3.2 Psionic Powers d6
Note that some powers have limited use(Limits), and Minimum Psi Ability, while others have other Powers as Pre-Requisites.Some have a Base Difficulty Score while others are opposed rolls with the Target’sWillpower. When the number of Die is referenced, use the Die Code of the totalpower. (skill powers + Psi-Ability). Use only the number to the left of the Die.
NOTE: Psi Powers borrowed from both Shatterzone and Star Frontiers.Turns and rounds are used interchangeably in meaning.
Base Difficulty: 10
Base Strain: 16
Concentration Time: 1 hour, not maintained
A character using this Psi Power has a chance to pick up anitem and figure out its intended use. If the artifact is alien, a modifier may be imposedby the GM. Once an artifact’s purpose is identified, a specific skill may be needed tooperate it (Communication, etc.). If the item is not covered by one of the existingskills, then a second Psi Power check is needed, modified with a +1D. A charactermaking this check will know how to operate or use the artifact.
Channeling I
Limit: Two successful uses per Die per day.
Base Difficulty: Damage of the attack
Base Strain: 14
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
A successful use of this Psi Power allows the user to channelenergy attacks directed at him (beam or blaster weapons, electrical current) around him soas not to be harmed by them. The amount of damage channeled is equal to the Channelingroll. If someone is standing directly behind the user, the attack should be rolledagain with a +1D to the difficulty to determine if that character was accidentally hit bythe attack, taking the damage Channeled. This ability must be rolled per round, andapplies to all attacks in that round.
Channeling II
Limit: Two successful uses per Die per day.
Base Difficulty: 14
Base Strain: 16
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
A successful use of this Psi-Power allows the user tomanipulate magnetic and gravitational patterns around himself, so as to affect any meleeor ballistic attacks. The amount of damage channeled is equal to the Channeling roll. Ifsomeone is standing directly behind the user, a ballistic attack should be rolled againwith a +1D to the difficulty to determine if that character was accidentally hit by theattack, taking the damage Channeled. This ability must be rolled per round, and applies toall attacks in that round.
Clairaudience or Clairavoyance
Range: Listed in Table
Base Stain: 9
Concentration Time:5 minutes
Must be maintained every minute (instead of round)
Clairaudience: A character withthis Psi Power can “listen” through anything from a perspective he is notcurrently in. The range of the ability is listed below with difficulties. If thearea is unknown to the Psi, add +3 to the difficulty. This listening is directional anddoes not cover a large area. The area listened to cannot be larger than a 5-meter radius.When zeroed in, sounds from the area can be heard as if the user was there himself. Anysound attack in the area has full effect on the character using this Psi-Power.
Clairavoyance:A character with this Psi Power can “see” a distance in an area he has noperspective in. The range and associated difficulties are listed below. If thearea is unknown to the Psi, add +3 to the difficulty. This directional sight focuses on anarea that is no larger than a 5-meter radius. It is affected as sight would be by darknessor light attacks (flash grenades). Optical enhancement devices cannot be used with thisPsi-Power.
Distance | Difficulty |
1 meter | 4 |
5 meters | 6 |
10 meters | 8 |
15 meters | 10 |
20 meters | 12 |
30 meters | 14 |
50 meters | 16 |
+ 10 meters | +3 Difficulty |
Limit: Two successful uses per day Die level
Base Difficulty: 10
Duration (Maximum): 1d10 + Number of Skill Dice in the Power in turns
Base Strain: 12
Concentration Time: 1 Round
Can be maintained.
This Psi-Power allows a character to try to confuse theenemy. The layer must roll 1d10 and the GM consults the Confusion Table to determine howthat confusion will manifest itself. The maximum duration of the confusion is 1d10 +Number of Skill Dice in the Power in turns. This Psi-Power can only be used to affect asingle target.
