Alternate Victory Points system v2

Alternate Victory Points system v2

(Under Construction)

Use the base system except the number of dice that are rolled.

The base dice rolled is three d20.  The number rolled is called the Result roll of the Goal Roll. When rolling the base, the Base Result Number is always the middle value of the three.  If two roll the same, that’s the number used.

The Result Roll can vary based on Wyrd spent or risked. The number of dice can also be changed with the expenditure of Wyrd points.

  • 1 Wyrd Point allows the player to pick the best result from the three dice
  • 2 Wryd Points allow the player to roll 1 additional die to a total of 4 dice and pick the best result
  • 3 Wyrd Points allow the player to roll 2 additional dice to a total of 5 and pick the best result.

The player can also elect to roll 2 dice and pick the best result or the highest.  Which he chooses must be decided before the roll is made.  If the roll is a success, the player gains the following:

  • If the highest roll is picked, and the roll is successful, the player gains 2 Wyrd.
  • If the best result is picked and the roll is successful, the player gains 1 Wyrd.