Advanced Star Frontiers Races in Alternity
![Advanced Star Frontiers Races in Alternity](
This includes only the Alternity Game data to play these races. Notes about these races are in my Star Frontiers section. Adjust as you see fit.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 4-14 |
DEX | 6-15 |
CON | 3-13 |
INT | 6-16 |
WIL | 5-14 |
PER | 3-13 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Strength | Melee Weapons |
Constitution | Survival |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Hunting Instincts: The Bengradi have a keen sense of hunting instincts. -1 Step to Awareness checks while in a hunting situation. -1 Step to Investigate: Tracking checks
Sense Presence: It is very difficult to surprise a Bengradi. They sometimes feel the presence of an approaching being, andknow its intentions before they have a chance to surprise them. -2 Step to Awareness: Intuition for Surprise situations
Primitive Culture:Young Bengradi start out somewhat overwhelmedby the technology of the more advancedraces, but adapt well. For Bengradi at Achievement Level 1 until Level 3, the have a +2 Step to use any technology above Progress Level 4. After 3 anduntil 6, the penalty drops to +1 Step. After 6, no penalty.
Natural Armor – Fur:The Bengradi have natural armor (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4+1 LI/0 HI/ 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws: The Bengradi have natural claws that can be usedas weapons. They are retractable. On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-2w / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O).
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 – 16 |
DEX | 3 – 13 |
CON | 6 – 15 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 3 – 12 |
PER | 4 – 14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Strength | Melee Weapons |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Natural Armor – Skin : Candrosian have a thick layer of leathery plates, which addto their ability to absorb damage. d4+2 LI / d4 HI / d4-1 En
Natural Weapons – Tail : Candrosian can use their tail as an extra attack in UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts. This can act as a thirdattack in a multiple action attack. Damage: d6+2s / d4+1w / d4+2w (LI/O)
Natural Weapons – Ram Attack: Candrosian, when enraged in battle, can attack by running at full speed and ramming a target, in an Unarmed Attack – brawl or power martial arts. Damage: +d6s to UnarmedAttack Damage andthe target is knockeddown (thrown on an Amazing result).
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 – 16 |
DEX | 5 – 15 |
CON | 4 – 14 |
INT | 3 – 13 |
WIL | 3 – 13 |
PER | 4 – 12 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Intelligence | Tactics |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Amphibious: All Dara’ilan can breathe underwater as easily as they can breathe air.
Camouflage: All Dara’ilan can change the color to match its surrounding at will. From dark, shadowy greys andblacks to bright sea greens andblues. -1 Step to Stealth – hide rolls.
Tentacle Manipulators: The Dara’Ilan have tentacle on the wrists. ankles, andtail, which help in climbing (-1 Step to Athletics – climb). They also can holdor grip things, or increase the character’s grip on a particular item. It’s difficult to cause a Dara’Ilan to drop something. For a short periodof time, a Dara’Ilan can hang from his own tail (Stamina – endurance, 5 minutes / 10 minutes / 30 minutes).
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-2w / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Natural Weapons – Tail: On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, d6+1s / d4w / d4+1w (LI/O)
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 – 15 |
DEX | 6 – 16 |
CON | 4 – 12 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 4 – 14 |
PER | 4 – 14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | UnarmedAttack |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Personality | Telepathy* |
Special Abilities
Animal Telepathy– The Halogai’ have the unique ability to communicate andreadthe thoughts of unintelligent creatures or animals. -1 Step when attempting Telepathy with an animal.
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the Halogai’ have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4+1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-2w / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Fast Movement: When calculating Combat Movement, the Halogai’ get a +2 modifier to the STR+DEX total.<
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 – 16 |
DEX | 3 – 13 |
CON | 5 – 15 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 4 – 14 |
PER | 2 – 12 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Acrobatics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Special Abilities
Spring Charge:A Humma can spring up to 25 meters horizontally from a standing start and, if he lands within 2 meters of an opponent, come to a deadstop andmake a melee attack against the opponent, who cannot strike back. The “carousel attack:’ a circle of Humma springing from one enemy to another, is a bizarre battle tactic they enjoy using. A Humma can continue this 25-meter spring for up to 10 turns, but then gets windedandcannot use it again for at least 30 minutes.
Poison Resistance:Humma are unaffected by any poison that they eat or drink.
Prehensile Tail:The tail of the Humma is 2 meters long andhas a grip stronger than a Human hand. The tail is capable of holding an item or swinging a melee weapon. When holding an item, the Humma can use its two arms normally. When using the tail to wielda weapon, the Humma must concentrate on it andcannot use its arms to operate anything else. The tail can only wrap aroundhilts, handles, etc., andcannot throw grenades or operate devices. The tail itself is treatedas a rifle butt for damage. It is strong enough to support a Humma’s body, but only for 5 (+ STR Resistance Modifier) in Turns.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 5 – 15 |
DEX | 4 – 14 |
CON | 4 – 12 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 4 – 16 |
PER | 3 – 12 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Highly DevelopedSight:Ifshnits cannot be blindedby any light, as their inner eyelids snap shut instantly. They cannot see during the turn a light flashes brightly, but their eyesight will be normal the following turn.
