07: Casting Descriptions (K-R)
3rd Level Casting
Success Rate: 20% + LOG/5(rd) (+5% per Level above 3)
Range: Contact
Duration: Instant
With Physical contact. The Jedi can learn things about a specific object or person. These things are physical facts, usage or knowledge the Jedi could have known through other means. Low rolls should be more specific, where as high successful rolls should be more vague. Success: +1d6 FPTs
Failure: Jedi can not attempt Knowing for one day, on this object..
Life Powers
5th Level Castings
Success Rate: 32% + 1/4 STA(rd) (+5% per Level above 5)
5 Sub-Powers
This allows the Jedi to place a recently dead body in a state of preservation, so that a skilled physician may attempt to revive it later. It prevents decay and the ravages of time for a period. This also can be used to preserve food and other perishable items. Physical contact is required. This also can be used on a near-dead and dying body, so that the ailment maybe cured or healed. Duration: LF in Hours. Success: +1d10 FPTs. Failure: Jedi can not cast Preserve for one day, on the same body or object.
This allows the Jedi to recreate missing limbs or organs of ANOTHER person. This can not be used on the Jedi himself. The only thing that can not be replaced is a head or brain. Physical contact is required. Success: (Success Rate/20) (ru) +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Jedi can not attempt on this victim again for a day.
This is a long term anesthetic and cost NO LIFEFORCE. This can be applied to the Jedi himself or someone else. It can be used as a resistance to the Pain casting. Physical contact is required, for targets other than the Jedi himself. Duration: LF/5(rd) in hoursSuccess: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 damage to the person that he is attempting to use the casting on.
Major Healing
This enables the Jedi to heal major medical injuries like internal bleeding or broken bones. This does what Cure Diseases does not do. Healing: (Level)d10 + LF/50 (ru) in STA points. Success: +2d10 FPTs. Failure: Can not be attempted on this victim for Level/2(rd) in days
This allows the Jedi to raise the recent dead back to life. The resurrection attempt must happen with a certain amount of time after the person has died to be successful or the person has been to long dead to be resurrected. The person is then brought to life at minimal STA points and must be hospitalized to regain the rest. Limit: Level + LF/20(rd) Days. Success: +2d10 FPTs. Failure: 1d10 DMG, and the Casting can not be used for Level + (Force Level/5) (rd) days.
Light Powers
5th Level Castings
Success Rate: 37% + INT/5(rd) (+5% per Level above 5)
3 Sub-Powers
Produce Light
Ability to produce light from any object. Contact is required. Duration: Until the Jedi releases the object. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost and can’t be used for a full day.
Light Flash
Ability to create a blinding flash. Duration of Blindness: ((LF/15) (rd) x Level) in Turns. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d6 Force Level Cost and Jedi must roll STA or Blind for duration.
Finger Lasers
The ability to create brief blasts of high intensity Laser Light Energy from the fingers. Range: [Force Level/10] (rd) meters. DMG: (LF/20) (rd)d6Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d10 Force Level Cost
3rd Level Casting
Success Rate: 20% + 1/4 STR (rd) (+5% per Level above 3)
Range: Contact
Duration: (STA+STR)/20 (rd) turns
This is like Earth Power: Mountain Powers. It gives a boost in STR and STA, but only effects others, and not the Jedi. STR/STA Bonus: (LF/10) (rd) + (Force Level/10) (rd) + (Level x 2) Points. Punching Score Bonus: (Level/2) (rd)d10 + LevelSuccess: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: +1d6 Force Level Cost. Apply Bonuses as negatives to the Jedi
Open Prison
2nd Level Casting
Success Rate: 35% + 1/4 DEX (rd) (+5% per Level above 2)
Range: Contact
Duration: Instant
This is, for one, a defense again Bondage. A successful use breaks the old of the Bandage Casting. The roll is modified by the Level of the Caster of Bondage: -5% per level above the bound Jedi, if above, else +5% for every level below. This also is used to break through any normal binding or unlock any normal lock. This includes hi-tech locks. Physical contact must be made. Success: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Can not be attempted for Level/2 (rd) in hours
1st Level Casting
Success Rate: 22% + 1/5 STR (rd) (+5% per Level above 1)
Range: Contact
Duration: Victim’s STA/5 turns
This gives the Jedi the power to cause severe pain to a victim, on contact. Physical Contact is required. The pain is raging, and is through out the target’s body, rendering him immobile or the duration. The Jedi does not have to keep contact with the target for the duration. The Victim must roll STA/2 each turn in the duration or fall unconscious. Success: +1d6 FPTs
Failure: 1d10 DMG (on a roll of 98-00, Jedi is effected by the Casting.)
2nd Level Casting
Success Rate: 20% + 1/4 INT (rd) (+5% per Level above 2)
Range: Contact or Personal
Duration: Force Level/5 turns
This enables the Jedi to create total peace within himself, or someone else he wants to cast it on. The effect is total relaxation, and negates any tense moment modifiers to skill checks. During the duration, the subject can also heal, if doing no other action. The subject must roll current STA as a healing roll, to gain the Healing Bonus (below).
Healing Bonus: (Jedi’s LF/15)(rd)d10Success: +1d6 FPTs
Failure: Casting can not be used for (Level)d6 hours
Power Drain
5th Level Casting
Success Rate: 22% + 1/4 STR (rd) (+5% per Level above 5)
Range: Contact
Duration: Instant
This allows the Jedi to drain energy from any energy source – from SEU Clips to Batteries. Maximum Amount Drained: (LF) in SEUsSuccess: +1d6 FPTs. Failure: Energy overloads Jedi’s system. 2d10. Object still has original charge.
Read Intent
1st Level Casting
Success Rate: PER (+5% per Level above 1)
Range: Line of Sight. Must be able to see Target’s eyes.
Duration: Instant
This enabled to read a target’s intentions. It can be used on organic beings to read target’s feelings, motivations, or needs. It can be used as a lie detector.This also can be used to read a robot’s programming. The Jedi can learn the basic function of a robot. Note: GM should make the roll for this Casting. Success: +1d6 FPTs Failure: Wrong reading (GM discretion). +1d6 Force Level.
4th Level Casting
Success Rate: 35% + 1/2 INT (rd) (+5% per Level above 4)
Range: Level2 + LF/5 in Meter Radius
Duration: Permanent
With this Casting, a Jedi can restore an natural area that has been destroyed by artificial means. The area is restored to it’s natural state. This applies to natural areas only – forests, jungle, grasslands, and the like. The Jedi controls how natural and how much it restored. Success: +2d6 FPTs. Failure: The area can not be restored for (Level) in days. Jedi takes 1d10 damage