The Zebulon Cluster

The Zebulon Cluster

After the discovery and liberation of Volturnus, it was determined that the ancient aliens Eorna has a small confederation of planets that included about 8 to 10 planets hidden in the shadows of the Xygag Dust Nebula. Populated by various factions of the Star Devils, remnant Sathars descended from the original invasion force, and strange creatures that evolved from Sathar slave soldiers, it is a new wild frontier that they UPF and corporations seek to tame.

From the aspect of the Frontier map, the majority of this clusters expands outward from a 90 degree angle from the plain of the map, centering off of Zebulon. I was imagining this as a new regions for a campaign, following the mysteries of the Eorna, new secrets revealed about an evolved Sathar and new enemies (perhaps the Externals from Alternity)

Stellar Standards

(Roughly the equivalent of Sol)

Standard Radius: 700,000 km

Standard Mass: 2×1030 kg

Standard Luminosity: 4000×1026 W

Planetary Standards

(Roughly the equivalent of Earth)

Standard Radius: 6400 km

Standard Mass: 6000×1024 kg


Neighboring the Zebulon system , Brykes is another system colonized by the Enorna thousands of years ago. It was once visited by Ifshnit traders – lead by Captain Ganic – after a mis-jump. A mutiny resulted and Ganic was left to die on the 6th world with his crashed shuttle.

Star Brykes PrimeType: M6 V Red Dwarf

Radius: 0.36 x standard

Mass: 0.26 x standard

Temperature: 2500 K

Luminosity: 0.01 x standard
IBrykosiType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.09 AU

Period: 20 Days

Physics: Standard iron/silicate

Radius: 1.06 x standard

Gravity: 1.16G

Hydrosphere: 70 % water, 60 % ice

Atmosphere: Dense breathable

Biosphere: Microbes, algae

Special: Heavy radiation, Colony Settlement possible
IIBrykes IIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.20 AU

Period: 0.18 years

Radius: 0.30 x standard

Gravity: 0.33G

Special: Heavy volcanism, planetary rings
IIIBrykes IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.34 AU

Period: 0.38 years

Radius: 0.49 x standard

Gravity: 0.57G
IVBrykes IVType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.53 AU

Period: 0.77 years

Radius: 1.33 x standard

Gravity: 0.48G
VBrykes VType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.00 AU

Period: 1.97 years

Radius: 2.30 x standard

Gravity: 0.73 G
VIGanic’s Fate

(Brykes VI)
Type: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.83 AU

Period: 4.86 years

Radius: 2.46 x standard

Gravity: 0.86 G

Special: Wreckage of a crashed spaceship
VIIBryke’s BeltType: Asteroid Belt

Orbital Radius: 3.39 AU

Period: 12.25 years
VIIIEye of BrykesType: Neptunian Planet

Orbital Radius: 7.21 AU

Period: 38.00 years

Radius: 6.24 x standard

Gravity: 8.58G

17 small moons


Induria was an allied system to the Eorna, home to the Croshic, an lost alien race that was believed to be mammalian in mature but it is unknown what they truly looked like. Their former home world – Indurios – is barely inhabitable now, as a result of some biological attack, it is assumed. They apparently attempted to populate Induriad but unfortunately their biology could not adapt to the high gravity.

StarInduria PrimeType: K0 Ib Orange Supergiant

Radius: 203.34 x standard

Mass: 21.02 x standard

Temperature: 4900 K

Luminosity: 21475.03 x standard
IType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 63.53 AU

Period: 110 years

Radius: 2.33 x standard

Gravity: 2.24G
IIInduriadType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 125.28 AU

Period: 305 years

Physics: Large iron/silicate

Radius: 1.26 x standard

Gravity: 1.25G

Hydrosphere: 34 % water, 8 % ice

Atmosphere: Dense reducing
IIIIndurios Type: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 179.84 AU

Period: 526.06 years

Physics: Standard iron/silicate

Radius: 0.84 x standard

Gravity: 0.83G

Hydrosphere: 69 % water, 56 % ice

Atmosphere: Standard toxic

Biosphere: Prokaryotic microbes

Special: Heavy radiation, heavy volcanism, Colony settlement possible
IVType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 284.03 AU

Period: 1044.07 years

Radius: 2.91 x standard

Gravity: 2.41G
VType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 534.14 AU

Period: 2692.59 years

Radius: 3.16 x standard

Gravity: 2.86G

Special: Heavy volcanism
VIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 955.61 AU

Period: 6443.31 years

Radius: 10.45 x standard

Gravity: 3.55G


Binary system with one planet that was once habitable, but now has a dense toxic atmosphere. There is rumored to be alien tech on this world but it is difficult to dispatch a survey team to due to the atmosphere.

