06a – Savage SF Equipment: Body-Comps
Bodycomps are modular wearable computer systems. The development of the modular system of computer snap-on program units or progits as well as hardware that is completely compatible with all computer systems brought about the development of personal wearable computers. The bodycomp comes in several basic wearable units – from a wrist-watch like device to a belt, gauntlet to a helmet-device.
All bodycomp bodycomps come with default functions, which are the following:
- ChronoCom – All Bodycomp units have a built in Chronometer as well as a Communicator for local (planetary) communications.
- Imager – All bodycomps have a basic 2D still high definition imager (camera).
- Short-Range Flashlight – All bodycomps come with a light for the imager that can also act as a short range flashlight
- Basic Computer Functionality – Simple computer functions can be performed by the basic unit. These include reading data crystals or chips, displaying data, and access the local planetary network.
The maximum number of progits on a bodycomp at any one time is is based on the Unit Size – Small, Medium or Large.
- Small Units – wrist-watch, anklet, small headpiece, monocle, or glove. Small units can hold up to 4 progits.
- Medium Units – helmet, bracer. Medium units can hold up to 8 progits
- Large Units – belt, gauntlet or a jumpsuit. Large units can hold up to 12 progits
Most people on the Frontier wear a bodycomp of some kind for such diverse needs as astro-navigation, communications, business matters, etc. This is in addition to the required power pack and processor pack. However, the number of progits that can be used at any one time depends on the types of power and processor packs. The combination of the two produces Processor Power Points (PPs). These are a measure of processing power of the body comp and determines the number of progits it can run (up to a maximum limit).
Both the progit and the hardware required for its use are listed under the progit descriptions. The costs for progits are separate from any hardware costs, and both are listed on the Equipment Tables. The cost of connector cords, adaptors, etc. is included in the progit cost. Vehicular computers (VCs) control various functions of Frontier vehicles and have many similarities to body comps. VCs are discussed in the Vehicles section later in this book.
A bodycomp requires a Power Pack (Six, Ten, Full and King) and a Processor (A,B,C, D). The number of PPs provided by the combination as well as the limitations are listed below. A power pack can be recharged and can never be used to power anything else.
Power | Processor A | Processor B | Processor C | Processor D | Cost | |
Small | Six Pack | 4 PP (Max 4 progits A) | 6 PP (Max 4 progits A/B) | 8 PP (Max 4 progits A/B/C) | N/A | 400 |
Small | Ten Pack | 8 PP (Max 4 progits A/B only) | 8 PP (Max 4 progits A/B only) | 8 PP (Max 4 progits A/B/C only) | 8 PP (Max 4 progits) | 500 |
Small | Full Pack | 10 PP (Max 4 progits A/B/C only) | 10 PP (Max 4 progits A/B/C only) | 10 PP (Max 4 progits A/B/C only) | 10 PP (Max 4 progits) | 600 |
Small | King Pack | 12 PP (Max 6 progits) | 12 PP (Max 6 progits) | 12 PP (Max 6 progits) | 12 PP (Max 6 progits) | 700 |
Medium | Six Pack | 12 PP (Max 6 Progits, A/B only) | 12 PP (Max 6 Progits, A/B only) | 16 PP (Max 6 Progits, A/B/C only) | 18 PP (Max 6 Progits) | 800 |
Medium | Ten Pack | 16 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B only) | 16 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B only) | 18 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B/C only) | 20 PP (Max 8 Progits) | 900 |
Medium | Full Pack | 22 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B/C only) | 22 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B/C only) | 22 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B/C only) | 24 PP (Max 8 Progits) | 1000 |
Medium | King Pack | 24 PP (Max 12 progits) | 24 PP (Max 12 progits) | 24 PP (Max 12 progits) | 24 PP (Max 12 progits) | 1100 |
Large | Six Pack | 12 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B only) | 12 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B only) | 12 PP (Max 8 Progits, A/B/C only) | N/A | 1200 |
Large | Ten Pack | 20 PP (Max 10 Progits, A/B only) | 20 PP (Max 10 Progits, A/B only) | 20 PP (Max 10 Progits, A/B/C only) | 24 PP (Max 10 Progits,) | 1300 |
Large | Full Pack | 24 PP (Max 12 Progits, A/B only) | 24 PP (Max 12 Progits, A/B only) | 24 PP (Max 12 Progits, A/B/C only) | 32 PP (Max 12 Progits) | 1400 |
Large | King Pack | 48 PP (Max 12 progits) | 48 PP (Max 12 progits) | 48 PP (Max 12 progits) | 48 PP (Max 12 progits) | 1500 |
Each Progit type takes a number of PP Points: Type A = 1 PP, Type B = 2 PP, Type C = 3 PP, and Type D = 4 PPs.