Confusion Table
Roll | Effect |
1 | The target sits down to think things over. He does nothing else. |
2 | The target begins weeping or laughing uncontrollably. A -1D to allphysical actions actions. |
3 | The target walks around randomly as if he is lost. Use the AreaEffect Weapon Miss diagram every turn to determine in what direction the target iswalking. |
4 | The target becomes fascinated with one action and will perform or watchit to the exclusion of all else. |
5 | The target attacks the nearest character, no matter who it is. |
6 | The target attacks everyone (different character each turn). |
7 | The target attacks the nearest large machine or creature. |
8 | The target walks up to the nearest character, throws his arm aroundhis should, and begins discussing the philosophy of life |
9 | The target is so confused he begins to swoon. A -2D to all actions |
0 | The target rolls over and falls asleep. |
Range: 20 m (40cm cube size limit) without penalty
Limit: One successful use per Die per day
Base Difficulty: 14
Base Strain: 16
Concentration Time: 1 round for 40 cm-cubic. +1 round for every10 cm-cubic larger.
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
Must be maintained for larger than 40 cm cubic.
A character with this Psi-Power can explode inanimateobjects. The size of the targeted object can be no larger than a 40-cm cube (a littlesmaller than a 16-inch cube). Larger items cause a +5 to the difficulty per 10-cm cubic.The object must be clearly seen by the user and be within 20 meters of him (+5 tothe difficulty per 10 meters beyond 20). If the object is moving, the GM should impose themovement combat modifiers. Any exploding item causes 2D points of damage for 40-cm cubic(+1D for every 10 cm-cubic beyond 40), to those within 3 meters of it. If the item has anyenergy in it (even one shot or use left in a powerclip) its explosion is identical to thatof a fragmentation grenade.
BaseDifficulty: 11
Base Strain: 12
Concentration Time: 1 round
Must me maintained
A character using this Psi-Power can create and project ashape in the electromagnetic spectrum. Anyone scanning for the tell-tale electromagneticpulse of a force field believe they see one. The shape and size are up to the user, butthe larger or more intricate the design, the longer it takes to create. Examples of thisPsi-Power’s use includes tricking the enemy into seeing a character surrounded by a forcefield where none exists, covering an enemy’s vehicle with an electromagnetic dome so theirown troops will not recognize them, or putting up a force wall to hide actual force fieldsbehind it.
Limit: One try per encounter per Die
Base Difficulty: 8
Base Strain: 12
Not maintained
Empathy allows a character to gain a general impression ofthe mood and intentions of an individual or group. In order to use this Power, thecharacter must be able to see or hear the individuals or group. The information that acharacters gains by using this Power is very vague and undefined. The GM should usedescriptions like hostile, curios, cautious, helpful, fearful, neutral, etc.
It notonly allows the character to gain a general impression of the mood and intentions ofindividuals or groups, it also allows him to broadcast his emotions to an individual orgroup. Broadcasting emotional attitudes like friendship, love, caution, helpfulness, andso forth can sometimes prove invaluable in clearing up a misunderstanding. The charactercannot broadcast these emotions unless he truly feels them. These feelings should helpdictate his actions. If using in conjunction with Intimidation, add +1D if successful.
Limit: One try per encounter per Die
Base Difficulty: 10
Base Strain: 12
Can be Maintained
A character with this Psi-Power can attack an enemy’s id,releasing from within it an unreasoning fear. It’s an opposed task vs. the Target’s Willpower.The frightened character wants to run away and hide (all actions while afraid are at a-1D). He attacks anyone attempting to stop him from doing this. After the first two turnsof being afraid, the frightened character is allowed a Willpower check vs. theFear-caster’s success every turn (-5 to the difficulty per turn beyond the first) toregain his composure. Once made, it still takes two turns to get complete control ofhimself. While frightened the character can only perform actions that help him to escape(including Psi-Powers). The direction of the escape is always away from the attacker, evenif he cannot be seen. This power add +3D to any Intimidation rolls.
BaseDifficulty: 6
Base Strain: 8
Not maintained
This Psi-Power allows the character to mentally file away anyinformation he hears or sees in the following five turns. The memory of the material isperfect, if the Psi-Power check is made, and may be retrieved whenever the characterdesires. No more than 5 files per Die in the Psi-Power can be stored at any one time inthe user’s mind.
