Babylon 5 RPG Prestige Classes

Agent of the Ninth Circle (Original) |
Breaching Marine (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF) |
Combat Tactician (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF) |
Crime Boss (original) |
EarthForce Intel. Agent (converted and enhanced from Coming of the Shadows) |
Ka'Toc Master (converted and enhanced from Narn Regime Fact Book) |
Special Forces Operative (converted and enhanced from EarthForce Campaign Book) |
Gunrunner (converted and enhanced from Narn Regime Fact Book) |
Tactical Saboteur (converted and enhanced from Bryan Steele's article in S&P 29 PDF) |
2e Classes Reference
Base Class | Location |
Raider | LGtFS p70 |
Technomage | S&P#39 13 |
Base Multi Class Variations | Location |
Theif (Agent/Lurker) | IPX 30 |
Explorer (Scientist/Officer) | IPX 31 |
Security Specialist (Agent/Soldier) | IPX 31 |
Tomb Raider (Agent/Scientist) | IPX 33 |
Xenospychologist (Diplomat/Scientist) | IPX 34 |
Prestige Class | Location |
Anla'Shok Officer (Ranger) | LotR 59 |
Augur (Technomage) | S&P#40 14 |
Chimera Ligari (Technomage) | S&P#40 5 |
Corporate Headhunter | BH 82 |
Cyberpath (Telepath) | LGtT 68 |
Denn'Bok Master (Ranger) | LotR 61 |
Destroyer (Technomage) | S&P#40 6 |
Great Healer (Technomage) | S&P#40 7 |
Guiding Master (Technomage) | S&P#40 18 |
Hitman | BH 84 |
Instrument of Chaos (Technomage) | S&P#40 9 |
Intel Liaison | BH 87 |
Kinetic Grimli (Technomage) | S&P#40 11 |
Machine Ghost (Technomage) | S&P#40 13 |
Master of Subtlety | H&A 73 |
Mentalist (Telepath) | LGtT 70 |
Mindhawk (Telepath) | LGtT 72 |
Pensive Croanati (Technomage) | S&P#40 12 |
Puppeteer (Telepath) | LGtT 74 |
Raider Ace | LGtFS p73 |
Ranger Chaplain (Ranger) | LotR 65 |
Ranger Infiltrator (Ranger) | LotR 63 |
Smuggler | LGtFS p74 |
Tacit Keeper (Technomage) | S&P#40 16 |
Telekinetic (Telepath) | LGtT 76 |
Xenobiologist | H&A 75 |
LGtFS – Lurker’s Guide to Freedom Station
S&P – Signs & Portents online magazine (PDF)
LotR – Legend of the Rangers
BH – Bounty Hunter
LGtT – Lurker’s Guide to Telepaths
H&A – Heroes & Aliens