The Berserkers
Species: Unknown
Type: Humanoid Monstrous Mutant
Origin: Unknown
Strength | {…} | Empathy | {…} |
Constitution | {…} | Initiative | {…} |
Agility | {…} | Move | {…} |
Intelligence | {…} | Skill/Dam | {…} |
Education | {…} | Hits | {…} |
Charisma | {…} | Appear | {…} |
Documented Notes
As result of German alchemical and black magic experiments in World War I.
Add-ins & Elaborations
One of my favorite, I see the berserkers as pure rage. I imagine a experiment on primates of some kind, tapping some ancient ritual related to the classic Norse berserker mythology.
Natural Weapons/Abilities
Pure Rage and Strength. Regeneration and invulnerability.
Supernatural Weapons/Abilities