Healing Trance
Base Stain: 9
Concentration Time: 1 hour per wound level
This allows the Psi to heal oneself. The Psi entersa trance and rolls on the healing table below. Each would level must behealed in succession, taking one hour per level. If the Psi fails, add +3 to thedifficulty.
Would Level | Difficulty |
Stunned | – |
Wounded | 6 |
Wounded Twice | 8 |
Incapacitated | 10 |
Mortally Wounded | 12 |
Limit: Two successful uses per day per Die
Range: 10 m per Die in the Power
Concentration Time: 1 round to create
Base Difficulty: 10
Duration: 10 per Die in rounds
Base Strain: 12
Must be Maintained
This Psi-Power gives the user the ability to create illusionsin the mind of those creatures within 10 meters per Die of himself. The illusion they allsee must be the same. Such illusions have all the verbal, visual, and olfactory aspectsthey normally would, but can cause no damage. It automatically fades after 10 per Die inrounds. If the illusion is of something silly, confusing, or extremely contradictory, thenthe GM should secretly roll an Intuition check for them to disbelieve it.
Range:Within sight of the target. Will not transcend electronic devices. Target mustbe with in normal sight.
Base Stain: 10
Concentration Time: Six Seconds (must be maintained for each round)
Influence is a silent “suggestion” to persuade thetarget into doing a particular action. It is an opposed use, againstWillpower.
It is best used in conjunction with a normal persuasion skill. In this case the influencing character rolls a persuasion skill roll andan influence skill roll, and adds the two rolls together to get a result.
If used by itself, treat as a persuasion, however, the target will beunaware of the influence.
ConcentrationTime: 1 round to create
Base Difficulty: 8
Base Strain: 12
Can be Maintained
A character using this Psi-Power can create and project ashape in the infrared spectrum. Anyone scanning for infrared security beams or theinfrared heat images that most creatures and some machines put out believe they see one.The shape and size are up the the user, but the larger or more intricate the design, thelonger it takes to create. Examples of this Psi-Power’s use include tricking an enemyusing infrared optics into seeing a character’s heat pattern where none exists, or causinginfrared flares in the scanner’s field of vision that are so bright they cover hidingcharacters.
ConcentrationTime: 1 round to create
Base Difficulty: 10
Base Strain: 12
Must be Maintained
A character may levitate himself using this Psi-Power. Themaximum height a levitating character can ascend is 5 + 2 meter for every Die in thePower, rounded down. The maximum rate of ascent or descent a levitating character canachieve is no more than ten meters per turn.
The clothing the user is wearing has noeffect on his levitation, while the amount of equipment he is carrying does. Whilelevitating, a character may not have in his possession equipment weighing more thanone-half his normal carrying capacity. The user may perform one other action whileconcentrating on his levitation. The maximum duration a character can remain levitated atany one time is 5 turns per Die in the Power, followed by two turns of rest.
Levitation only allows vertical movement. Sideways movement is only achievable by thelevitating character pulling himself along an object. A levitating character cannot createforward momentum to affect the direction of his ascent. It is always straight up. Whilewind has no affect on a floating user’s ascent direction, it can slow him down if the GMfeels it is strong enough. If knocked unconscious while levitating, a character falls.
Mind Probe
Range: as for Influence. If physical contact is made, +1D to the skill.
Base Strain: 20
Concentration Time: six seconds, not maintained.
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
This allows the Psi to strip down the target”s mentaldefenses and read the target’s inner thoughts. It is not subtle and is obvious.Can not be hidden unless the Psi gains a 15+ success over the difficulty.
It isan opposed attempt vs. the target’s Willpower. For every 4 points over thedifficulty, the Psi gains one specific piece of information.
The only sure way the probe can go undetected is if the target us unconscious
Limit: One successful user per day per Die
Range: Within sight of the target. Will not transcendelectronic devices.If physical contact is made, +1D to the skill.