0Harillon PrimeType: K6 V Orange Main Sequence

Radius: 0.82 x standard

Mass: 0.60 x standard

Temperature: 3900 K

Luminosity: 0.14 x standard
IType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.24 AU

Period: 0.15 standard years

Radius: 1.22 x standard

Gravity: 1.08G

Special: Trace atmosphere
IIHarillusType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.47 AU

Period: 0.41 standard years

Physics: Large iron/silicate

Radius: 1.36 x standard

Gravity: 1.40G

Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 25 % ice

Atmosphere: Dense toxic

Special: Advanced alien artifact
IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.70 AU

Period: 0.75 standard years

Radius: 1.16 x standard

Gravity: 1.21G
IVType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.04 AU

Period: 1.36 standard years

Radius: 0.72 x standard

Gravity: 0.71G

Special: 5 small moons
VType: Jovian Planet

Orbital Radius: 2.08 AU

Period: 3.88 standard years

Radius: 11.21 x standard

Gravity: 2.75G

Special: 40 small moons
VIHarillon BetaType: M5 V Red Dwarf

Distance: 7.43 AU

Radius: 0.41 x standard

Mass: 0.32 x standard

Temperature: 2600 K

Luminosity: 0.01 x sol


A former Eorna colony system, the one habitable planet was rendered uninhabitable when it was knocked closer to the sun by some unknown event. Advanced alien artifacts still remain on this world. This is a mineral rich system with lots of opportunities for mining, settlement and commerce.

0Lapravus PrimeType: K6 V Orange Main Sequence

Radius: 0.82 x standard

Mass: 0.60 x standard

Temperature: 3900 K

Luminosity: 0.14 x standard
IType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.27 AU

Period: 0.18 standard years

Radius: 0.92 x standard

Gravity: 0.96G
IILapraviaType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.47 AU

Period: 0.41 standard years

Physics: Large iron/silicate

Radius: 1.36 x standard

Gravity: 1.40G

Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 25 % ice

Atmosphere: Dense toxic

Special: Advanced alien artifact
IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.91 AU

Period: 1.12 standard years

Radius: 1.10 x standard

Gravity: 1.21G
IVType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.41 AU

Period: 2.16 standard years

Radius: 0.69 x standard

Gravity: 0.71G

Special: 5 small moons
VType: Jovian Planet

Orbital Radius: 2.92 AU

Period: 6.44 standard years

Radius: 10.31 x standard

Gravity: 2.75G

Special: 40 small moons
VIType: Neptunian Planet

Orbital Radius: 10.45 AU

Period: 43.66 standard years

Radius: 4.06 x standard

Gravity: 0.87G

Special: 28 small moons
VIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 20.28 AU

Period: 118.05 standard years

Radius: 2.20 x standard

Gravity: 0.87G
VIIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 41.83 AU

Period: 349.77 standard years

Radius: 1.53 x standard

Gravity: 0.50G

Special; Methane seas
IXType: Asteroid Belt

Orbital Radius: 83.31 AU

Period; 983.11 standard years
XType; Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 172.99 AU

Period: 2941.83 standard years

Radius: 4.54 x standard

Gravity: 1.48G
XIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 351.87 AU

Period: 8534.11 standard years

Radius: 2.82 x standard

Gravity: 1.05G

Special; Methane seas
XIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 628.32 AU

Period: 20363.89 standard years

Radius: 3.09 x standard

Gravity: 0.93G

Special: 2 small moons


Once a Eorna colony system, there are still ruins on the habitable planet. Once used as a pirate and smuggle outpost, it too has since been abandoned for unknown reasons.

Star Mebivius PrimeType: M9 V Red Dwarf

Radius: 0.38 x standard

Mass: 0.26 x standard

Temperature: 2000 K

Luminosity: 0.01 x standard
IMebivosType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.16 AU

Period: 0.03 standard years

Physics: Small ocean

Radius: 0.44 x standard

Gravity: 0.38G

Hydrosphere: 80 % water, 65 % ice

Atmosphere: Thin toxic

Biosphere: Prokaryotic microbes

Special: Ruins of an old colony
IIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.28 AU

Period: 0.28 standard years

Radius: 2.97 x standard

Gravity: 1.07G
IIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.40 AU

Period: 0.49 standard years

Radius: 1.85 x standard

Gravity: 0.72 G

Special: Advanced alien artifact
IVType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.61 AU

Period: 0.93 standard years

Radius: 3.35 x standard

Gravity: 1.09G


Home system to a species called the Ralosian species, they were once a thriving advanced race as evidenced by the ruins through the planet but have devolved somehow to a primitive society.

