Tips for Origins Game Fair 2013

Tips for Origins Game Fair 2013

I am heading to Origins with a good friend, Heath Medlin.  Since it is my first time there, he was kind enough to send me daily tips about Origins.  I have compiled them and published them here for those that my appreciate them.

Heath Medlin’s Origins 2013 Tips

  1. NEVER buy food from vendors right outside the exhibit hall. Way overpriced. Take the walk to the food court and you’ll save a little $.
  2. If you want to play in demo games at the vendor’s booth in the Exhibit Hall, go ahead and get those done on Thursday. There will be more people there on Friday and definitely on Saturday, which is the only day for the day pass this year. As the Hall is smaller with smaller table space, the demo tables will be packed on Saturday.
  3. It always rains at Origins, often with severe weather. I was always a single pair of shoes type of guy until someone suggested that I take an extra pair, just in case. It saved my bacon one year after I got trapped in a deluge and was soaked to the bone. Also, there’s a skywalk from the corner of the block to the Hyatt/Convention Center, but I never use it unless it’s pouring outside as it’s out of the way. Crossing Nationwide Boulevard will save many steps.
  4. Want an adult beverage? Big Bar on 2 is the Hyatt’s bar on its second floor. Many con goers will spend time there and there’s always a chance you’ll run across gaming industry folks there. If you like microbrewery beer, Barley’s is across the street from the convention center and is also popular with con goers. It is busy around meal times. Barley’s also has a menu with food. I usually eat there once a year.
  5. I’ve had bad experiences using the vending machines at the Columbus Convention Center. Use them only as a last resort.
  6. Though Max & Erma’s is considered the Crowne Plaza’s “hotel restaurant” and has a breakfast buffet, I usually try to eat breakfast at the Sunny Street Cafe on Nationwide Boulevard towards the arena and baseball field. It’s a bit of a walk, but I like the food and get a little fresh air and exercise as well.
  7. The last one! I’ve heard that Grant Wilson (formerly with Ghost Hunters) will be working one of the booths in the dealer’s hall. He’s an artist and will be offering a new card game he’s affiliated with, Dwarven Miner. Weird Al Yankovic is playing a show in Columbus tonight and there’s a minute chance he may make an appearance.

Additional lessons I (Ron) have learned already

  1. Register for games as early as possible.
  2. Print out your schedule/agenda before registration closes.  Because your game schedule is linked to your badge, once preregistration closes, you won’t be able to see your schedule until you get to the con.
  3. Pay close attention to any tips friends give you.