A progit is a 10-cm square that is 5 cm thick. Its shell is made of extremely durable plastic. It has a blunt plug on one side that plugs into the bodycomp and raised letters on the other side to identify it. Some progits have lights, switches, or indicator windows built in to them. The shell surrounds a Johnson Energy Field that holds petabytes of information. This field is the most stable known to the technicians of the Frontier and only an antimatter field can disrupt the information contained therein.
Progits are classified from A to D, the latter being the most complex and energy consuming. When purchasing progits, player characters must consider their bodycomp’s power and processing packs so that the whole system is compatible. While the common Type A progits can be found in a number of retail outlets, the Type B progitsare a bit more difficult to find, Type C progits are rarer still, and Type D progits are seldom found outside of specialty shops. This should give the referee greater control over their acquisition to prevent improper escalation of computer power within the game. Progit resale values are usually only 40 to 50% of their original costs because ofthe inability to determine theirage. Most progits last for three to five years of constant use.
This progit controls a microphone that is used to voice activate the bodycomp. The wearer simply speaks into his throat mike and starts whatever progit he desires. This is used as an alternative to the normal method of pushing buttons on a bodycomp to activate progits.
This progit has many tiny buttons on its face. It can be operated manually but is fastest when operated with an Audio-Act progit. It functions as a highspeed calculator. Even though it is only a Type A progit, Mini-Calc fulfills the computational needs for all but the most complex of problems (for those problems a Type D progit, Calc-Boost, is needed). No character who deals with any complex computers, robots, or machinery would be without it.
Prerequisites: A CAS computer, Comp-Talk, Audio-Act.
This progit acts as an interface between CASs and the bodycomp. With this the CAS pipes its information right to the user’s ear through the bodycomp. With an Audio-Act progit the user can keep his CAS hanging at his side and occasionally ask it to turn on and scan. This is important if the character’s hands are full at the time.
This progit has a continuing time tracking field for all of the Frontier’s systems, planets, and major cities. Therefore the character can know what time and date it is anywhere in the Frontier. It also has two stopwatch capabilities so a character can time two different occurrences simultaneously. It has four alarm settings for each day. Readouts are either through a Comp-Talk progit or through the small display screen on top of the Chrono-Calc progit.
This progit allows the body-comp to verbally answer when it needs to reply, as with Map-Cal readouts, Chrono-Calc readouts, and so forth. The progit comes with a tiny device that is safely inserted in the ear of the character or affixed inside his helmet. It can even be surgically implanted into the user’s head. Thus, Comp-Talk conversations are kept confidential between the character and his bodycomp. Comp-Talk can be programmed in any known languages.
This progit activates a tiny, harmless laser inside a special helmet visor that can display computer readouts, diagrams, etc. from a progit. Special helmets even have omnocular capabilities built-in and that information can also be displayed inside a helmet by a Dis-Viz progit. The latter helmet is extremely expensive. Through the use of a Dis-Viz progit, a character can have full visual readouts from his bodycomp without having to open his helmet; maps, file copies, holographic images, and so forth an be displayed for the user’s eyes only. For those who wish to have an open helm, half-visors that just cover the eyes are available. Other Dis-Viz display options:
- Progit — On the progit itself, though detail would be hard to see.
