03.08 Rd6 Advantages: Aptitudes & Affinities
Still other special abilities provide a bonus at the time a character is created. For example, a new alien characters receive 2D for every 1D they spend on Stealth skills to represent a very stealthy species. Another more technically inclined species may receive an extra 4D for beginning skill dice which must be applied to Intellect skills, and may also place up to 4D in a beginning Intellect skill instead of the normal 2D limit.
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for every 1D of skill dice allocated to Scholar: bureaucracy, and Scholar: business.
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for very 1D allocated to the Athletics specializations in swimming and Survival: aquatic skills.
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for every 1D allocated
to specializations of Athletics: climbing and Athletics: jumping.
Combat Finesse
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for every 1D allocated to the Melee Weapons, Fighting and Athletics: throwing skills.
Cultural Learning
At the time of character creation only, character receives 2D for every 1D of skill dice allocated to Cultures or Languages.
Rural Upbringing
At the time of character creation only, the character receives +2D bonus skill dice, which may only be used to improve the following skills: Scholar: agriculture, Scholar: business, Scholar: ecology, Scholar: meteorology, Persuasion, and Medicine: first aid.
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for every 1D allocated to any Repair/Craft and Devices skills.
At the time of character creation only, the character receives 2D for every 1D allocated to the Stealth skills.
Aptitudes Table
Aptitudes | Class Bonus |
Ace | Rogue, Warrior |
Acute Senses | Rogue, Scout |
Agriculture | Class: Scholar |
Animal Friendship | Scholar |
Assassin | Warrior |
Athlete | Warrior |
Charismatic | Leader |
Charlatan | Rogue |
Commando | Warrior |
Comptech | Scholar |
Craftsman | Adept |
Dead Shot | Warrior |
Emissary | Leader |
Enforcer | Warrior |
Engineer | Adept |
Enhanced Stamina | Scout |
Environmental Resilience | Scout |
Explorer | Scout, Adept |
Fast Reactions | Rogue, Warrior |
Hacker | Scholar |
Hunter | Rogue, Warrior |
Intimidating | Warrior, Adept |
Investigator | Adept |
Jumper | Warrior, Rogue |
Magic User | Adept |
Martial Artist | Warrior |
Master of Disguise | Adept, Rogue |
Mechanical Aptitude | Scholar |
Medic | Scholar |
Natural Leader | Leader |
Naturally Agile | Rogue |
Navigator | Scholar, Scout |
Observant | Rogue, Adept |
Outrider | Scout |
Photographic Memory | Scholar |
Psion | Adept |
Ranger | Scout |
Rigjack | Scholar |
Security | Warrior |
Sense of Direction | Scout |
Soldier | Warrior |
Specific Terrain Survival | Scout, Warrior |
Spy | Rogue, Scout |
Stealthy | Rogue |
Swimming | Warrior |
Teacher | Scholar |
Aptitudes List
Some special abilities add a bonus to a certain skill at all times. You can easily modify many of these choices by substituting new skills. The usual Point Cost for these abilities is 2 points. The bonus can be increased by +1D for 4 points. Any Special Ability that gives a bonus to the die roll or the skill total also allows the character to use that skill as if trained.
Class Bonus: This connects an Aptitudes with certain classes. If the character chooses this Aptitude and has this particular class associated to it, the bonus is increased by +1 pip. For Example a Rogue that picks Ace gains +1D+1 to one Drive/Pilot skill.
Class: Rogue, Warrior
The character is a natural Pilot or Driver. The character gains +1D to one Drive/Pilot skill.
Acute Senses
Class: Rogue, Scout
The character adds +1D to Search Tests based on visual acuity.
Class: Scholar
The character receive a + 1D bonus to his Scholar: agriculture Tests.
Animal Friendship
Class: Scholar
The character gains +1D to Animal Handling and Survival Tests involving wild animals.
Class: Warrior
The character has the natural skills to be an Assassin. +1D to one of the following: Stealth, Melee Weapons or Fighting.
Class: Warrior
The character gains +1D to Athletics Tests.
Class: Leader
The character is very charming and persuasive, +1D bonus to Persuasion attempts involving charm, seduction, and the like.
Class: Rogue
The character is a born scoundrel, dastard, or miscreant. +1D to one of the following: Thievery, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand.
Class: Warrior
The character is adept at going it alone in combat situations and doing so, gains +1D in one of the following: Fighting, Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons Tests.
Class: Scholar
The character is adapt at Computers and Electronics. +1D to one of the following: Devices: Computers, Scholar: Electronics, Craft/Repair: Computers.
