This is an airship that I built for my Titansgrave game, on a side adventure I sent the players.  A cult that longed to return to the Endless Night built it out the the wreckage of a Chaos era attack aircraft/shuttle.  Living in the wreck was simple-minded Orc, Uga.  He was found living in the nose gun of the wreck, pretending to fight the battles of yore.  They could not pry him from his position and did not have the heart to kill him.  Instead, they restored the nose gun to its glory while building the airship around it, and now Uga’s home is a devastating weapons as well.  When the airship is deployed, crew can hear the Orc asking “Uga Boom Now!” as Uga waits in anticipation to fire his guns.

Fort Skull Fire was one of 7 weapons stations built by a Saurian Regime of Sculedrus “The Skull” Kane, called the God Shield.  Lord Kane was notoriously paranoid of the gods and their wrath, and used his people’s mastery of technology to build 7 massive defense cannon.  Some would say he was a visionary, foreseeing the future cataclysm.  No one knows for sure if he did or not, but he feared something.