BAPA LARP system: A LARP system idea
Some time ago, I was involved in helping a designer develop a LARP system called EABAnywhere LARP system – END ALL BE ALL ANYWHERE. I can’t say that this is the End ALL Be ALL but it’s inspired by it. …
Some time ago, I was involved in helping a designer develop a LARP system called EABAnywhere LARP system – END ALL BE ALL ANYWHERE. I can’t say that this is the End ALL Be ALL but it’s inspired by it. …
Wrote and ran a few Stargate LARPS along with a few table top all linked to one plotline, centered around Greek Mythology, an artifact called the Dimensional Well Devices that caused fluctuations within the dimensional fabric, and other devices that …
Old School: From the Guild Days Plot Synopsis for a Highlander/World of Darkness Crossover LARP done at MACE 1998. PDF
MACE 2007, LARP Background: Sometime ago, an Atlantis mission discovered a world called Plyomus where a system lord named Hades once ruled and apparently due to actions of the mission, brought him back from “somewhere”. In the end, Hades was …
Greg Porter and I are working on a LARP version of the EABA rules. It’s the rules set we used for the two Stargate LARPs, and is a generic gaming engine. The first time as a little clunky but the …
MACE 2006, LARP LARP Conventions The LARP location is going to represent the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Obviously we can not have a character for every staff member of the SGC. The Cheyenne Mountain complex contains over 1000 staff, mist of …
LARP, ConCarolinas 2006 My first LARP craft, I made the weapons for the “church” figure in this plot. Below is the initial notes of the 56 page plotline me and another guy put together over instant messenger. Where: Plyomus (anagram …
Name: Agaraat “Aggie” Dan Profile: Bar Bouncer Physical +6 Mental +3 General Info: You & Harry “Drags” Darden go way back. He pulled your bulk off the street and gave you everything you have now, asking that you act as …