The Party in 2134
Early notes from Ken Richardson on the organization of the Nazi party and the many Ministries there in.
The NAtional SoZIalist Deutches Arbeits Partei (NSDAP, or Nazi Party) is the only legal political party allowed in the Third Reich. It controls nearly every aspect of daily life for Reichs citizens. There are gleichschaltung, or “party limbs” for every profession; a political army and secret police (the SS); and even a church that is built on nazi ideals. No aspect of society is free from the iron grip of the regime. Most officials are appointed from above, instead of by popular vote, which has helped to keep out those persons who may endanger the stability of the NSDAP.
The basic program for the NSDAP is as follows:
- No one but members of the nation may be citizens of the Reich. Only Those of Aryan blood may be members of the nation. Therefore, only Aryans may be citizens of the Third Reich.
- Anyone who is not a citizen of the nation may live in the Reich only asa guest, but remains subject to Reichs laws (except in the case of diplomats).
- All citizens of the Reich shall be as equals, in regards to rights and duties.
- It is the prime duty of a citizen to work with his body or mind.
- Any activities of the individual must be directed toward the good of thenation as a whole, and must not clash with the interests of the common good.
- There shall be ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are damaging to the common interest. Sordid criminals against the nation shall be punished by death, whatever their race or creed.
- Legal prosecution shall be carried out against all tendencies in art,literature, science, religion, and other facets of society which are likely to disintegrate our life as a nation. Merciless suppression is to be carried out against institutions which militate against this.
- The only religion suitable to the positive Christian ideals of the Party And the nation is the Reichschurch. Therefore, all other religions are illegal in the Third Reich.
- We shall maintain the strong central power of the State, with the unquestioned authority of Der Führer over the Reichbbbbbbbb and its citizens and organizations.
- The leaders of the Party swear to move forward – if necessary to sacrifice their own lives – in preserving the foregoing program.
With the fear of “political infection” reaching paranoiac proportions, it is hardly surprising to f ind that the NSDAP goes to extremes in maintaining its integrity. It is not a simple matter of going down to the Blockwart’s office and signing up. In order to join the Party, you must first have a member in good standing sponsor you. Prior to acceptance, the NSDAP runs a security check on the applicant through the Gestapo and Kripo. If the applicant, or his friends and family are found to have an unsuitable record, the applicant is refused. In extreme cases the sponsor may face reprimands from the Party Courts for his “failure to be responsible in his selection”. Party membership is open to all citizens of the Reich,but only males from age 18 and up are eligible to vote in elections.
- PG (PARTEIGENOSSE) – Ordinary party member.
- BLOCKWART – Block warden. Responsible for party activities at a city block or apartment complex level.
- ZELLENLEITER – Leader of a party cell. Responsible for 4 or 5 city blocks.
- ORTSGRUPPENLEITER – Local group leader. Responsible for a city sector.
- BURGERMEISTER – Mayor or City Manager.
- KREISLEITER – Rural or County Commissioner.
- GAULEITER – Governor of a Gau, Land, or small colony. Elected bythe local Staatsrat, and confirmed or rejected by the Minister of the Interior.
- REICHSLEITER – Leader of a Staat, medium sized colony, orkabinett minister. Elected by the Parteikongress, and confirmed or rejected by DerFührer.
- WELTLEITER – World Leader. Governor of all Reichs territories on a colonized world. Elected by the Parteikongress, confirmed or rejected by der Führer.
STAATSRAT (State Council of Representatives)
Staatsrat representatives are elected by party members from each Gau orLand within a Staat. There is one representative from each Gau/ Land regardless of population size. The Staatsrat has absolutely no legislative or authoritative powers, and acts merely as a lobbying group for each region’s financial and service needs to the Reichsleiter.
REICHSTAG (Reichs Council of Deputies)
Reichstag Deputies are elected by each Staatsrat, with 1 deputy per 100 million citizens from each Staat or Colony. Formally, this representative body was the Staatsrat for only Germany. It was relieved of all legislative powers by the Enabling Act of March 24, 1933. In 1948, all Reichstag deputies were transferred to a new DeutschlandStaatsrat, and Staat level representatives from the entire Reich took their seats. As with the Staatsrats, the Reichstag is only a lobbying organization with no real powers. The Deputy Führer hears the suggestions, proposals, and complaints of the Reichstag and conveys their sentiments to Der Führer. There are currently Deputies in the Reichstag,but this number will increase with additional colonies.
