02 – Savage SF Major Character Races (SWADE)
See Humans in Savage Star Frontiers
Dralasites start with a d6 in Strength instead of a d4.
Hindrances: Dralasites are slower then most races, Pace -2.
Elasticity (Novice): Multiple arms and legs at will. They may have only as many pseudo-pods’ equal to their Agility die in any combination. It takes about 5 minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Only one limb may be grown at a time and they may only be up to 1/2″ (1 meter) long and 10 cm thick (about 4 inches). They are not automatically ambidextrous. Even though a Dralasite can have many arms, it can not fire more than two weapons at once. For every “leg” beyond 2, (to a maximum of 4) that a Dralasite has, they increase their Pace by 1. When a Dralasite player creates limbs, he must state which is the dominant limb unless the character possess the Ambidextrous Edge.
Keen Smell: Dralasites add +2 to Notice rolls based on smell.
Lie Detection: All Dralasites can make a Notice roll at -2 to determine if they are being lied to.
Enhanced Lie Detection (Lie Detection, Seasoned): Notice roll with no penalty to determine if they are being lied to.
Truth Sayer (Lie Detection, Enhanced Lie Detection, Veteran): Notice roll at +2 to determine if they are being lied to.
Vrusk start with a d6 in Smarts instead of a d4. Vrusk are faster than most races, Pace is +2.
Hindrances: Outsider, Arrogant
Ambidextrous: Vrusk ignore the -2 penalty for using their off-hand
Comprehension: Because Vrusk have such a complicated society, they are able to understand all sorts of social dealings. It is the ability to figure out any type of social dealing that the player them self cannot. This ability adds +2 to all Common Knowledge rolls in this situation.
Yazirians start out with a d6 in both Smarts and Agility instead of a d4. However they are not as strong as other races, Strength cost x2. Example: It costs two attribute points to raise one’s Strength from a d4 to a d6.
Hindrances: Environmental Weakness – Light Sensitivity: Yazirians are sensitive to normal lighting. They must wear protective goggles or suffer a -4 to Notice and any other Trait roll involving sight (like Shooting or Fighting).
Flight (Gliding): Yazirians can glide short distances using the membranes along their sides. A Yazirian can glide 1” (2 meters) for every meter he is above the ground when he starts. He must start at least 10 meters (5”) above the ground. The maximum distance a Yazirian can glide depends on the gravity of the planet, as shown below.
Gravity | Max. Glide |
.6 | 300m (150”) |
.7 | 200m (100”) |
.8 | 100m (50”) |
.9 | 50m (25”) |
1.0 | 20m (10”) |
Battle Rage (Novice, Berzerk): Yazirians train themselves to go berserk in battle. The Yazirian does not have to wait until it receives a wound to make the Smarts roll. With a raise, they may use skills that require concentration they would otherwise be unable to use.
Low Light Vision: Yazirians can see without penalty in dim light, however they must wear goggles while in bright light or sunlight or suffer a -2 to all ranged attack rolls and Notice rolls.
Rim Races
Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean
Springing Leap (Novice): Pace 10, can leap for 5 turns consecutively. On the fifth, the Humma suffers +1 fatigue. This acts a Running action, with -2 penalty to all actions afterwards.
Spring Charge (Seasoned): A Humma can use his Spring ability to leap up to a Pace 15 horizontally, in a straight line from a standing start and come to a dead stop. If he lands within melee attack range of an opponent, the Humma may make a melee attack against the opponent (no multi-action penalty). A Humma can continue this Pace 15 spring attack for up to 5 turns, but then gets winded and cannot use it again for at least 30 minutes (+1 fatigue). The carousel attack is a circle of Humma springing from one enemy to another, is a bizarre battle tactic they enjoy using.
Poison Resistance: Humma are unaffected by any poison that they eat or drink.
