mimimum Damage
Attacker è | Character | Speeder | Walker | Star Fighter | Capitol | DeathStar |
Defender ê | ||||||
Character | – | 5D | 6D | 7D | 8D | 9D |
Speeder | – | – | 5D | 6D | 7D | 8D |
Walker | – | – | – | 5D | 6D | 7D |
Star Fighter | – | – | – | – | 5D | 6D |
Capitol | – | – | – | – | – | 5D |
DeathStar | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Masterbook Concepts
Result Point Success Chart (Masterbook Interaction)
UP Condition
When the players are considered up, the GM can take one of three options. Listed are the three options:
- Ignore 1s on the Wild Die
- Bonus-Wild – Two of the dice being rolled now count as one normal Wild Die and another is a Bonus Wild (ReReoll on Sixes, but 1s do not count as a complication, or anything bad).
- 5-6 Wild Die – Players can reroll on a 5 or a 6 on the Wild Die
This usually is only in effect for one round, unless otherwise specified.
Resist Shock
The character must make a Moderate: Strength roll or get a Stunned Result every time a Resist Shock roll is called for.
A character who is stymied loses his Wild-Die reroll during his next action phase. If he rolls the dice and gets a six on the Wild Die, he cannot re-roll. This counts for all Character points spent as well. However, if the character was ‘Up’, he would only get to re-roll one of the two Wild Dice (If the GM chose that option -See ‘Up- Condition’ above). This condition lasts only for the character’s next action (that round or the next) and then goes away after, even if it has not come into play during that action phase.
During the next action, the character generates all skill totals as if untrained in the skill or skills he is using (uses Attribute only). This means the character cannot use any skill dice. This also means that the character may not be able to use certain skills (those that cannot be used untrained) or use them only at a penalty.
The target character gets “winded” and must Resist Shock (See Resist Shock) as the result of the maneuver.
Something bad happens to the character. The most common occurrence means the character cannot act during his next phase – he is ‘frozen.’ But any sort of “bad thing’ could happen if the gamemaster is creative. Not as severe as a Complication.
The character who performed the taunt or trick did it so well that he is “Up” during his next action. The target of the attack is not so fortunate. He experiences a setback.
The character affected tries to abort the conflict primarily by running away or, if that is not appropriate, by surrendering if his position does not significantly improve after his next action phase
Player’s Call
Whenever a character attempts an interaction, he must state exactly what he is trying to achieve. When a player’s call comes up, that goal is achieved as long as it is possible and not completely inappropriate.
Varied Rates of Fire Rules
This is a rules supplement to advance the Star Wars RPG Fire Rate Rules. It will include rules for Single Shot, Semi-automatic, and Fully automatic weapons. These rules were created with the Star Wars philosophy of keeping it simple in mind. These rules primarily apply to blasters. Any special cases will be handled by the GM, and these rules can be slightly modified to apply to general slugthrowers.
Rate of Fire:
All weapons have a rate of fire. A Rate of Fire or Fire Rate is the amount of rounds or blasts it can throw out in a combat round. There are three basic rates of fire
- Single Shot – One shot per Round
- Semi-Auto – Up to 4 shots per round, in sequence (treated as a Multi-Action). Can also do Single Shot
- Full Auto – 15 shots per round, single action. Can also do Single Shot, and Semi-Auto Fire.
As a rule of thumb the following applies to Blaster-type weapons:
- Holdout – Single Shot
- Blaster Pistols, Heavy Blaster Pistols, Blaster Rifles, Blaster Carbines – Semi-Auto
- Repeating Blasters – Full Auto
Nothing different about single shot. Treat as a normal shot in Star Wars Combat.
Semi-Auto just means that the weapon can be fired up to 4 times in a single round, but each is treated as an action, taking in consideration Multi-Action rules.
Full Auto is handled as a single action or burst (one pull of the trigger), and is usually applied over a area of fire. One must know the distance covered by the burst in meters, i.e. the length of the burst arch. The Burst can be up to 15 shots, but no less than 5.
One must calculate the AutoFire Modifier. For every three (3) shots fired in the burst, the modifier gets +1D. For every 1 Shot fired “extra”, it gets +1 pip (10 shots get 3D+1). Then, for every meter in burst arch, it gets a -1D. This modifier is applied to both the to-hit and the damage dice.
Ex. Light Rep. Blaster with 6D normal damage fires a 10-shot burst covering a 5m burst arch. This comes to a +3D+1 Autofire Modifier. The 5m area reduces this modifier with -5D. The Damage would be 6D (+3d+1) – 5D per target = 4D+1
Full Ex. Tirog fires his LRB at a door where STs are pouring through, the door is 3m wide so Tirog fires at maximum rate (15 shots) at a 3m wide area. Tirogs blaster skill is 5D so the total to hit roll is 5D+5D-3D = 7D for every target in the area, if a ST gets hit the damage roll is 8D (6D+5D-3D).
The player can do other actions, but the all have to be reactions, and the MutilAction Modifier is applied to the AutoFire Modifier. Only one Autofire per turn. If using full-auto on a weapon that normally requires a tripod:
- Light Repeating Blasters: -1D for the To-Hit only.
- Medium Repeating Blasters: -2D (to hit and damage) to all targets
- Heavy Repeating Blasters: -3D (to hit and to damage) to all targets