Savage Masterdeck 02a: Enhancement Section (Top)

Savage Masterdeck 02a: Enhancement Section (Top)

Updated for SWADE

This section contains the information that players will use when they play their cards. All of the Enhancements and Subplots are explained in alphabetical order below.

Action (!) 

By playing an action card, the player gains +1  (or +2 for Action!) to ALL rolls for the rest of that round. This includes actions, Trait rolls, and damage rolls. The card can be played after the player has rolled the dice.  The card is discarded at the end of the combat round during which it is played.  Outside of combat, the action card can only be used to modify one action.

Adrenaline (!) 

These cards add a bonus of +1 (or +2 for Adrelanline!) to the action of any one Agility, Strength or Vigor Trait roll or related skill roll. When playing the card, the player must state which Attribute or skill roll he wishes to affect.

Breakthrough (!)

Using the breakthrough card, the player may make a Skill roll to any one skill total in which the character is unskilled, at either d4 (or d6 with Breakthrough!) level (depending on the text of the card).


The player who throws the claim card may take the top card on the Action card discard pile in exchange for this one. The top card then goes into the player’s hand.

Double Cross

A character who wishes to betray his party or one of his party members may play the double cross card to add Conviction Point to any one action in that vein. The action should be taken to the detriment of another player character, and the player using the card must state what single value, Trait Roll or action he wishes to affect when he plays the card.  Unlike other cards, the double cross card does not have to be played into the pool during combat – it can be played directly from the player’s hand at any time.


A Drama card can be played as a Conviction Point.  This does not have to be in the Pool to be played.


This card can be played to add +2 to the Trait Roll or Damage Roll of any single action. The effect in question must be declared upon playing the card. The card must be played before the results of the action have been interpreted.


When this card is played, the character may immediately perform one extra action, on the players turn. This card may not be used to interrupt an action already in progress. This card stacks with the extra action from the Flurry condition.


A Hero card acts as a Benny that can be played at anytime.  This does not have to be in the Pool to be played.


When a player throws this card, he may ask a question of the GM regarding the development of the story-line, and the GM should provide related hints that help the players move the plot along. The GM has sole judgement over what hints are appropriate. The hints should be acquired in some way through the story-line, like previously unmentioned contacts, or a relation to the story previously unexplored.


By using leadership, the player who throws this card may play up to two cards (total) into one or two other players’ pools and/or draw two cards into his hand from the Action Deck. These cards can be given from the character’s hand, his pool, or a combination of both.

Opponent Fails

After an opponent or enemy has completed an action against the cardholder’s character, this card may be played to cancel the effects entirely. The action then fails, and play continues. This card may not be played to cancel an action that is not directed at least partially at the cardholder. The GM has sole judgement over when this card can be played and how it works into the story.

Presence (!)

These cards add +1 (or +2 for Presence!) to the Trait roll involving Spirit or related skills. When playing the card, the player must state which Trait roll he wishes to affect. The card can only modify one number value per play.


When a character plays the rally card, all players (including the one who played the card) may draw one card each into their Pools.

Second Chance

Playing this card allows the character to attempt any action he has just tried again, from the very beginning. The character merely gets another chance, immediately following the first attempt, to perform the action again. All effects from the first attempt are negated.

Seize Initiative

In Savage Worlds, this card can be played in three ways.

  1. By playing this card, the player may either flip over a new card onto the Savage Masterdeck initiative stack or keep the current card on the top of the stack for another round. The card must be played either at the beginning of the round or before the beginning of the next round respectively.
  2. The card can be played at the beginning of the round after Savage World Initiative Cards are dealt, to cause a new set of cards to be dealt by the GM.
  3. The card can be played at the beginning of the round after Savage World Initiative Cards are dealt, allowing the players to trade initiative cards.
  4. The card can be played at the beginning of the round before Savage World Initiative Cards are dealt, allowing the players to keep their current cards.

It may not be played during a round in which the card holder’s character is Confused. This card cannot be used outside of combat.

Supporter (!)

To play the supporter card, the character must be trying to help someone else – but no action need be attempted or used in this support. The “help” should be described in role-playing terms as the card is being thrown. It adds an automatic +1 (or +2 with the Supporter! card) to the bonus number of any other character’s action during the same round – but must be thrown as the other character is performing the action. The card adds to both the skill use and the damage (if any).  This card also stacks with other Support efforts, including

Willpower (!)

These cards add +1 (or +2 with Willpower!) to the action of any one Smarts trait rolls or related skills. When playing the card, the player must state which Attribute or skill total he wishes to affect. The card can only modify one number value per play.

Action(!) +1/+2 All rolls the rest of that round or one action outside of rounds
Adrenaline(!)+1/+2 Bonus to one Agility, Strength or Vigor Trait roll or related Skill roll
Breakthrough(!)+d4/+d6Gamin a previous unknown skill for a round
ClaimClaim the top card from the discard pile
Double Cross+d6Betray the character to gain die bonus to all actions.
Effect+2To all Trait Rolls or Damage Rolls
HastePerform an extra action
IdeaAsk the GM one question, gain a clue
LeadershipIn combat only. Play 2 cards into players pool, gain two cards.
Opponent FailsCause Opponent to fail
Presence(!)+1/+2Bonus to Spirit or related skills rolls
RallyAll players draw a card to their pool
Second ChanceAttempt a new action from the beginning
Seize InitiativeSpecial. Effects Initiative Cards
Supporter(!) +1/+2Add bonus to another character's Trait roll.
Willpower(!) +1/+2Bonus to Smarts or related skills rolls