Star Raloshan PrimeType: K8 V Orange Main Sequence

Radius: 0.96 x standard

Mass: 0.97 x standard

Temperature: 3600 K

Luminosity: 0.14 x standard
IRaloshiaType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.42 AU

Period: 0.27 standard years

Physics: Small ocean

Radius: 0.46 x standard

Gravity: 0.39G

Hydrosphere: 84 % water, 48 % ice

Atmosphere: Thin breathable

Biosphere: Prokaryotic microbes

Special: 5 small moons, electromagnetic storms, tuins
IIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.82 AU

Period: 0.75 standard years

Radius: 0.06 x standard

Gravity: 0.06G

Special: Advanced alien artifact
IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.06 AU

Period: 1.11 standard years

Radius: 1.17 x standard

Gravity: 1.15G

Special: Heavy radiation, planetary rings
IVType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.93 AU

Period: 2.72 standard years

Radius: 5.05 x standard

Gravity: 1.63G
VType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 3.39 AU

Period: 6.32 standard years

Radius; 3.96 x standard

Gravity: 1.45G
VIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 7.13 AU

Period1: 19.32 standard years

Radius: 2.36 x standard

Gravity: 0.82G

Special: Electromagnetic storms
VIIType: Asteroid Belt

Orbital Radius: 12.68 AU

Period: 45.80 standard years
VIIIType: Neptunian Planet

Orbital Radius: 23.42 AU

Period: 114.98 standard years

Radius: 3.60 x standard

Gravity: 1.42 x standard

Special: 9 small moons


Home system to an ancient race and allies to the Eorna, the Socturians. They were humanoid creatures with a bug-like carapace instead of skin. It is unknown what wiped out their civilization.

StarSocturon PrimeType: G7 V Yellow Main Sequence

Radius: 1.11 x standard

Mass: 1.13 x standard

Temperature: 5200 K

Luminosity: 0.81 x standard
IType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.27 AU

Period: 0.13 standard years

Radius: 0.91 x standard

Gravity: 0.85 x standard
IISocturaType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.76 AU

Period: 0.63 standard years

Physics: Small iron/silicate

Radius: 0.45 x standard

Gravity: 0.42 x standard

Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 4 % ice

Atmosphere: Thin toxic

Special: Ruins of an ancient civilization
IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.20 AU

Period: 1.23 standard years

Radius: 0.73 x standard

Gravity: 0.76 x standard
IVType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 2.30 AU

Period: 3.28 standard years

Radius: 0.99 x standard

Gravity: 1.04 x standard
VType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 4.13 AU

Period: 7.90 standard years

Radius: 1.70 x standard

Gravity: 1.46 x standard

Special: 3 small moons, heavy radiation
VIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 8.35 AU

Period: 22.70 standard years

Radius: 1.66 x standard

Gravity: 0.47 x standard

Special: Electromagnetic storms
VIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 15.30 AU

Period: 56.36 standard years

Radius: 5.58 x standard

Gravity: 1.68 x standard
VIIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 30.33 AU

Period: 157.28 standard years

Radius: 2.03 x standard

Gravity: 0.82 x standard
IXType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 67.13 AU

Period: 517.83 standard years

Radius: 2.93 x standard

Gravity: 1.13 x standard


Colony system for both the Eorna and the Ralosian, a a war broke out between the two colonies for some unknown reason.

Star Volmeria PrimeType: G7 V Yellow Main Sequence

Radius: 1.11 x standard

Mass: 1.13 x standard

Temperature: 5200 K

Luminosity: 0.81 x standard
IType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 0.31 AU

Period: 0.17 standard years

Radius: 1.38 x standard

Gravity: 1.34 x standard
IIVolmorType: Terrestrial World

Orbital Radius: 0.72 AU

Period: 0.58 standard years

Physics: Small iron/silicate

Radius: 0.45 x standard

Gravity: 0.42 x standard

Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 2 % ice

Atmosphere: Thin toxic

Special: Ruins of an ancient civilization, wreckage of a crashed spaceship
IIIType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 1.17 AU

Period: 1.20 standard years

Radius: 0.70 x standard

Gravity: 0.76 x standard
IVType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 2.22 AU

Period: 3.11 standard years

Radius: 1.16 x standard

Gravity: 1.04 x standard
VType: Rock Planet

Orbital Radius: 3.94 AU

Period: 7.36 standard years

Radius: 1.79 x standard

Gravity: 1.46 x standard

Special: 3 small moons, heavy radiation
VIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 7.91 AU

Period: 20.95 standard years

Radius: 1.63 x standard

Gravity: 0.47 x standard

Special: Electromagnetic storms
VIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 14.46 AU

Period: 51.76 standard years

Radius: 4.66 x standard

Gravity: 1.68 x standard
VIIIType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 28.61 AU

Period: 144.09 standard years

Radius: 2.07 x standard

Gravity: 0.82 x standard
IXType: Ice Planet

Orbital Radius: 63.27 AU

Period: 473.79 standard years

Radius: 3.26 x standard

Gravity: 1.13 x standard
Distant CompanionType: M8 V Red Dwarf

Distance: 300.41 AU

Radius: 0.38 x standard

Mass: 0.25 x standard

Temperature: 2100 K

Luminosity: 0.01 x standard