Savage Herculoids: Zandor

Savage Herculoids: Zandor


The protector of Amzot, and leader of The Herculoids. Zandor is King of the land of Amzot and is also the leader of the Herculoids. Zandor carries a shield and also packs a slingshot with which he can fire energy rocks. Zandor is in peak athletic condition. He has the strength of two men. He is an accurate marksman with his shield and slingshot. His shield will return to him when thrown. He also uses his shield as a parachute at times.

Race: Human

Rank/XP: Veteran (40)


Agility  d6 Charisma 0
Smarts  d6 Pace 6
Spirit  d8 Parry 7
Strength  d12 Toughness 8
Vigor  d10
Fighting d10

Intimidation d6

Notice d6

Shooting d12

Climbing d6

Survival d6

Throwing d8

Code of Honor (Protect Amzot from technology and war)
Brawny, Arcane Background (Super Powers), Power Points, Arcane Resistance (+2)
 Shield, Energy Stones, Slingshot
 Absorption, Physical.  Absorption, Energy.  Ageless. Super Attribute (+1 Strength).  Super Attribute (+2 Vigor).  Awareness.

Savage Hercluoids Background

During the Second Age of War on Amzot, when the Traxian Empire was engaged in a massive war with the Kyanites, Project Herculus was born.  Zandor was a super soldier created in this project.  Unfortunately, the Traxians were defeated before the Herculus Project was complete.  Zandor, along with his family and a series of war beasts dubbed the Herculoids were the only creatures to escape from the facility before it was destroyed.

Now Zandor, his family and the Herculoids defend all those that look to conquer the once great planet of Amzot.  He fends off any attempt to bring war technology to the world.  After two ages of horrific war, Zandor and his allies have sworn to keep all war technology off Amzot.

Special Gear

Zandor’s Shield – Medium Shield. Mass: 6.  +1 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit.

Energy Stone Sling – Range Sling 8/18/32.  Energy Stones: 3d6 with SBT