Class: Adept
The character is a skilled craftsman. +1D to one Craft/Repair skills
Dead Shot
Class: Warrior
+1D to a Ranged Combat skills
Class: Leader
The character is a naturally skilled diplomat. +1D to one of the following: Persuasion, a related Scholar skills.
Class: Warrior
The character is a natural at enforcing the laws or rules of the powers that be. +1D to one of the following: Scholar: Laws , Investigation, and Persuasion – Intimidation.
Class: Adept
The character is a adept at engineering and mechanical tasks. +1D to one of the following: One appropriate Scholar skill, one appropriate Device skill, or one appropriate Craft/Repair.
Enhanced Stamina
Class: Scout
The the character receives a +1D bonus to Stamina and willpower Tests in harsh or difficult environments.
Environmental Resilience
Class: Scout
The character can endure extreme environments and gains a +1D to Resist or other Stamina Tests in those environments.
Class: Scout, Adept
The character is adept at exploring unknown regions. +1D to one of the following: one Survival skill, one Scholar skill or one Device skill in a related field.
Fast Reactions
Class: Rogue, Warrior
The character gains +1D his Perception when determining initiative, and, one (1) time during the Session, he may receive one additional action for one round.
Class: Scholar
The character is adapt at hacking computers and security systems. +1D to one of the following: Devices: Computers, Devices: Security Systems, or Investigation.
Class: Rogue, Warrior
The character is a natural hunter. +1D to one of the following: Search-Tracking, Range Weapons, or Investigation.
Class: Warrior, Adept
The character gains +1D when using Persuasion through intimidation due to his fearsome appearance.
Class: Adept
The character is a natural investigator. +1D to one of the following: Persuasion, Investigation, or Search skill.
Class: Warrior, Rogue
The character’s strong legs gives him a remarkable jumping ability. He receives a +1D bonus for his Athletics: jumping skill.
Magic User
Class: Adept
The character is an adept Magicks user. any three Extranormal: Magic skills. Can be taken Multiple time for different sets of skills.
Martial Artist
Class: Warrior
+1D to Fighting and +1D to Melee Weapons.
Mechanical Aptitude
Class: Scholar
+1D to Craft/Repair Tests involving mechanical things.
Master of Disguise
Class: Adept, Rogue
The character has a natural talent for disguise. He gains a +1D bonus to all Disguise totals and a +1D bonus to any Presence-based actions while in that disguise.
Class: Scholar
The character is adept at Medicine and healing. +1D to one of the following: Medicine, an appropriate Scholar skill.
Naturally Agile
Class: Rogue
+1D to all actions involving Acrobatics and Athletics for purposes of climbing, jumping, or other actions requiring balance.
Natural Leader
Class: Leader
+1D to Persuasion when using it for command or intimidation.
Class: Scout
The character is a skilled Navigator. +1D to one of the following: Navigation, Scholar: Cartography, appropriate Drive/Pilot
Class: Rogue, Adept
+1D to Search and Investigation Tests
Class: Scout
The character adept in covertly exploring ahead, taking point and using tactics to assess a situation. +1D to one of the following: Stealth, one Survival skill, Scholar: Tactics
Photographic Memory
Class: Scholar
+1D to any Scholar Tests and Languages Tests
Class: Adept
The character is an adept Psionics user. +1D to one of the following: Extranormal: Psionics.
Class: Scout
The character is skilled in survival and wilderness travel. +1D to one of the following: a Survival skill, an appropriate Scholar skill
Class: Scholar
The character is skilled in Jury-rigging and improvisational crafting solutions for technical, mechanical or chemical problems. +1D to any one Craft/Repair skills.
Class: Warrior
The character is adept as security procedures and is a skilled protector of life and property. +1D to one of the following: Scholar: Security, Scholar: Tactics, Ranged Weapons.
Sense of Direction
Class: Scout
The character has a good sense of direction. He gains +1D to Navigation and Search (tracking) rolls.
Class: Warrior
The character is a born soldier, fighter or warrior. +1D to one of the following: Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Fighting
Specific Terrain Survival
Class: Scout, Warrior
The character has an innate sense of survival in a certain terrain – mountains, plains, wilderness, tundra, desert, aquatic. This character gets a +1D when making Survival Tests regarding in these terrains. May be chosen multiple times for each terrain type.
Class: Rogue
The character is adept at espionage. +1D to one of the following: Investigation, Stealth, Persuasion when in espionage situations.
Class: Rogue
The character has such a natural ability to be stealthy that he receives +1D when using Stealth skills to hide or move quietly. He also gains a +1D when making a surprise attacks.
Class: Warrior
Swimming comes naturally to the the character, who gains +1D to Dodge and +3 to Move underwater.
Class: Scholar
The the character may advance all specializations of the scholar skill at half the normal Character Point cost.