- Wrist Screen — A 10-cm long arm bracelet that contains a screen. The arm would have to be raised to the face to read the display.
This progit allows a bodycomp to be linked directly to the non-bodycomp helmet. This enables several additions to the bodycomp that can be used through the helmet
- Audio-Act
- Brain-Scan
- Comp-Talk
- Death-Wish
- Dis-Viz
These progits are actually attached to the helmet. The number of helmet progits that can be attached depends on the helmet type, but is usually limited to three. While the progits attached to the helmet are looked to the bodycomp through the Helm-Link progit (thus occupying only one progit space on the bodycomp) they still count as three normal progits for the purposes of maximum amount supported by a power pack.
This progit must be sub-programmed when purchased. Its function is to send out an emergency beam on a specific wavelength (specified by the wearer) when a condition is met. This condition can either be a direct-effect command, such as “If the bodycomp starts deteriorating due to excessive physical damage, transmit beam,” or a coordinated-effect program, such as “When the Brain-Scan progit indicates that I am dead, transmit beam.” The subprogram is stated at the time of purchase by the player, with the assistance of the referee, and should be written on the player character sheet. The Help-Beam progit can also be manually activated.
This progit activates in the same manner as the Help-Beam, but emits a loud wailing sound rather than an invisible beam. A Help-Call linked to a Body-Scan and programmed to go off when the wearer is unconscious is a favorite system used by security chiefs. A guard so equipped would immediately start blaring a• warning if he fell asleep or was knocked unconscious.
Prerequisites: Audio-Act
This progit plots and maps according to the character’s verbal instructions. In this manner a character or party can map as it moves. Maximum map memory is 20 maps. Map information can be retrieved by use of either a Dis-Viz progit, a Comp-Talk progit, opr a readout screen tha can be attached to a jack in the Map-Calc progit.
Since the information being fed into Map-Calc is verbally provided by the cahracter, a player should actually map the land or structure his character is passing through, but the referee should check for inaccuracies and correct them.
Trans-Comp I
Prerequisites: Comp-Talk
This progit translates verbal communications in five languages. The languages are specified when purchased or can be entered later by a poly-vox. The outside of the progit has a voice-receiving grid. When the progit is activated the user can unnderstand anyone within hearing distance who is speaking any one of the five
programmed languages. The progit does not translate replies from the user (that is the function of a Type B Trans-Comp II progit).
This progit is only for use with cybernetic parts that have been attached to a character. Cybernetic legs, arms, hands, etc. work smoother than most people might expect, but they are still not completely natural in their actions or in the user’s control. This progit receives transmission from a surgically implanted transmitter in the user’s brain and instantly relays the transmission to the bionic part. With a little practice and this progit, no one can tell if a limb, eye, or other cybernetic part is real or not. Each Bio-Center progit can control similar bionic parts: one for legs, one for arms, one for senses, one for up to four internal artificial organs, etc.
This progit is a small bioscanner that is attuned upon purchase to the user’s normal body functions (excluding that of the brain). It has a small readout window that automatically lists pulse, respiration, blood pressure, etc. It can also list any physical damage the body has taken, if infection is present, etc. Anyone with the Medical Diagnosis skill can look at this readout and instantly diagnose the medical condition of the wearer. This progit can also be linked up to other progits like Help-Beam or Med-Inject in the same manner as a Brain-Scan.
Prerequisites: Helm-Link
This progit is a small bio-scanner that monitors the character’s brain functions. This is an absolute necessity when using some progits such as Death-Wish. Brain-Scan progits have a small window that shows the brain waves and can easily be read by a character with the Medical Diagnosis skill to tell if the user is unconscious, comatose, brain-damaged, or dead. Brain-Scan and Body-Scan progits can be used to trigger another progit by defining a condition. For example, a Help-Beam progit is set to broadcast when a character is rendered unconscious. A Brain-Scan progit picks up the user’s Delta Waves, which it has been programmed to recognize as a deep sleep. Thus, it tells the Help-Beam progit that the unconscious condition has been met.
