00.00 Cyberware List
(I modernized some of these cybernetics)
System | Type | Strain | Basic Cost | Notes |
SimNerve | Base | 1 | 500 | Used to communicate commands from brain to hardware. Necessary for all cyberware except for Synthflesh II & III |
SimNerve, Enhanced (ESN) | Base | 2 | 1875 | Same as Simnerve except power can be transferred through the system. |
SkillChip | Misc | 0 | 3000 per skill bonus | SWSFC p31. Requires SkillNerve and Chip Reader |
SkillNerve | Base, Add-on | 0 | +1000 | Used with Skill Chips. ADd on to SimNerve or Enhanced SimNerve |
Syntheflesh 1-3 | Base | 3-1 | 200-650 | Fake flesh used to cover cyber. |
Syntheflesh, Fooler Enhancement | Base | 1 | 6000 | Adds +4 to difficulty of sensors to detect cyberware. Required Synthflesh 1 or 2. |
Adjustable Comlink | Misc | 1 | 1500 | Hidden Comlink. + 500c for EyeHUD Links |
Body Vision | Misc | 1 | 6000 | +2 to stealth skill checks. |
Neural Jack, wired | Misc | 1 | 1100 | Used to access cybernetically wired capable computers via SimNerve, via a cable |
Neural Jack, wireless | Misc | 1 | 1650 | Used to access cybernetically wired or wireless capable computers via SimNerve |
Personal Jammer | Misc | 1 | 3600 | Adds +2 to difficulty to electronic surveillance rolls. |
Skill Chip Reader | Misc, Add-on | 0 | +1000 | Neural Jack Add on, Allows user to read Skill Chips. |
Weapon Jack, wired | Misc | 1 | 900 | +2 to the wire-interfaced weapons skill attempt. When used in conjunction with an eye display system, the system adds +3. |
Weapon Jack, wireless | Misc | 1 | 1350 | +2 to the wired or wireless interfaced weapons skill attempt. When used in conjunction with an eye display system, the system adds +3. |
Organ Replacement | Internal | 2 | 50000 | |
Organ Replacement, Broken Heart | Internal | 2 | 50000 | Each heart-unit adds +1 to the person's Incapacitation Vigor roll. |
Finger Stinger | Hand | 1 | 1000 | Hidden Needle that contain one dose of any drug. |
Motion Scanner | Hand | 1 | 2000/900 | Adds +2 to Notice for detecting vibrations. 2000c if implanted into biological hand; 900c if added as a cyberhand module |
Element Scanner | Hand | 1 | 2100/1000 | 2100c if implanted into biological hand;1000c if added as a cyberhand module. Adds +2 to sensor attempts to identify composition of an item. |
Basic Eye | Optical, Base | 1 per eye | 100-150 | Networld 100, Furtherman 125, or Brodie 150. 3 Module Capacity |
WatchDog Visual Finger | Optical, Base | 2 | 500 | Finger optics. 2 modules per finger. |
WatchDog Viewer's Advisor | Optical, Base | 2 | 750 | 360 degree ringlet WatchDog that encircles any part of the body. 8 to 10 modules depending on the body part. |
WatchDog Heel! | Optical, Base | 2 | 350 | Toe Optics. 2 modules per toe. |
WatchDog OverSeer | Optical, Base | 3 | 700 | Body mounted alternative optics. 6 to 8 modules depending on size and placement. |
Anti-Glare | Optical, Module | 0 | 500 | +2 bonus to the rolls against blinding attacks. Testron 500 |
Bug Eyes | Optical, Module | 0 | 2700 | Gives the user near 270 degree vision. Adds +3 to Notice attempts when detecting surprise. |
Cat's Eye Low-Light | Optical, Module | 0 | 1900 | Grants Low Light Vision ability. Networld -1900; Brodie - 2500. |
Chrome-spec | Optical, Module | 0 | 1000 | Adds +3 vs. blinding flashes, +2 to visual Notice attempts in high-glare environments. |
Cyber-Detector | Optical, Module | 0 | 6000 | Adds +2 to Perception attempts to detect cyberware. |
Enhanced View System | Optical, Module | 0 | 1800 | +2 to sight Notice |
EyeHUD | Optical, Module | 0 | 6500 | Adds +2 to Notice attempts when utilizing applicable information from multiple sensors presented in the display. |
Eye Lite | Optical, Module | 0 | 500 | |
Heat-Seeker | Optical, Module | 0 | 2100-2350 | Grants Infravision ability. Furtherman 2100c; Networld 2300c; Brodie 2350c |
Hunter Targeting System | Optical, Module | 0 | 3750 | +2 to weapons skill when used with Simnerve link to weapon. Furtherman 3750; Networld 3250; Brodie 4200. |
Infrared | Optical, Module | 0 | 1900 | Grants Infravision |
