Babylon 5 RPG Prestige Classes

Babylon 5 RPG Prestige Classes
Agent of the Ninth Circle (Original)
Breaching Marine (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF)
Combat Tactician (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF)
Crime Boss (original)
EarthForce Intel. Agent (converted and enhanced from Coming of the Shadows)
Ka'Toc Master (converted and enhanced from Narn Regime Fact Book)
Special Forces Operative (converted and enhanced from EarthForce Campaign Book)
Gunrunner (converted and enhanced from Narn Regime Fact Book)
Tactical Saboteur (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF)

2e Classes Reference

Base ClassLocation
RaiderLGtFS p70
TechnomageS&P#39 13

Base Multi Class VariationsLocation
Theif (Agent/Lurker)IPX 30
Explorer (Scientist/Officer)IPX 31
Security Specialist (Agent/Soldier)IPX 31
Tomb Raider (Agent/Scientist)IPX 33
Xenospychologist (Diplomat/Scientist)IPX 34

Prestige ClassLocation
Anla'Shok Officer (Ranger)LotR 59
Augur (Technomage)S&P#40 14
Chimera Ligari (Technomage)S&P#40 5
Corporate HeadhunterBH 82
Cyberpath  (Telepath)LGtT 68
Denn'Bok Master  (Ranger)LotR 61
Destroyer (Technomage)S&P#40 6
Great Healer (Technomage)S&P#40 7
Guiding Master (Technomage)S&P#40 18
HitmanBH 84
Instrument of Chaos (Technomage)S&P#40 9
Intel LiaisonBH 87
Kinetic Grimli (Technomage)S&P#40 11
Machine Ghost (Technomage)S&P#40 13
Master of SubtletyH&A 73
Mentalist (Telepath)LGtT 70
Mindhawk (Telepath)LGtT 72
Pensive Croanati (Technomage)S&P#40 12
Puppeteer (Telepath)LGtT 74
Raider AceLGtFS p73
Ranger Chaplain (Ranger)LotR 65
Ranger Infiltrator (Ranger)LotR 63
SmugglerLGtFS p74
Tacit Keeper (Technomage)S&P#40 16
Telekinetic (Telepath)LGtT 76
XenobiologistH&A 75

LGtFS – Lurker’s Guide to Freedom Station

S&P – Signs & Portents online magazine (PDF)

LotR – Legend of the Rangers

BH – Bounty Hunter

LGtT – Lurker’s Guide to Telepaths

H&A – Heroes & Aliens