The Parteikongress consists of 10 representatives from each of the Party gleichshaltung (“limbs”), such as “The National Socialist Workers Front”,”The National Socialist Teachers Alliance”. “The SS”, etc. They are elected by the general members of each organization. Representatives lobby for funding and issues concerning their respective groups, and also selects candidates for Führer (confirmed or rejected by the Reichskabinett), and for the Reichskabinett (confirmed or rejected by the Führer). They do not under any circumstances, have the authority to remove anyone from office. The Party Chancellor acts as a go-between for the Parteikongress and der Führer.
REICHSKABINETT (Government Ministers)
Each Kabinett Minister is elected by the Parteikongress, and confirmed or rejected by the Führer. At any point in time the Führer is free to dismiss any Minister and replace him. The Reichskabinett is the only body in the government with the power to draft laws. Each Minister may draft laws pertaining to his Ministry’s sphere of influence. However, any new bill must have the Führer’s written consent before it can become an official law. In all cases the Führer has the final word.
This ministry is responsible for the appointment of Gauleiters, as well as control and inspection of public utilities, housing, engineering and construction. It also theoretically controls the Kriminal Polizei (Kripo) and the Ordnungs Polizei (Orpo: regular city, rural, and border police), although in actuality these are subject to the SS. Civil Service jobs relating to the Interior Ministry include: housing, construction,and utilities inspectors; civil engineers; construction workers; Kriminal or Order Police,and immigration officers.
This powerful office controls all forms of printed and broadcast media, aswell as all forms of art and entertainment. The Ministry also runs the official news agency DNB (Deutsche Nachrichtenburo) , which in turn regulates all other news coverage. Civil Service jobs relating to this Ministry include: news coverage and broadcast personnel; arts and entertainment inspectors; and editors.
The Foreign Ministry is responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with the Empire, the RSI, and any Alien worlds that may be encountered. All Reichs ambassadors report to this office. The Foreign Minister may also meet with foreign heads of state on behalf of the Führer.
This Ministry operates the postal service and regulates all public communications companies, such as Siemens Telefunken, and AEG Telefunken. By controlling this organ it is a simple matter for government agencies to spy on its citizens.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the collection of taxes and other revenue for the Reich. The main offices of the Ministry are as follows:
RFA (Reichsfinanzamt)
The notorious tax collection office. RFA agents are well known for their thoroughness and ruthless methods of dealing with fraudulent or delinquent tax payers, and have even been known to conduct armed raids on occasion.
RZD (Reichszolldienst)
The Reichs Customs Service inspects transports and cargo entering or exiting all Reichs territories. They even have a fleet of small System patrol craft for boarding and searching starships in space. In cases of a national emergency the Führer may assign control of these RZD vessels and personnel to the OKN (Naval High Command).
Geldshutzpolizei are special uniformed police responsible for the guarding and transfer of currency and precious minerals for the Reich. This also includes shipments from the Reichsbank to other banks, which actually overlaps with the Ministry of Economics.
Coordination of businesses, banking, government loans, and the productionof currency are responsibilities of the Ministry of Economics. Its primary offices are:
The Reichsbank
The Reichsbank is the central bank for the Third Reich. It handles a mixture of both government and private financial affairs including: the printing of currency; control of foreign exchange; manipulation of rates and tariffs; financing for government Ministries; commercial and mortgage loans; maintaining accounts for the military, SS, and other government offices; storage of the nation’s gold reserves; and regulation of all private and savings banks.
In 1939, all commercial and mortgage banks were nationalized and placed under the direct control of the Reichsbank. Those banks which only offer personal loans and savings accounts were left in private hands, but still regulated by the government.The Reichsbank’s gold reserves increased dramatically during the War of Unification, as billions of Reichsmarks in gold was looted from occupied territories. Most of the reserves from the Bank of England, and other nations vanished in the chaos and found its way to Berlin.Bars were melted down and re-cast to bear the Reichsbank imprint and the retroactive date 1938. However, rumors still abound of a missing portion of the gold from Fort Knox, that was hidden away by the Americans shortly before the occupation.
Economics Advisory Council
This council is made up of selected representatives of the more importantbanks and businesses in the Third Reich. Its function is to advise the FUhrer and Ministerof Economics on economic policy.
The Ministry of Armaments coordinates the development of weapons and weapons systems, issues defence contracts, and provides important construction work for the military. Its two primary offices are:
Armaments Council
A council of representatives from the large corporations that handle defence contracts. It is meant to be a forum for coordinating the activities between these corporations, so that they can all work together. This seldom happens. The usual representatives are from: Krupp AG; Siemens AG; IG Farben; Messerschmit; Baumann Industries; Bollenbach Labs; Banilov Cronauer; Ost Ind.; Kellar Munitions; Eicher Kreigsmaterielen; Waffen Fabrik Mauser-Werke AG; Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken(Luger); and AEG.