Laser Enhanced Display (LED) | Optica, Modulel | 0 | 3500-4500 | Provides LED info thu cyber-eye; interfaces with Scholar Chips. Brodie 4500;c Networld 3500c; Furtherman 4000c |
Micro-Optics | Optical , Module | 0 | 1750 - 2300 | This grants a +2 bonus to Notice when looking for details only visible through magnification. Networld 1750; Furtherman 2000; Brodie 2300 |
Mondo-Vision | Optical, Module | 0 | 3300 | +2 to Notice |
Range Scope | Optical, Module | 0 | 3350 | Reduces range modifiers by 1 to applicable weapons skills. |
Super-Sight | Optical, Module | 0 | 2250 | +3 to Notice |
Telescopic | Optical, Module | 0 | 1750-2300 | Magnification x25. Reduces range penalties by 2 in combat. +2 to Notice things at longer ranges. Networld 17050; Brodie - 2300; Furtherman - 2200 |
Tracker | Optical, Module | 0 | 2000 | Adds +2 to Notice attempts when shadowing a target |
Bloodhound | Olfactory | 1 | 1250 | Gives a linked user a +2 to any Notice check involving scent. |
Dr. Yuk | Taste/Vocal | 1 | 1000 | Mr. Yuk gives a +2 bonus to taste-based Notice rolls. |
Persuader | Taste/Vocal | 1 | 10000 | The Persuader gives a +2 bonus to any vocal attempt of con or persuasion. |
Smooth Talker | Taste/Vocal | 1 | 12500 | Provides a +3 bonus to any vocal attempt of Persuasion, but is detectable with a Notice check. |
Hypertouch | Tactile | 1 | 5000 | When replaced, manual Agility is increased by +1 when manipulating small or delicate objects. When combined with Micro-Optics system, add +2 to skill checks for microscopic manipulation. |
Eavesdropper (EVD) | Auditory | 1 | 1250 | +2 to hearing Notice rolls when hearing/listening |
ListenDog Advisor | Auditory | 2 | 750 | 360 degree ringlet ListenDog that encircles any part of the body. |
ListenDog OverSeer | Auditory | 3 | 700 | Body mounted alternative auditory device. |
ListenDog Finger | Auditory | 2 | 500 | Finger listeners. |
Low/High Frequency | Auditory | 1 | 1500 | Can use Notice to detect low or high frequency sounds otherwise undetectable by organic hearing |
ListenDog Heel! | Auditory | 2 | 350 | Toe Optics. 2 modules per toe. |
Ear Tap | Auditory | 1 | 1800 | Adds +2 to auditory Perception attempts when receiving frequencies and/or searching for a particular pattern. |
Private Investigator | Auditory | 1 | Each major group of sounds takes one round to cut out, but the Private Investigator nullifies Distracted effects due to ambient noise effects from these groups. | |
Sonar Sound | Auditory | 1 | 2800 | Gain Low Light Vision ability |
Artist Kit | Physical Enhancements, Hand Module | 1 | 3500 | |
Body Club | Physical Enhancements | 1 | 3000 | Damage Value STR+2d6, electrified. Provides 20 hits before needing to be recharged. |
Clampons | Physical Enhancements, Leg Module | 1 | 10000 | Add +3 to Athletics skill checks on nonstandard surfaces. |
Claws | Physical Enhancements, Weapons | 2 | 3500 | Damage Value STR+1d8 |
Claws, Electric | Physical Enhancements, Weapons | 2 | 4000 | Damage Value STR+1d8 +1d6 when powered; holds ten charges; and takes 30 min to recharge |
Cutting Edge | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module | 1 | 9000 | Strength + 2d6+2 Damage |
Cyberarms | Physical Enhancements, Base | 4000 base | Increase in Strength or Agility of both. See Rules | |
Cyberhands | Physical Enhancements, Base | 1 | 3000 base | Increase in Strength or Agility of both. See Rules |
Cyberlegs | Physical Enhancements, Base | 1 | Increase in Strength or Agility of both. See Rules | |
Cyberskeleton | Physical Enhancements, Base | 2 | 30000 | Increase Strength attribute one die type to all actions; supports cybernetic muscles. |
Cyber-weapon Scope | Physical Enhancements, Weapons Add-on | 0 | 2500 | |
Drug Charger I (NBX) | Physical Enhancements | 0 | 4000 | Holds the any drug; manually triggered; does not require Simnerve. Manual release of up to 3 doses |
Drug Charger II | Physical Enhancements | 1 | 4500 | Holds the 5 doses of any combat drug |
Drug Charger III | Physical Enhancements | 2 | 9500 | Holds the 8 doses of any combat drug |
EMP Shieldin& Level I | Physical Enhancements, Armor | 3000 | Increases the difficulty of attempts to shut down protected electronics | |