Duration: 1D + 1 pip per Die in the Power in turns
Base Strain: 16
Concentration Time: six seconds
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
Not Maintained
This Psi-Power allows a character to mentally attack themotor system of an enemy’s brain. If successful, the target becomes completely paralyzedfor 1D + 1 pip per Die in the Power in turns. He cannot move or speak, but he can see,hear, smell, and user Psi-Powers (if applicable). Only a creature with a brain can beparalyzed (including cyborgs). No drug can override this mentally inflicted paralysis.Difficulty is opposed vs. targets Willpower.
Psi Strike
Range:5 meters, + 5 meters per Die in the skill
Base Strain: 22
Concentration Time: None, not maintained
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
A mental attack. Attacker rolls Psi Strikeability vs. the target’s willpower. The difference is the damage the targetreceives, treated as Stun damage. On a 15+ over the difficulty or if the Opponentrolls a ‘1’ on the Wild Die (Or both), the target receives a Wound, in addition to thestun damage.
GM Option: If used in a generally heinous act, this canproduce a Dark Side point.
Base Difficulty: 14
Base Strain: 18
Concentration Time: 30 minutes, not maintained
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
This Psi Power allows a character to read psychic impressionsleft on an object by the last person who used it. Information that can be gained includeswhat the user looked like, what he thought while using it, what he was doing for the lastfew hours before the item was lost, stolen, or otherwise left his possession. The long theitem has been untouched, the dimmer the impression.
Pyrokinesis or Cryokinesis
Note: Treat as 2 separate powers. Listedtogether for simplicity.
Range: Line of site, non-enhanced
Base Strain: 14
Concentration Time: None, not maintained
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
The Psi can either freeze or burn something with a thought;mentally slow the molecules down or speed them up. The difficulty is based on thematerial to burn/boil or freeze.
Object | Difficulty Number (Pyro/Cryo) | Add to Strain |
Dry Paper, kindling, water (boil orfreeze) | 12/11 | +0 |
Gasoline or similar flammable, dry wood | 20/22 | +1 |
Dry Cloth, seasoned lumber, hair | 14/12 | +2 |
Plastic, green wood, leather | 18/19 | +3 |
Reinforced cloth, flesh | 25/22 | +4 |
Armor, Synthsteel | 31/33 | +5 |
Metal, Stone | 32/34 | +6 |
Strong Steel | 40/45 | +7 |
Object is Wet | +5/-5 | – |
Object is bone dry | -5/+5 | -1 |
Object is brittle | -2/- | – |
The item either gets unbearably hot or extremely cold, andif flammable, bursts into flame, and if freezable, freezes solid. The differencebetween the difficulty and the Psi roll is the damage taken by the object. Whenapplied to living flesh, they roll only Strength to resist.
BaseDifficulty: 8
Base Strain: 12
Concentration Time:1 Round
Passively maintained (no roll necessary)
This Psi-Power allows a character to know when someone istrying to intrude on his thoughts or mentally attack him. It does not indicate who isdoing the intruding or attacking. Nor does it define what Psi-Power is being used. If hedesires, the character can, in the next turn, put up his mental shield. This preventsTelepathy, Empathy, and Illusion from working on him. It also protects him with a +3D tothe intruder’s difficulty for all mental attacks used against him. The character canmaintain the shield for as long as the is conscious, but he can perform no otherPsi-Powers while concentrating on his shield.
He can perform other non-Psi-Poweractivities while keeping his shield up. The GM should make sure that this Psi-Power is notabused. A character who has the shield up most of the time will become easily exhaustedand can even suffer stun damage or loss of Knowledge score because of the damaging effectsof trying to be always mentally protected.
Range: 10 meters per number of Die in the Power, radius
Duration (Maximum): 3 turns per Die in the power
Base Strain: 10
Concentration Time: 1 round
Must be Maintained
With this Psi-Power a character can send out a disruptivefield of mental energy which interferes with broadcast transmissions, includingcommunications transmissions, scanner transmissions, and robots operating from a mainpower supply station or computerized control facility. The area affected extends out fromthe user up to a 10 meters per number of Die in the Power, radius of the user. Themaximum duration of this Psi-Power, once the check has been made, is 3 turns per Die inthe power.