Prerequisites: Audio-Act, Comp-Talk
This progit allows Audio-Act and Comp-Talk progits to be linked and synchronized between multiple communication devices such as starship comm units, subspace radios, and other comm-devices. Every Comm-Link has a separate frequency.
- BodyComp-to-BodyComp communications. A character can then speak quietly with another character in a private conversation. The range is 10 kilometers.
- Helm-to-comm system link-up. This progit can also patch a character through to a comm system like a radiophone, subspace radio, and starship comm-systems. The range is 1000 km.
Comp-Sight I
This popular progit comes with a floating gyroscopic system that is attached to any ranged weapon that is long pistol size or larger (excluding medium- or heavy-ordinance weapons). This gyroscope contains complex transmission and receiving circuitry plus an auto-gyro for stabilizing. The progit and harware stabilize the attached weapon for the user. The result of this is that a character using this progited weapon never suffers a combat modifier for range. The range maximums for weapons are not altered by this device.
Prerequisites: Brain-Scan or Body-Scan
This is an interpreter progit. It interprets information provided by a Brain-Scan or Body-Scan. If the information is a prerequisite for an injection, it broadcasts a short range signal (a few meters at most) to a small injection unit that is inserted under the user’s skin. The injection unit holds one hypo dose of any drug the player has selected and placed in the inject unit. Thus the Med-Inject progit can immediately treat the wearer.
The Med-Inject progit can also be manually triggered by switching a microswitch on the progit itself, thus avoiding searching for a hypo dose. This action is so fast that a character thus equipped can inject himself in a turn and still perform any normal action. The injection unit itself can be removed, sterilized, and reused again with a new dose after its use. Only one injection unit responds to each Med-Inject progit but up to twelve Med-Injects can be attached to a bodycomp.
This progit comes equipped with four Security locks of any type the player desires; door locks, vehicle locks, drawer locks, gun locks, etc. These four locks, after they have been installed, will resist opening unless they receive a beam emitted by the progit. This beam is a sonic code of great complexity. The probability of any other Prog-Lock or sonic sender matching the code is 1 in 1,000,000,000. The maximum activation range from the Prog-Lock to these locks is 10 meters.
This progit comes equipped with 10 switches of any type the player desires: trigger switches, light switches, microswitches, push buttons, etc. All are a little thicker than their normal counterparts because they are all capable of being activated not only manually but by the Prog-Switch as well. They are activated by a beam transmission from the progit. This is especially effective when combined with an Audio-Act progit. A player can then turn one one of these switches by identifying it through his bodycomp.
For example, Star Lawman Ward has been expecting trouble from fleem dealers ever since he smashed their local operations. Therefore he affixed special Prog-Switch to key areas in his office.
One night, after gettin a strange call from an informant to meet at his office, he strolls into a room full of highly confident hitmen. Anticipating this he has turned on his bodycomp, Audio-Act, and Prog-Switch progits in advance.
Before anyone can move he speaks into his throat microphone, “One, four, five, nine!” This immediately activates those switches in the order they were spoken. Switch one turns off the lights, switch four activates the flash grenade hung above the door, switch five sets off his office alarm for the local constabulary, and switch nine activates the doze grenade taped to the bottom of his desk.
As the stunned hitmen pass out in the darkened, he smiles to himself and is glad he did not have to say “Ten!” which would have set off the detonator attached to the TD-19 in the bottom drawer. Maximum activation range from the Prog-Switch to the switches is 30 meters.
Prerequisites: Audio-Act
This progit is somewhat like a Comm-Link progit but instead of a two-way control function it is a one-way control function through which the user verbally controls a robot. The robot must be equipped with a device that can receive transmissions from only one Robo-Link and can override the robot’s normal missions and functions as long as contact is maintained. This will only work on the lower forms of robots such as service, maintenance, or heavy-duty robots. Robots equipped with these devices can be verbally controlled by Robo-Linked characters for other functions outside of their normal programming.
