The Derelict (mini-mace 2017)
SYSTEM: Call of Cthulhu 7e DATE: 2017-01-28 I was not entirely satisfied with the way this one went. Maybe I needed more prep time but the group never got to a point that made them want to stay on board and …
SYSTEM: Call of Cthulhu 7e DATE: 2017-01-28 I was not entirely satisfied with the way this one went. Maybe I needed more prep time but the group never got to a point that made them want to stay on board and …
SYSTEM: Call of Cthulhu 7e Cool little adventure that is very similar to the one I ran in generic modern Savage Worlds. This one had a cool monster that only a few characters can see. The central premise is to …
For Free RPG Day 2016 I made 6 characters – 4 men, 2 women – roughly based on the first party concept suggested in the adventure (Option One, luxury yacht owner and friends). They a group of passengers on a Yacht, …