Innate Skill:Because of their unique culture, which is heavily basedon barter, Ifshnits learn about trading at an early age. -1 Step to Business rolls. -2 Steps to Interaction – bargain
Small Size: Due to their small size, the Ifshnit is harder to hit. +1 Step to any rangedattacks against a Ifshnit
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 4 – 14 |
DEX | 6 – 16 |
CON | 4 – 11 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 4 – 14 |
PER | 4 – 14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Acrobatics |
Dexterity | Stealth |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Special Abilities
Move Quietly: The K’Dasi can surprise anyone, including the Bengradi. With the proper roll, the K’Dasi can sneak so quietly, they can even surprise one of their own species. -2 Step to Stealth rolls
Climbing: K’Dasi have an incredible climbing ability. -1 Step to Athletics – climb rolls
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the K’Dasi have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4-1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4s / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Fast Movement: When calculating Combat Movement, the K’Dasi get a +2 modifier to the STR+DEX total.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 5 – 15 |
DEX | 5 – 15 |
CON | 4 – 14 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 3 – 13 |
PER | 3 – 13 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Acrobatics |
Dexterity | Stealth |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Special Abilities
Highly DevelopedSmell:All Osakar have highly developedolfactory senses. These are so accurate that an Osakar can recognize andidentify even very weak odors that it has encounteredin the past, including people. -2 Step to Investigate – trackingrolls, unless something has maskedor removedthe scent.
Languages:Because of their unique mouth structure Osakar can duplicate all known languages. The Osakar are the finest linguists known. An Osakar character starts the game knowing any four civilizedlanguages it desires in addition to Common/Basic andOsakish. To learn more, the professional cost is reducedby 1 (-2 to listed). For Osakars, learning a new language is always professional cost (-1 to listed).
Natural Climbing Ability:Because of the nature of their limbs, Osakars have a bonus to climbing. -1 Step to Athletics –climbrolls
Fast Movement: When calculating Combat Movement, the Osakar get a +3 modifier to the STR+DEX total.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 5 – 15 |
DEX | 4 – 14 |
CON | 4 – 14 |
INT | 5 – 15 |
WIL | 3 – 13 |
PER | 3 – 13 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Leadership |
Special Abilities
Spit Poison– The Que’Sha, being descendedfrom snakes, have the ability to spit poison. The range is always at the most 2 meters. Use a DexterityFeat for the skill roll to hit. The poison has certain effects.
Blinding– If spit in the eyes, the poison blinds the victim. He must make a roll a successful Constitution feat or Stamina – endurancecheck or the victim is blinded until medical treatment. If the roll is successful, the victim just has a +3 step to all activity requiring sight.
Stun– In general, the poison stuns the character for a limitedamount of time. If the poison hits the person anywhere, the victim must make a Constitution Feat check. On a Critical failure, d12s; Failure, d8s; Ordinary, d6s, Good, d4s, Amazing, no effect.
Natural Weapons – Tail Attack-The Que’Sha can easily attack with their tail.On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, d6s / d6-1s / d4w (LI/O)
Natural Weapons – Fangs:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-1s / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Natural Armor – Scales:d4 LI / d4-1 HI / d4-2 En
Carnivorous: Que’Sha eat strictly meat, preferably live or freshly killed,
Special Movement: Que’sha Slither, not walk. In some places that may be advantageous while in others not.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 5 – 16 |
DEX | 3 – 13 |
CON | 5 – 15 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 3 – 13 |
PER | 4 – 14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Strength | Melee Weapons |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Resolve |
Special Abilities
Hypnotic resistance: Saurians are resistant to hypnotism.
Aquatic Breathing: The Saurian can swim underwater without a artificial gill suit.
Natural Weapons – Claws: On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-1w / d4w / d4+1w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Natural Armor – Scales:d4 LI / d4-1 HI / d4-2 En
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 4 – 12 |
DEX | 9 – 16 |
CON | 4 – 12 |
INT | 6 – 14 |
WIL | 6 – 16 |
PER | 3 – 11 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Strength | Melee Weapons |
Dexterity | Acrobatics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Resolve |
Special Abilities
Skaniis Temper– The Skaniis have an almost uncontrollable temper. The volatility of the Skaniis temper is known throughout the galaxy. It engages the first time the Skaniis is injuredin combat rounds. However, there are two types of temper for a Skaniis – controlledand uncontrolled. The Skaniis must make a successful Resolve – mental resolveto control his temper. The bonuses for controlled are the following
Controlled: -1 Step to all physical actions. Ignore Dazedeffects from Stun. Ignore Knockout result from Stun until endof combat. Once it is over, then the knockout takes effect. The Skaniis can make another Resolve – mental resolve check to calm himself down . Every failure at this, adds a +1 Step to the next roll. If it never happens (the Skaniis keeps failing his roll), he must rest to calm himself down. Uncontrolledis dangerous. The GM controls the direction of the Skaniis’s attack. Andsometimes it’s not who they want to attack.