Trans-Comp II
Prerequisites: Comp-Talk, Trans-Comp I, and Audio-Act
This progit allows for outgoing translation capabilities in five languages. The languages are specified when purchased or can be entered later by a poly-vox. Its appearance is identical to the Trans-Comp I progit. Unlike the Trans-Comp I progit, however, Trans-Comp II translates from the wearer’s language into one of the five languages programmed. Thus, with both Trans-Comp progits, a two-way dialogue can occur, though the user cannot really speak the language. The advantages this has over the poly-vox is that there is a smaller chance of bad translation.
Prerequisites: two Brain-Links
This progit connects to two Brain-Links by a tight transmission beam. One Brain-Link is in the user, the other is in a bio-form mount or pet belonging to the user. The Ani-Link allows a basic communication between the two and gives the higher intelligence life form, usually the user, control over the lesser intelligence life form, if he desires. The user of an Ani-Link between two members of an intelligent race is strictly forbidden and illegal on all Frontier planets. Some cases of spies using them have been recorded, and the UPF is almost certain the Sathar uses them.
This progit comes with a miniature cortex coordinator that must be surgically implanted in the brain. Once implanted, it can transmit and receive simple messages straight from the brain. This progit, when linked to certain other progits, can perform acts at incredible speeds (i.e., using a Prog-Switch progit and mentally switching devices on and off). A maximum of four progits can be linked through a Brain-Link progit.
Comp-Sight II
Prerequisites: Helm-Link
This progit is similar to Comp-Sight I, and has the same weapon size requirements, but this autogyro package is more movement oriented than range oriented. It moves the weapon in the direction the character’s helmet moves and eliminates any movement Combat Modifiers for the character using the progited weapon.
Comp-Sight III
Prerequisites: Comp-Sight I, Comp-Sight II
This progit is a coordinator and booster for the first two Comp-Sight progits. It comes with a thick disc that fits over the top of the weapon. No scope can be used with a weapon that has Comp-Sight III attached. It reduces any kick or weave the weapon may normally produce when firing. When all three Comp-Sights are in place, the user is not affected by movement, range, or smaller than man-size target Combat Modifiers. It is said that one of the most frightening sights for a criminal is to look down the barrel of a Star Lawman’s weapon and see it weave back and forth in front like a living creature.
Prerequisites: Brain-Scan
This progit is very similar to the Prog-Switch progit. It comes equipped with three switches of any type. These switches are designed to activate immediately upon the death of the character wearing the Death-Wish progit on his bodycomp. In this manner a player who dies (defined, for the purposes of this progit, as when the
character’s Stamina drops below -10 for more than three minutes of game time) may activate a Med-Inject unit, freeze field, pack of Kaboomite, or whatever he has programmed. Since this is such an important progit, it cannot easily be removed from the bodycomp. To do so takes at least 10 minutes. The activation signal for these devices has a maximum range of 10 meters.
Prerequisites: Body-Scan
This progit is essential for coordinating the various life support systems found in power armor or deep space suits. It monitors, evaluates, regulates, and updates all equipment controlling the respiratory, heating, cooling, waste disposal, and nutritional systems. Without this progit the character would be constantly checking and adjusting his life support systems. This progit can also be linked to a small craft’s life support systems for the same functions. Because of the importance of this progit, removal time is 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Brain-Scan
The Fast-Scan progit comes equipped with a 30-cm square scan board that is connected, by cable, to the progit. The user then places any printed material, including pictures and maps, on the board, face down, and it is instantly recorded. This is the ultimate in speed reading and photographic memory. Time required for inserting information into the user’s memory is roughly five seconds perpage of material. The amount of material that can be retained by a Fast-Scan process is no more than 100 pages, maps, or pictures.
When activated this progit scans all known transmission frequencies. It will pick up an unprotected transmission and give its type (Radiophone, Help-Beam, etc.), its direction from the user, the range of the transmission source from the user (up to two kilometers), and the frequency being used. A jack in the progit allows it to be hooked up to an earplug (or headphones if the character is so equipped) so the wearer can listen to the transmission.
