02.00 Optical & Auditory

All existing optical systems have been designed in such a way that up to three (3) separate optical enhancements may be placed into a single standard eye uni. Other eye units are outlined below as well. Thought control and a microcomputer allows the user to switch between the optics as a simple action.
Orbital and non-orbital units: In anatomy, the orbit is the cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated. Orbital units are those units that replace the eye and sit inside the socket. Non-orbital are units that give vision to the use but are installed outside the socket.
Base Units
Basic Cyber-eye
The Cyber-eye replaces one biological eye and comes with varying Sight Add options. These systems provide capability to eye option modules.
Cyber-eye Modules: These Modules require installation of a cyber-eye. Each cyber-eye can hold up to three (3) modules, after which micro-fiber links to sensors placed elsewhere on the body must be used. Optical links are limited to one of these connections if all three slots are used in the eye. So, for example, a character may have three eye options used in his left eye and an optical link to a sensor elsewhere on his body from his left eye. His right eye can still hold up to three options and one sensor link. Different options may be selected for each eye. When using Cyber-scope(s) linked to EyeHUD or Hunter systems, a different weapon sight may be linked to each eye, potentially allowing the user to fire each weapon simultaneously at separate targets without taking targeting penalties (multi-action modifiers still apply).
WatchDog Non-Orbital Optics
In the past, tradition has demanded that optics replace normal eyes. But not so these days. McGinley (first) has developed several different styles of optics for placement on other parts of the body. There are two benefits to the WatchDog systems. One, one can peer around dangerous corners without risking a hard shot; flexibility and stealth. The second is that size is no longer a problem, allowing for more modules. Traditional eye socket models are restricted to three (3) modules per unit because of size considerations, but the WatchDog system can be designed to accommodate as many different options as desired. Modules capacities are listed in the table.
WatchDog Visual Finger
This option places an optical system either in a finger or elsewhere on a user’s hand (palm or back).
WatchDog Viewer’s Advisor
This unit is 360 degree ringlet WatchDog that encircles any part of the body (including the head). Modules for this unit are set up on a rotating track that allows the user to scan in front, along his side or even behind him. Note: It does not add any benefits to preventing ambush or back attacks unless the unit is actually positioned for rear observation.
WatchDog Heel! WatchDog
This unit is similar to the Visual Finger, but designed for the foot.
WatchDog OverSeer
Instead of a hand or foot mounted model, this unit is a rotating swivel that can be attached to a user’s shoulder. Like the AdVisor, it can provide eyesight behind a target. It is more expensive than the standard Advisor, but but is more durable. The OverSeer can be custom designed into any shape.
This is a specially developed chemical coating. When characters experience a blinding attack, this protects the eyes from being blinded. Anti-Glare allows cyberoptics to adapt quicker and adjust.
Bug Eyes
These multifaceted eyes gives the user near 270 degree vision. They may be enhanced with HeatSeeker or Low-Light enhancements. Bug Eyes are obvious cyberware.
Cats Eye Low-Light
This unit allows for improved vision in dimly lit conditions, providing Low LIght Vision ability in such settings. The unit will not function in total darkness.
The Chromespec provides glare and flash protection for cyber-eye and systems installed in that eye. This is a cybernetic option and takes up one eye option space.
This option allows eyes to “see” emissions from most standard cyberware.
This eye-based micro “Heads-Up-Display” presents data from jacked-in gun or body-mounted sensors as an overlay to the visual input from the eye. It can also be used to display information from other eye, ear or body sensors. It has a low level of system intelligence which allows the system to highlight conflicting information presented in the display.
Eye Lite
This decorative eye wear spins pretty patterns in the eye. A tiny subcutaneous chip can be pre-programmed with a variety of images and patterns.
Fiber Telescopic
This is a 20 centimeter fiberoptic cable (2mm diameter) that extends through the iris of any standard cyberoptic. It will allow monocular vision (binocular if both eyes are equipped) with full range of cyber vision optics. It may be useful for looking around corners, under doors, through small holes and cracks. Players’ imaginations should supply a myriad of mundane uses as well – such as working on a car engine or in other tight hard-to-see locations.
A visual unit designed to spot heat signatures of beings or objects. The Heat-Seeker provides Infravision ability to the user (see alien abilities).
Hunter Targeting System
An optical unit which uses laser technology to sight in on a target, thus increasing the chance to hit. It must be linked via SimNerve to the weapon and is commonly only used with subdermal weaponry. Unlike a standard lasersight, it does not project a “dot” or require aiming to use – it is an integral bonding of the weapon to the eye.
The Infrared aids in detection of heat signatures in poorly lit conditions. Heat signatures left behind usually don’t last very long (for example, a quarry’s footprints in a dark, cool room). If the room is significantly cooler than the heat source was, the lingering effects are rapidly cooling to the room temperature. If the room is only slightly cooler than the remaining heat signature then the initial perceivable difference wasn’t that great, and it will soon equalize with the ambient temperature.
Laser Enhanced Display (LED)
This unit provides visual readouts of computer data and messages across the field of vision. The readout can be located in a corner of the field or overlaid upon it. Chips loaded into a chip holder hold the information.
MicroOptics allows the user to magnify objects by up to x25 providing that they are viewed from a close distance (5 cm or less). Purely for the lab-rats. No practical use in the urban nightmare.
This one allows the user to determine the range to objects within the eye’s field-of-view. Range data can be displayed via LED, EyeHUD or incorporated into a datapacket for use by other systems interfaced with the eye.
A cybernetic eye fitted into the socket, the SuperSight provides bonuses to to Notice rolls. The SuperSight is widely used but slightly more difficult to camouflage than cybernetic arms/ etc.
Capable of expanding the image of a far-away object by x25, the Telescopic reduces range penalties by 2 in combat. Networld and Furtherman have their own version.
The Tracker locks on and keeps the marker or cursor on target. The target must stay in line-of-sight. The Tracker is very useful in crowds and is popular with reporters, cops, and security personnel. It does not interface with weapon sighting systems, making this system acceptable cyberware even on worlds where weapons are forbidden.
Auditory Systems
The Eavesdroppers or EVDs allows characters to better hear sounds within the normal frequency range. This provides a +2 to hearing Notice rolls when hearing/listening.
Low/High Frequency
This unit has a setting that allows the character to more clearly hear low or high frequency sounds and those below the normal Human range of hearing.
Private Investigator
This auditory system is combined with a subvocally-controlled computer chip that allows a listener to filter out undesired sounds. For instance, if the character is in a busy TramWay and he wants to listen in on someone’s conversation a few pillars down, then he can cut out any of the conversations of people between him and his target Each major group of sounds takes one round to cut out, but the Private Investigator nullifies Distracted effects due to ambient noise effects from these groups.
Like the WatchDogs, auditory systems can also be repositioned about the body. All of the same options as the WatchDog are available, including the custom designs.
Ear Tap
Ear tap lets the user tap into local transmissions. The user can select a frequency or set it to scan a range of frequencies. A built-in processor allows received transmissions to be sifted for a specific pattern, so the user can search for a particular phrase or sound across a range of frequencies. A neural jack is needed so that the user can change frequencies at will. Adds +2 to auditory Perception attempts when receiving frequencies and/or searching for a particular pattern.
Sonar Sound
Sonar Sound lets your ears act as sonar receptors. A mini-unit implanted elsewhere in the body projects an inaudible signal. Bounce-back is received by the ears. Information may be displayed to the eyes via a LED or similar system. Gain Low Light Vision ability.