Uncontrolled: -2 Step to all physical actions. Ignore Dazedeffects from Stun and Wounds. Ignore Knockout result from Stun until endof combat. Once it is over, then the knockout takes effect. Skaniis doesn’t stop until he has no targets left or is knockedunconscious (from wounds). In either case, the Skaniis takes 1d12 Fatigue after the combat is over.
Extra BroadSkill: Dexterity – acrobatics
Aerial Acrobatics– The Skaniis, being descendents of agile rodent-like creatures, have a natural ability to perform aerial stunts. -1 Step to Acrobatics skills
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the K’Dasi have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4-1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4s / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Fast Movement: When calculating Combat Movement, the Skaniis get a +2 modifier to the STR+DEX total.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 -16 |
DEX | 6 -14 |
CON | 4 -14 |
INT | 4 -12 |
WIL | 4 -11 |
PER | 4 -14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Natural Armor – Scales:d4 LI / d4-1 HI / d4-2 En
Natural Weapons – Tail Attack-The Que’Sha can easily attack with their tail.On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, d6+2s / d6+1s / d6w (LI/O)
Natural Weapons – Fangs:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4s / d4w / d4+1w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Poison Resistance– All S’saran are immune to poison. They know when they have been poisoned, because their body recognizes it.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 3 – 13 |
DEX | 6 – 16 |
CON | 2 – 12 |
INT | 6 – 16 |
WIL | 6 – 16 |
PER | 6 – 16 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Personality | Telepathy |
Special Abilities
Extra BroadSkill: Personality – telepathy.
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the Tor’Drani have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4+1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-2w / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 6 -16 |
DEX | 8 -18 |
CON | 6 -16 |
INT | 2 -12 |
WIL | 2 -12 |
PER | 2 -12 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Interaction |
Personality | Telepathy |
Special Abilities
Extra BroadSkill: Personality – telepathy.
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the Torani have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4+1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4-2w / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 9 – 18 |
DEX | 3 – 12 |
CON | 8 – 17 |
INT | 4 – 14 |
WIL | 3 – 13 |
PER | 4 – 14 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Vehicle Ops |
Constitution | Stamina |
Will | Awareness |
Personality | Entertainment |
Personality | Interaction |
Special Abilities
Urtoran Slumber– The Urtoran have an ability to slip into a special type o f deep healing andrevitalizing sleep. Wounds can be healedat a rate of 1d3 for every 8 hours of Slumber. However, the Urtoran can only sleep up to his CON score in hours before the Slumber heals now more.
Battle rage– If an Urtoran is pushedto far, he will go berserk, or go into Battle Rage. -2 Step to all physical actions. No Stamina – endurancechecks on Amazing Damage. Ignore Dazedeffects from Stun and Wounds
Ignore Knockout result from Stun until endof combat. Once it is over, then the knockout takes effect.
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the Urtoran have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4+1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d6s / d4w / d4+1w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | 4 – 12 |
DEX | 8 – 15 |
CON | 4 – 10 |
INT | 8 – 16 |
WIL | 6 – 16 |
PER | 4 – 13 |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | Athletics |
Dexterity | Manipulation |
Constitution | Stamina |
Intelligence | Knowledge |
Will | Awareness |
Will | Resolve |
Personality | Telepathy |
Special Abilities
Natural Electroshock– The Wen’tri have the ability to charge up their bodies with a painful amount of electricity, like the Electric eel. Target rolls CON Feat Check, -3 Step.
GrandTelepathy: Wen’tri have a strong natural aptitude for Telepathy. They have a natural -3 Step to any Telepathy specialty skill, andtheir range can extendto light years using Telepathy: contact. Use the following chart to determine penalty: (The below steps already take in consideration the Natural -3 Step Wen’tri have).
Distance | Modifier |
1 – 5 ly | +3 Step |
6-10 ly | +4 Step |
11-50 ly | +6 Step |
The Wen’tri can only contact people he has had interaction with. The targetedcharacter must be known to the Wen’tri, andthe Wen’tri must have previously touchedhim or made Contact with him.
Natural Armor – Fur:Like furred mammalian species, the Wen’tri have natural armor. (For Low Impact Type Damage Only). d4-1 LI / 0 HI / 0 En
Natural Weapons – Claws:On a successful UnarmedAttack – brawl or power martial arts, they do d4s / d4-1w / d4w (LI/O). They are retractable.
Fast Movement: When calculating Combat Movement, the Wen’tri get a +2 modifier to the STR+DEX total.
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |||||||||||||
Ability | Skill | Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Will |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Intelligence | |
Will | |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |||||||||||||
Ability | Skill | Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Will |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Intelligence | |
Will | |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Intelligence | |
Will | |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |||||||||||||
Ability | Skill | Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Will |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Intelligence | |
Will | |
Special Abilities
Ability Score Range | |
Ability | Range |
STR | |
DEX | |
CON | |
INT | |
WIL | |
Free Broad Skills | |
Ability | Skill |
Strength | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Intelligence | |
Will | |
Special Abilities