Organization Todt (OT)
This semi-military organization, named for Dr. Fritz Todt (its first director), is responsible for the construction of important military facilities such asroads, bases and training camps. It is not however controlled by the Wehrmacht, and all of its personnel are civilians.
The DT&T Ministry is responsible for documentation of domestic freight,and safety inspection and construction dealing with ground or air transportation.
This Ministry is responsible for safety, security, and construction in the realm of interstellar transport. It builds and maintains all public starports, as well as provides security officers and safety inspectors. Those ships which are not up to government safety standards are heavily fined, and the owner could face prosecution. The MITT Sicherheitsinspektors (safety inspectors) are the ones who handle this job. The Ministry’s Raumshutzpolizei are sort of interstellar “Sky Marshals”, who wear plainclothes and provide undercover security onboard interstellar passenger voyages.Regular uniformed security guards deal with security within a starport itself.
The Ministry of Colonial Development coordinates the activities of government, business, and private citizens in the exploration, settlement and exploitation of newly discovered worlds. It also handles many of the other Ministries duties, until local offices and government can be established. Some of the more important offices are:
Reichskommission flur Erforschung und Erweiterung (RKEE)
The Reichs Commission for Exploration and Expansion handles all of the basic scientific exploration of space, operating its own fleet of exploratory vessels and personnel. It locates, maps, surveys, and provides all types of important scientific data to the government and military. Additionally it works to establish experimental colonies.The board of directors for the RKEE includes: the Deputy Minister of Colonial Development,an adjutant for the Commander-in-Chief of the Grenzkorps; an SS adjutant from the RKFDV;an SS adjutant from the RSHA; numerous scientists; representatives from Krupp,IG Farben, Transsternen Fracht-(TSF), DEST, and reps from other mining firms.
This is the government office regulating medicine; the medical, rescue,and related professions; health and fitness; nutritional information, and inspection of restaurants and food processing centers. All hospitals are run by the government, but doctors are allowed private practice under close scrutiny.
The Ministry of Labor regulates most general labor occupations, determines wages for all professions, and settles disputes between management and labor.
This is the Judicial branch of the government. It oversees all courts(except SS and Wehrmacht tribunals), appoints judges, and regulates those in the Lawprofession. There are 6 different courts in the Reich, which are as follows:
Volksgericht (The People’s Court)
A national level court set up in Berlin, and the capital of each off-world colony. It is made up of two professional judges, and five others selected from Party Officials, the SS, and the Wehrmacht. The function of this court was to try and sentence accused traitors of the Third Reich. The sentence is always death, and there are no appeals.
Parteigerichte (Party Courts)
Special courts set up on a Gau or Land level and charged with guarding and maintaining the purity of the Nordic race. It deals with such enemies of the state as communists, liberals, race defilers, and other political criminals. Party members are held in line through the court’s power to sentence them to loss of suffrage, loss of employment, blacklisting, and labor camp terms.
Honor Courts
These courts deal with members of the legal profession, and has the authority to remove lawyers from the bar.
City Courts
Courts set up in each city to deal with criminal offences. An appeal against a verdict can be made. And if granted by the Burgermeister, the case can be taken to the Supreme Regional Court of the Gau or Land.
Supreme Regional Courts
Courts set up at a Gau or Land level to deal with general criminal offences. An appeal can be made to the Gauleiter, and if granted, the case can be taken to the Supreme Court of Justice.
Reichsgerichte (Supreme Court of the Third Reich)
A national court set up on Erde and every colonial world for criminal offences. A prosecutor could elect to by-pass the lower courts altogether, and take a case directly to this court.
The Ministry of Agriculture administers all food production for the Third Reich. It hires farm workers, and takes care of transport of food to processing centers.
This Ministry controls all teachers, lecturers, and educational materials.It is also partly responsible for the guiding of the Hitlerjungen (HJ) and Bund DeutscherMidel(BdM).
All church leaders are appointed by this Ministry, and are subject to its authority. Those leaders who deviate from the proscribed teachings of the Reichschurch can be removed from office, and sent to the People’s Court.
The Ministry of Science and Culture deals with the advancement in the field of science and intellectual studies/ philosophy for the Third Reich. It appoints scientificvv professors to universities, and also publishes scientific information for the government, military, and the public at large.