Prerequisites: Brain-Link
This progit contains the culture and customs of a single race or tribe. There are thousands of these available for most of the cultures existing on the frontier. But Natur-Act does not just inform the character about the customs, it has him perform these customs at the proper time. A character using this progit can pass as a native if his appearance also matches that of the culture. This progit is extensively used by Star Law both for maintaining harmony with the various peoples they protect and for undercover work.
This progit is primarily an enhanced-response progit. It comes equipped with three micromotors that can be activated either manually or through the Prog-Motors progit. See Prog-Locks for the details on the tight beam and sonic coding used to activate these motors. The motors must be mounted and fitted by a techex to whatever device the character wants to control. The most common uses for these motors are in the hinge mountings of a helmet’s visor and gas mask. If a character suspects dangerous gases in the atmosphere, he touches the buttons on the progit that snap down his visor while swinging his gas mask in place. An Audio-Act progit gives even faster control. “Down visor, up mask” is all it would take to seal himself from breathing the gas. Maximum activation range from the Prog-Motors progit to the micromotors is 10 meters.
This progit protects all transmissions used through the bodycomp by ultrafocusing them then tight beams. It is a scrambler that uses an erratic pattern and frequency that the Hear-All progit cannot pick up. The receiving end of this scrambled transmission must have an identical Stop-Hear progit or computerized communications program to unscramble it. While a Hear-All cannot discern what is being transmitted or what its exact direction is, it can show that something is being transmitted at a certain range from the wearer.
This progit must be located in the front of the bodycomp. It sends out a directional sonic echo in a very tight cone. This echo can monitor the physical functions of the nearest intelligent bioform and, if the bioform is one of the susceptible races listed above, indicate whether it is giving false replies to queries. The range of the cone is four meters and it cannot pass through any sonic defenses. The process is 90% accurate (referee rolls for whether NPCs give accurate or misleading answers). An indicator light on the progit blinks when a falsehood is told, unless it is bypassed by using a Comp-Tell progit that sounds a beep in the user’s ear instead.
This progit provides a focusing circuit for all beams used by other progits on the user’s bodycomp. All beams emitted by the user’s progits have triple their normal range.
Prerequisites: Calc-All
This booster progit greatly improves the bodycomp’s ability to work out mathematical probabilities. Using Calc-Boost gives a character a +2 to any Trait roll involving mathematics. This includes engineering, astrogation, science, or tactics.A character using the Calc-All, Calc-Boost and Master-Comp progits together, and with the proper type and amount of data, can work out the probabilities of many events. For example, given the approximate compisition of a wall of hull, an approximate thickness, etc., the character could calculate the best place to strike the wall and how much damage would have to be inflicted to it before it would go down, with a 90% accuracy.
The extent of the probability calculations in the game and their accuracy is, of course, up to the referee but it can be fun to have a character who is logical and heavily dependent upon scientific data and complex calculations for his actions.
Prerequisites: Brain-Link
This progit allows the user to attempt direct brain-to-computer communications with any computer he can plus his comp-Link progit cable into. Thereafter, the character can attempt any computer skill he possesses directly on the computer with a +2 added to his chance of success.
The user has only one chance at initiating contact through this progit. If he misses it the computer identifies him as a “bug” in the system and ignores him. If the character establishes contact with the computer in the normal method and then plugs into it, he may continue trying his other computer skills at leisure. Any character who has no computer skills and attempts this will automatically fail.
Comp-Sight IV
Prerequisites: Comp-Sight I, II, and III
This progit comes with two cables, an expensive goggle apparatus, and a thick forearm bracelet. The goggles fit tightly against the user’s head and contain tiny lasers taht can the eyes. The movement and focusing fof the eyes is tied into the first three Comp-Sight components that have been attached to the pistol or rifle.
The bracelet, attached to the forearm of the limb that is not primarily used, is connected by the cables to the goggles and to the other three attachments. This fine tuning allows the character to ignore the combat modifier for using the Off-Hand Attacks (as well as the benefits for the other three Comp-Sights). The referee should be careful not to allow too many completely Comp-Sighted weapons in his campaign at any one time, as it has a tremendous influence on the balance of the game.
