06.00 Rd6 Interaction
Version 1.0
Interaction is a type of combat but instead of trying to cause damage to other characters, characters can use a number of interaction skills to accomplish other objectives: frighten away attackers, force them to surrender, or force them to divulge secret information. A complete list of interaction skills:
Interaction | Defense | Skill | Rounds |
Intimidation | Willpower: Resolve | Presence: Persuasion (Intimidation) | Combat |
Taunt | Willpower: Resolve | Presence: Persuasion (Taunt) | Combat |
Trick | Willpower: Resolve | Presence: Persuasion (Trick) | Combat |
Maneuver | Strength: Athletics (Maneuver), Strength: Acrobatics (Trick) | Strength: Athletics (Maneuver) , Strength: Acrobatics (Trick) | Combat |
Charm, Persuasion, Con | Willpower: Resolve | Presence: Persuasion (Charm) | Roleplay |
Interrogation | Willpower: Resolve | Presence: Persuasion (Interrogation) | Roleplay |
Combat Round Interaction skills (Interaction Attacks) work more simply than combat. Simply roll the attacking character’s skill dice. The resisting character can use either a passive defense or an active defense. Treat as a normal Attack, comparing the relevant defense vs. skill Test. If the attacker’s total successes exceed the defense value, then they achieved a success; if it is lower, he failed. If the Interaction Attack was successful, read the Result Points on the appropriate success column (General Success, Intimidation, Taunt/Trick or Maneuver) and use the rules in the appropriate sections to determine what happens.
Result Points | Intimidation | Taunt/Trick | Maneuver |
1 | stymied | stymied | fatigued |
2 | untrained | stymied | fatigued |
3 | untrained | untrained | fatigued |
4 | setback | untrained | stymied, fatigued |
5 | setback | setback | stymied, fatigued |
6 | lose turn | lose turn | lose turn |
The following results are possible for all:
A character who is stymied loses his Wild-Die re-roll during his next Turn. If he rolls the dice and gets a six on the Wild Die, he cannot re-roll. This counts for all Character points spent as well. However, if the character was Up, this counter-acts the Stymied effect for one die. This condition lasts only for the character’s next Turn and then goes away after, even if it has not come into play during that action phase.
During the next action, the character generates all Skill Tests as if untrained in the skill or skills he is using (uses Attribute only). This means the character cannot use any Skill Dice. This also means that the character may not be able to use certain skills (those that cannot be used untrained) or use them only at a penalty.
Something bad happens to the character. The most common occurrence is a weapon failure or run out of ammo But any sort of bad thing could happen if the gamemaster is creative. Not as severe as a Complication.
The target must take an action to Make a Stamina: Resist test or take a Stunned result in damage.
Lose a Turn
The character loses his next turn.
The Presence: Persuasion (Intimidation) skill is used whenever one character wants to intimidate, frighten or bully another character. During combat, it is often used to make opponents hesitate. Characters resist intimidation with their Willpower: Resolve.
Taunts or Tricks in Combat to cause their opponent to hesitate or make emotional mistakes. Characters use their Presence: Persuasion (Taunt) skill to Taunt and their Presence: Persuasion (Trick) to trick. Characters use their Willpower: Resolve skill to resist Taunts and Tricks.
More useful in melee or fighting, this interaction is when a character uses his Athletics to juke or feint and cause the opponent to miss or think his target is going to one thing and instead does another. This is an opposed Strength: Athletics (Maneuver) test.
Acrobatic Tricks
Acrobatics can also enhance Fighting or Melee Weapons combat attacks (only) as a Maneuver.