EMP Shielding, Level II | Physical Enhancements, Armor | 3500 | ||
EMP Shielding, Level II | Physical Enhancements, Armor | 3500 | ||
Equilibrium | Physical Enhancements | 1 | 4300 | Uses of Athletics (when performing balance or acrobatic related tasks), and Riding gain a +2 bonus and parry receives a +2 bonus when the Equilibria is in use. |
Intradermal Plate | Physical Enhancements | 2 | 22500 | +2 to Toughness against all attacks. |
Enforcer SMG Implant | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 12500 | |
Interface Jack | Physical Enhancements | 1 | 1600 | |
Fangs | Physical Enhancements, Weapons | 1 | 1400 | Strength +1d4 damage; may be filled with poisons, drugs, or acids. |
Finger Venom | Physical Enhancements, Hand/Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 6500 | Sleep gas: Vigor check or unconsciousness for five minutes. Acid: damage value 3d6. Nausea: Vigor check or vomiting for three rounds (Stunned). Blinding: Vigor check or Distracted for five Paint Fog |
Lockpicks | Physical Enhancements, Hand Module | 1 | 500 | |
Magic/Illusion | Physical Enhancements, Hand Module | 1 | 4500 | +3 to Thievery when doing sleight-of-hand |
Magnetics | Physical Enhancements, Leg Module | 1 | 10000 | While secured, the character can not fall prone and a person's resistant Strength for pushing or pulling is increased by +3. Add +3 to Athletics skill checks on nonstandard surfaces. |
Medic Hand | Physical Enhancements, Hand Module | 1 | 6500 | Adds +3 on Science (Medicine) and/or First Aid skills |
Mini-shields | Physical Enhancements, Armor | 2000 | Activated by SimNerve, appears like insect carapaces. +2 impact / +1 energy to Toughness. | |
Neutrino Nullifier | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 20000 | Damage Value: 4d6 Range: Short: 15/30/60 Price: 20000 Ammo: 20 |
RamFist | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 6500 | Increase damage from unarmed Fighting attack. +2d6 to the attack. |
Rollerboys | Physical Enhancements, Leg Module | 1 | 3000 | Adds +2 to Pace when running or walking while on flat surfaces, increase by 1 while downhill, and reduce by 1 while going uphill. Not useful in difficult terrain. |
Razortips | Physical Enhancements, Weapons, Hand or Foot Module | 1 | 2200 | Strength+1d4 |
Rocketeers | Physical Enhancements, Leg Module | 1 | 10000 | Accelerations of 5, Top Speed of 20. Jumping increases 50 feet vertical limit, 120 feet horizontally.They are usable only by people with the Piloting skill and, even then, at -2 to the roll. |
Rocket Digits | Physical Enhancements, Weapons, Hand Module | 1 | 3600 | Damage (per Rocket) 2d8 Range: 25/50/100 |
Razorwire | Physical Enhancements, Weapons, Hand Module | 1 | 1100 | Range up to two meters; Strength+2d4 damage |
Sheath | Physical Enhancements, Leg or Arm Module | 1 | 900 | Concealed sheath for small weapons; can open on command from SimNerve. |
ShockFist | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module | 1 | 7500 | Electrical attack (Vigor -2 or stunned) may be made (touch range only). |
Sonic Disruptor | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 20000 | Damage: 3d8 Range: 25/50/100 Ammo: 30 Ammo Price: 125 |
Serpent | Physical Enhancements, Arm Module, Weapon | 1 | 2400 | Damage: 3d8 Range: 25/50/100 Ammo: 30 Ammo Price: 125 |
Spit Venom | Physical Enhancements, Head/Mouth Module, Weapon | 1 | 2700 | Damage value determined by the toxin (See Dufuss, Somynide and Scud) |
Synthemuscle | Physical Enhancements | 1 | 12500 | Strength increased by one die type up to 3; normally installed to support cyberlimbs |
Subdermal Flex Implant | Physical Enhancements, Head, Hand or Foot Module | 1 | 1600/800/1200/1500 | Add-on for Subdermal Implants, making them easier to hide. |
Subdermal Implant | Physical Enhancements, Head, Hand or Foot Module, Weapons | 1 | 1200/800/800/1000 | Head/Arm/Hand/Foot Implants used in melee. Add +2 to Fighting damage for Knuckles or Foot; +3 to Fighting damage for Head; +2 to Parry for Bracers and Shin implants. |
ToolHand | Physical Enhancements, Hand Module | 1 | 2000 | Adds +3 on all Repair skills. |