Prerequisites: Audio-Act and Comp-Talk or Brain-Link
This progit is a necessity for any character who is serious about bodycomps. It is the grand master of progits and ties all of them together into a unified whole. The biggest advantage is its ability to receive conditional orders from all other progits. A player can make a list of up to and including 20 conditions and functions he wishes his bodycomp to follow for standard operating procedure, such as:
- Scan with the Atmospheric-CAS every twenty minutes and inform me of any unusual conditions.
- Let me sleep for six hours unless a bioform approaches within 20 meters.
- Three minutes after you wake me, patch me into planet HQ for the morning report.
- Set the Death-Wish progit to activate the Help-Beam progit, the Med-Inject progit with the staydose, and detonate the Doze Grenade by my side.
The preceding examines all assume the character has the necessary progits to perform the indicated actions.
The Master-Comp progit is so complete that you can instruct it in simple terms and if it has nay questions it will ask you. The drawbacks to this wonderful progit are that a) only 20 commands can be programmed in at any one time, b) it takes the place of two progits on the bodycomp, and c) if over 15 commands are programmed in, it uses an enormous amount of energy. A kingpack could conceivably be drained in one month (at the referee’s discretion) if the bodycomp is constantly on and performing numerous functions. This is why environmental suits, deep space suits, and powered assault armor are so expensive to operate.
Prerequisites: Brain-Link
This progit is used with vehicles that the character has the skill to use. It comes with a set of cables that are permanently attached to it and that can be plugged into the guidance control of various vehicles. Once plugged into the vehicle the character can drive it with his mind, thus his reactions are much, much faster and the chance of avoiding accidents are much better. While the character still uses his normal skill level for operating a vehicle, he adds a +2 to his Trait Checks for keeping the vehicle under control during things like emergency stopping, skid turns, bumping, and stunt maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Brain-Link
This progit is an advanced form of Prog-Motor. It comes with one mini-motor specially designed for an ordinance weapons mount. When physically aiming this weapon, with which the character must already have a skill, the normal modifiers for range, movement, and size are ignored; only the character’s skill level is used.
Prerequisites: Brain-Link
This progit comes in a variety of types: languages, skills, histories, and so forth. When this one-shot progit is inserted and activated, the character can do nothing for two days but stare as if in a trance. If anyone turns off the user’s bodycomp at this time the lesson has not been learned and the progit is useless as it erases itself as it teaches. There are two different kinds of Mind-Teach progits. The most common type conveys temporary knowledge that might be forgotten in weeks, days, or even hours. The duration is left to the referee, as is the content. This progit is most useful is emergency situations were the character must have a member who can perform a task, pass as another character, etc. The second kind of Mind-Teach progit is much rarer. Its knowledge is gained by the character permanently. The only time a referee would want to introduce this into a campaign is as a major reward for accomplishing a goal. It is impossible to tell these two Mind-Teach progits apart.
T-Systems (Targeting systems)
Prerequisites: Comp-Sight IV, Dis-Vis
These progits come with a small laser-optics sight that attaches to any weapon. It will echo back to the user’s Dis-Viz exactly where the gun is pointing and where the shot is going to hit. It’s most effective when used with all the Comp-Sights. +2/+1/+1
Progit Reprogrammer
This device allows a character with the Computers: Bodycomp Programs skill to alter or purge a progit. See this skill description for further explanations.
Battle Bodycomp
This synthsteel overly completely surrounds the bodycomp and attached progits, making them relatively invulnerable to everything except nuclear or anti-matter attacks. Referees should let common sense prevail here. If a character wishes to remove a dead NPC’s bodycomp that is encased in a battle bodycomp , he can either try to unlock it or blast it open.
Fake Progits
These progits look like the real thing but are actually empty and weighted to feel normal. They can be used for securing small items or information, fitted with explosives as a booby trap for anyone trying to steal the bodycomp or progits, or just occupy space on the bodycomp, giving the impression of a powerful individual.