Church of Immaculate Seduction

Night Club in Columbus Pittshio

Owner: Alysia Sophia Blackard
Experience:Veteran Damage:2 Initiative:4 Empahy8 Attribute:6 Skill:5 (11) Empathic Power: Project Emotion 4 (12) – +2 when seducing. Project Thought 6 (14). Human Empathy 3 (11)
Psychopathic & Obsessive, but a person wouldn’t know it upon meeting her. She carries two switch blades, hidden and when she leaves the club, she wears street clothes with a flak vest underneath and carries a concealed Colt Krait.
When drunk or high, she has a sado-masicistic and takes on a dominatrix persona. She has a special room for her ‘play’ and has an array of highly painful toys hidden about her room in the upper areas of the Church/club.
Bodyguard: Rolf “Hellcat” Wyrbrehen (cybered were-tiger)
Bodyguard to Alysia and her second in command.
STR15 Edu6 Move:3/9/18/35 Con12 Cha:6 Skill/DMG:8/3d6 Agility:6 Emp:8 Hits:15/30 Int:7 Init:6 Will Power15 Weakness: Silver disrupts Empathy
Rolf is actually a weretiger, corupted by Tharkold. His human form is a large South African blond-aryan type with a very raspy voice. He carries a M9 Beretta 9mm. He is also cybered: Cybered Wrist Blades 2d6 +3 (Skill: 18), Cyber Tail sting: 4p1 (Skill:12)
Alysia’s Friend: Deera Emmington (cybered bloodkin vampire)
STR8 Edu3 Move:3/9/18/35 Con7 Cha:12 Skill/DMG:8/1d10 Agility:12 Emp:15 Hits:25/50 Int:8 Init:6 Will Power16 Human form: Highly attractive young brunette in school girl outfit, looks to be in her early teens. Chain smoker and carries two knives and a Walther PPK. Cyber: Cybered Reflexes, Cybered Strength, Subdermal Armor