Prehensile Tail (Novice): The tail of the Humma is 2 meters long and has a grip stronger than a Human hand. The tail is capable of holding an item or swinging a melee weapon. When holding an item, the Humma can use its two arms normally. When using the tail to wield a weapon, the Humma must concentrate on it and cannot use its arms to operate anything else. The tail can only wrap around hilts, handles, etc., and cannot throw grenades or operate devices. It is strong enough to support a Humma’s body, but only for a number of turns equal to the Humma’s Vigor dice.
Advanced Prehensile Tail (Veteran): The tail of the Humma is 2 meters long and has a grip stronger than a Human hand. The tail is capable of holding an item or swinging a melee weapon. When holding an item, the Humma can use its two arms normally. When using the tail to wield a weapon, the Humma does not have concentrate on it and can use its arms to operate anything else. The tail can wrap around hilts, handles, but also can throw grenades or operate simple devices. It is strong enough to support a Humma’s body, but only for a number of turns equal to the Humma’s Vigor dice.
Ishnits begin with a Smarts at d6.
Hindrances: Small -2 Toughness. Ifshnits are slower then most races, Pace -2.
Nictitating Membrane: Ifshnits cannot be blinded by any light, as their inner eyelids snap shut instantly. They cannot see during the turn a light flashes brightly, but their eyesight will be normal the following turn.
Innate Skill: Because of their unique culture, which is heavily based on barter, Ifshnits learn about trading at an early age. An Ifshnit character is allowed to choose one of the following skills at d4 level and at no cost when it begins the game: Science, Thievery, or Gambling.
Mechanons are crystalline based sentient robots. They are roughly humanoid, though members of the warrior class have a large metallic tail which they use to balance and as a weapon. Mechanons are usually equipped with sensors that give them visual and audio input roughly equivalent to Human eyes and ears, however some classes may differ. No Mechanon can smell or taste and their touch seems to be the standard type for advanced robots (much less than Human). Mechanons have built-in poly-voxes and can be programmed with almost any language.
Mechanons evolved on unknown from primitive ancient alien robots. Little is known about Mechanon society. What is known indicates that it has a complex and strict class system which does not allow for advancement from a lower caste to a higher one. The more intelligent and functional Mechanons occupy higher castes. There are 3 known classes or castes – Drone, Warrior and Thinker.
It is known that an aggressive tendency to dominate and destroy organic, intelligent life was once a strong factor in Mechanon society. Indeed, it resulted in the famous Mechanon revolution on New Pale in FY 54 and the eventual mass exodus of Mechanons from that planet. But recent studies have shown that this is no longer a primary drive within the majority of Mechanons encountered. Some theorize however that two completely different Mechanon societies may be evolving – one bent on peacefully coexisting with the other races, and another, smaller faction bent on destroying them.
Base Class Abilities
All Mechanons have these abilities
Hindrances: Outsider, Arrogant
Advanced Optics: All base mechanons are also equipped with infrared and starlight optics and heightened hearing.
Ambidexterity: All Mechanons ignore the -2 penalty for using their off-hand
Drone Class
Common Sense Intelligence: The Drone has a +1 bonus to Common Knowledge.
Warrior Class
Tactical Intelligence: The warrior class started with a base d6 Smarts and +1 bonus to the Battle skill.
Built-in Weapons: All members of the warrior class have at least one built-in energy weapon, usually the equivalent of a Laser Pistol.
Thinker Class
Built-in Weapons: All thinkers have a built-in energy weapon, usually the equivalent of a Laser Pistol that also can double as an Electro-stunner.
Amazing Intelligence: The warrior class started with a base d6 Smarts and +1 bonus to the Academics and Science skill.
Highly Developed Smell: All Osakar have highly developed olfactory senses. These are so accurate that an Osakar can recognize and identify even very weak odors that it has encountered in the past, including people. Osakers gain a +2 to Notice when involving smell. Any Osakar learning the Track skill gains a +2 to the skill (Must have at least a d4 to take advantage of this bonus).
Advanced Linguistics: Because of their unique mouth structure Osakar can duplicate all known languages. The Osakar are the finest linguists known. An Osakar character starts the game knowing any four civilized languages it desires in addition to PanGal and Osakish.