Legacy of the Führer
A series of adventures turned into a convention campaign. Whether the players know it or not, they were part of a overall storyline that is on going, inspired by the Die Glocke project that swept the internet over the past …
Seek the Wolf in Thyself!
A series of adventures turned into a convention campaign. Whether the players know it or not, they were part of a overall storyline that is on going, inspired by the Die Glocke project that swept the internet over the past …
Setting/System: Fading Suns d20 Dates: 3/2006 – 8/30/2008 Latest Campaign News A murder on Byzantium Secundus leads to a shadowy secret of epic proportions. Something called the Master is forming Changed cults through out the galaxy and he is in …
Subtitle: The Tiger, the Sun and the Sand Setting/System: Star Wars d20 Started: First attempt around 6/2002. Second attempt started 02/19/2004 Send Attempt Dates: 02/19/2004 – 10/29/2005 (est.) Campaign News I tried to run this campaign twice. The first one failed because …
Setting (System): Dragonstar (d20 3.x) First Session: 6/14/2003 When/Where: UNCC Campus, Denny Campaign News A campaign that I started and again did not finish. Dragonstar setting is basically D&D in space. I really enjoyed this campaign setting because it had …
Started the Dragonstar: The Mind’s Lost Legacy page. Dragonstar setting is basically D&D in space. I really enjoy this campaign setting because it had the best of both worlds. I found myself easily coverting D&D stuff to the setting, making …
System/Setting: Star Wars d20. Lords of the Expanse, Tapani Sector Dates: July 7, 2001 – May 17, 2003 “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away … in a time of conflict, a time of intrigue…” Loosely linked to the Dragon …
System: Star Wars d6 Started: 5/29/1999 When/Where: UNCC Campus, Denny My last d6 campaign before d20 took over in the middle of this one. This was my first Lords of the Expanse campaign. I LOVE THIS STAR WARS SETTING! This …