Infantry Wetwar Core Rulebook

Infantry Wetwar Core Rulebook

From: Black Powder Games

Reviewed by: Ron McClung

Infantry Wetwar Core Rulebookis a new Sci-fi Tactical Game Rulebook (PDF) from Black Powder Games.

I had a hard time figuring out just what this zipped bundle of files was. In places, it references OGL Cybernet, so I thought it was a d20 Cybernet adventure. Nope. There were several images included with the PDFs that looked like counters, so I thought it was an e-board game. Sort of. After further inspection, I determined it is a tactical tile-based game set in some cyberpunk-style near future. Although it credits OGL Cybernet for use of some terms, it is not a d20 or OGL game. In fact, it could very well be a board game proposal that got rejected and now is in e-print for you to try.

From the page # 3: “ Man has grasped deep into the ocean, the wild lands, and into orbital space … ”

Infantry Wetwar is basically a tactical e-board game with map tile and counter images for you to print out in order to play the game. It is set in a near-future where much of the action takes place underwater in the aquatic colonies of the future. It is a very simply-written PDF with very little fluff – just rules and a scenario to get you started.

Content: There is not much to the PDF in the way of content. In 25 pages, it simply describes a tactical turn sequence in a step-by-step manner. Each turn has five phases, and each phase is described in simple clear terms. The tiles provided depict the layout of an underwater complex, and the counters represent members of each mission team, vehicles, robots and robotic weaponry and other items. Also provided are Cybernet card images for your Cybernet deck.

Units include webcrawlers, soldiers, sentry gun (robotic guns), jumper mines, and walking armor.

System: The basis of the game is a Mission. One mission is supplied in the last few pages, but more can be found in another supplement called a Mission Book, which I assume is accessible elsewhere. Players play in rounds and each round is divided into phases. There are five phases: Cybernet Phase, Movement Phase, Combat Phase, Environment Phase, and Check Mission Phase. One interesting aspect is that initiative is rolled in each phase and not for the entire round, so someone different could go first in each phase. A single 6-sided die (d6) is used for everything.

The most interesting phase is the Cybernet phase. Based on the number of webcrawlers (cyber-hackers) the player has on the board, cybernet cards can be played in this phase. Each card is a program released by the webcrawler in an effort to affect the mission one way or another. This is the area that has lots of potential for expansion. If you do not play any cards, you can draw one.

Movement is in terms of squares or tiles. Vehicles such as submarines move first and then infantry units. There are different movement rates based on terrain within the sub-aquatic facility. Terrain includes hatchways, open, open half full with water and open full of water.

Combat is very straight forward and board game-like. Roll d6 and add applicable value (melee or ranged) and compare to target’s defense. If a six is rolled, roll again and add that to the total as well. If the value is higher than the target’s defensive value, the target is killed. If the target is wearing armor, 1 point of armor is removed and the target remains alive. Once all armor is depleted, the next hit destroys the until. Sentry guns and jump mines add interesting spice to the combat.

The Environment phase covers any flooding that occurs and its effects. Webcrawler programs may cause this as would explosions. The round ends with a mission check to see of the mission was accomplished.

From the # 3: “ Welcome to Pacifica, your role is a thief or a soldier.”

In conclusion, this game truly has potential, and I would love to see this in true board game form. With the replay-ability of the tile and card system plus the feel of a sci-fi cyberpunk game, this game would be a great real board game with a lot of expansion potential. I like the idea, I like the simplicity, I like the detail. The format I got it in left a little to be desired and I think I could do better with the art for the tiles and counters. However, overlooking the presentation, the game itself looks cool.

For more details on Black Powder Games and their new Sci-fi Tactical Game Rulebook (PDF) “Infantry Wetwar Core Rulebook” check them out at their website and at all of your local game stores.

Infantry Wetwar Core Rulebook

From: Black Powder Games

Type of Game: Sci-fi Tactical Game Rulebook (PDF)

Written by: Delmer Esau

Game Design by: Delmer Esau

Developed by: Delmer Esau

Cover Art by: Bradley Bleeker

Additional Art by: Delmer Esau

Number of Pages: 25

Game Components Included: Rulebook PDF and 22 counter jpg-files

Retail Price:$ ?? (US)

Web Site:

Reviewed by: Ron McClung