Beasts: The Reavis Bestiary
Hill Cat
Type: Large Carrnivore
Number: 1*
Move: Med 55
Im/RS: 6/55
Stamina: 125
Attack: +3 CS if undetected (from above). Damage 2-20/2-20/3-30
Special Attack: 1d10 Sonic damage (screams on initial attack)
Native world: New Scotland
The hill cat is a large mottled grey feline descended from house cats brought to New Scotland. It has evolved to take the position of the moutain lion of old Earth, in New Scotland’s near-Terran ecology.
In twilight, pre-dawn, or shaded light conditions the hill cat is virtually invisible (90%). It can move noicelessly (95%). The beast is very agile and can climb trees. Its’ preferred attack is from above. It will hunt when conditions favor its invisibility.
* During mating season, groups of hill catsgather and will act (in all respects) like Terran lion prides.
Type: Small Carnivore
Number: 1-4 *
Move: Med/Very Fast
IM/RS: 7/70
STA: 55
Attack: From the air, CS +2 (check twice). Damage: 1-10/1-10/2-20 (2-20 only if both talons hit)
Special Attack: during a dive, psionic scream 1d10 psionic damage. 1d10/2 for mentalists
Native World: New Scotland
Grey hawk-like creature. Loves human flesh. If more than two, the others will be young and only 25% chance to attack. If a member of the party goes down, the young(not attacking) will land and attempt to feed.
*25% cumulative chance per round that another group will attack, Maximum # attacking is 20.