With their unbridled aggression and ferocity, the klick have been the most commonly encounter external for Fleet. At first, they were thought to be a left over Sathar war beast but the Fleet Marines soon learned they were much more …
With their unbridled aggression and ferocity, the klick have been the most commonly encounter external for Fleet. At first, they were thought to be a left over Sathar war beast but the Fleet Marines soon learned they were much more …
The first n’sss encountered appeared to be a remorseless warrior species completely integrated with similar technology that created both the kroath and the magus. A n’sss is contained within a bio-engineered pod that stands 8 to 12 feet tall and weighs …
Researchers theorize that the Magus are simply a specialized version of the Kroath – perhaps similarly selected from various conquered races and similarly grown. Where the Kroath are brutes of fire power and battle prowess, the Magus (so named for …
All contact with the Kroath species has ended in violence. All attempts to locate a kroath origins have been unsuccessful. It is theorized that the kroath are actually multiple humanoid creatures all genetically manipulated and grown for battle. Much the …
Initially, I did not find these aliens inspiring. But as I develop campaigns, I find ways to insert them. Mysterious leaders of crime syndicates, secret society agents, or hidden corporate CEOs running massive mega-corporations, I can see possibilities. The gardhyi …
Evrem When Frontier humans encountered the evrem, they can’t help but think of the legends of angels common among their cultures. This species, though friendly and more than willing to discuss many different topics, remains silent about one specific subject …
Blix Humans immediately feel comfortable in the presence of a blix. These aliens first appeared in the Frontier about 15 years ago, arriving in the outer rim worlds of Yaziran inside spherical vessels that appeared to use Voidspace technology. It …
Working on an idea to expand the Sathars and merge them with the Star*Drive Externals. In my new campaign, I am going to make the Sathars agents of the Externals (I am undecided about whether I am going to make …
Throughout the Star Frontier’s material, the Sathar, their history and the motivation has been a mystery. I think that is obviously intentional to allow for each individual game master interpret however they went. With me integrating the Externals, and the …