Range: See table
Base Strain: 14
Concentration Time: six seconds.
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
Can be Maintained
This simply allows the Psi to moves things withhis mind. The characters Telekinesis skill is the Strength of his attempt.Use the Lifting difficulties below.
Mass | Difficulty |
1-9 kg | Very Easy |
10 kg | Easy |
50 kg | Moderate |
100 kg | Difficult |
200 kg | Very Difficult |
500 kg | Heroic |
750 kg | Heroic +10 |
1 metric ton | Heroic +20 |
1.5 metric ton | Heroic +30 |
2 metric ton | Heroic +40 |
2.5 metric ton | Heroic +50 |
The difference between the Difficulty and the roll determines themaximum distance the object moves, according to the following table.
Difference Range | Distance |
0 | 1 meter |
4-5 | 3 meters |
6-8 | 5 meters |
9-10 | 8 meters |
11-12 | 10 meters |
13-15 | 12 meters |
16-20 | 15 meters |
For every +2 | +2 meters |
For fine manipulation, add +5 to the difficulty.
Range: See Table
Base Difficulty: 12 (or vs. Willpower, if not receptive)
Base Strain: 12
Concentration Time: ten seconds, maintained.
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
This is the basic ability to communicate throughthe mind. A Psi with this ability can “Send his thoughts” over a distance to atarget sentient. The range is determined by the difference between the Difficulty and thePsi’s Roll.
Difference Range | Distance |
0 | 1 meter |
4-5 | 8 meters |
6-8 | 40 meters |
9-10 | 80 meters |
11-12 | 200 meters |
13-15 | 800 meters |
16-20 | 1000 meters |
For every +1 | +100 meters |
This should be modified by the target’s willingness to receive thetelepathic message. If the person is an unwilling or unwitting participant tot heTelepathy, the difficulty is an opposed roll vs. the target’s Willpower. Ifthey are actively resisting, the difficulty is the Base Difficulty + the Willpower roll.
Limit: One successful use per Die per three days
Duration: Psi Ability Roll. 1 months for every point on the Die
Base Difficulty: 14
Base Strain: 16
Concentration Time: 1 hour per month reading. Must be Maintainedevery hour (instead of every round)
Minimum Psi Ability: 3D
When a character uses this Psi-Power successfully, remainsimmobile, and concentrates on a space he is occupying (5-meter radius), he can look backin time at what took place there. He cannot be seen by those shades of the past and he canhear no sound. He is, in fact, completely helpless during this Psi-Power use. After thePsi-Power check is made, another Psi-ability roll is required to determine how far backthrough time he can see. The Psi can read back 1 months for every point on the Die.
Theuser starts at the far end of the time span and comes forward toward the present. He canreturn through time as fast as he wishes, but once he passed a date, he cannot go backagain without a new Psi-Power use. It is up to the GM how long and at what rate the Psi isscanning, and when the maintaining roll is needed. The Psi cannot interfere in anyway in the space he concentrated on. The GM must use his discretion with this Psi-Powerand may have to ad lib a great deal, as a lot of information may be required. This is agood chance for storytelling, however, and a perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork foran upcoming adventure. This Psi-Power is usually used for gaining clues and evidence incrimes.
Pr: Psi Strike
Duration: 10 turns per Die in the Power
Base Difficulty: 12
Base Strain: 14
Concentration Time: 1 round
Not maintained.
This Psi-Power is set by a Psi who expects to be attackedmentally. Once set, the trap lasts for 10 turns per Die in the Power or until thecharacter is successfully struck by a mental attack or other form of mental probe. Whenthis happens, the user’s stored mental energy lashes out as a retributive mental beam. Ifthe check is made, it strikes the character who has probed or attacked like a Psi StrikePsi-Power.