03 – D6 Combat / Interaction Skill Integration

03 – D6 Combat / Interaction Skill Integration


(Success Chart Explanations)

(portions of pg. 78-82 – Masterbook Rulebook)

This Masterbook Conversion into D6 features a number of interaction options. Instead of trying to cause damage to other characters through combat, characters can use a number of interaction skills to accomplish other objectives: frighten away attackers, force them to surrender, or force them to divulge secret information.

For a complete list of interaction skills, see the interaction skills list on the Combat and Interaction Skills table, which also lists which result column to use, as well as when a specific skill can be used (combat rounds, interaction rounds or non-rounds

Interaction skills work more simply than combat. Simply roll the attacking character’s skill dice. The resisting character can use either a passive interactive defense (use their basic defense skill or Attribute, as listed on the ‘Interactive and Attack Skills’ chart) or an active defense (just like Full Dodge, but use the skill or Attribute +1D for an active defense). It is a special opposed roll, but an opposed roll all the same.

Compare the attacker’s skill total to the defender’s passive defense or active defense total. If the attacker’s total is equal to or higher than the defender’s total, then he got at least a minimal success; if it is lower, he failed. If the interaction was successful, read the Result Points on the appropriate success column (General Success, Intimidation, Taunt/Trick or Maneuver) and use the rules in the appropriate sections to determine what happens.

Interactive Cap

You might consider imposing a caps on interaction totals. You can set a specific Result Point maximum. Many gamemasters will choose not to use the “interactive cap’ optional rules.

The Up Condition

The Up Condition in Masterbook was a very good thing for players. In the SW/D6, it is translated a little differently, giving the GM more options. When the players are considered up, the GM can take one of three options. The options vary in degree of benefit. Listed in order of benefit are the three options:

  • Ignore 1s on the Wild Die
  • Bonus-Wild – Two of the dice being rolled now count as one normal Wild Die and another is a Bonus Wild (Re-Roll on Sixes, but 1s do not count as a complication, or anything bad).
  • 5-6 Wild Die – Players can re-roll on a 5 or a 6 on the Wild Die

This usually is only in effect for one round, unless otherwise specified.


The concept of effect is inherited from Masterbook, and refers to any value that is used as a difficulty (opposed rolls) or damage rolls. These “effect” another character in play. Certain cards and bonuses apply only to an effect value or roll. This is what it is referencing.

Resist Shock

In the pages to follow, a new concept to both Masterbook and D6 is introduced called Resist Shock. This is the best middle ground I could come up with between Shock Points in MB, and Stunned Results in D6/Star Wars. It is real simple. The character must make a Moderate vs. Strength roll or get a Stunned Result every time a Resist Shock roll is called for.


The intimidation skill (or Knowledge Attribute) is used whenever one character wants to intimidate, frighten or bully another character. During combat, it is often used to make opponents hesitate. Characters resist intimidation with their willpower or Knowledge. Results are found on the Intimidation Column.

Success Chart results: The following effects are possible:

  • Stymied: A character who is stymied loses
    his Wild-Die re-roll during his next action phase. If he rolls the dice and gets a six on the Wild Die, he cannot re-roll. This counts for all Character points spent as well. However, if the character was ‘Up’, he would only get to re-roll one of the two Wild Dice (If the GM chose that option -See ‘Up- Condition’ above in the Masterdeck section). This condition lasts only for the character’s next action (that round or the next) and then goes away after, even if it has not come into play during that action phase.
  • Untrained: During the next action, the character generates all skill totals as if untrained in the skill or skills he is using (uses Attribute only). This means the character cannot use any skill dice. This also means that the character may not be able to use certain skills (those that cannot be used untrained) or use them only at a penalty.
  • Setback: Something bad happens to the character. The most common occurrence means the character cannot act during his next phase – he is ‘frozen.’ But any sort of “bad thing’ could happen if the gamemaster is creative. Not as severe as a Complication. See ‘The MasterDeck,’ for more descriptions of setback conditions.
  • Break: The character affected tries to abort the conflict primarily by running away or, if that is not appropriate, by surrendering if his position does not significantly improve after his next action phase. As the same in Masterbook.
  • Player’s Call: Whenever a character attempts an interaction, he must state exactly what he is trying to achieve. When a player’s call comes up, that goal is achieved as long as it is possible and not completely inappropriate. As the same in Masterbook.


This column is used when one character successfully Taunts or Tricks another in conflict. Characters use their taunt skill or Perception Attribute to Taunt and their Trick
skill or Intellect Attribute to trick. Characters use their Willpower skill or Knowledge Attribute to resist Taunts and their Willpower skill or Knowledge Attribute to resist Tricks.

Success Chart Results

The following effects are possible:

  • Stymied: See under the description of “intimidation,” above.
  • Untrained: See under the description of ‘Intimidation,” above.
  • Setback: See under the description of”Intimidation,” above.
  • Up/Setback: The character who performed the taunt or trick did it so well that he is “Up” during his next action. The target of the attack is not so fortunate. He experiences a setback. See under the description of ‘Intimidation,” above.

Player’s Call: See under the description of “Intimidation,” above.


This column is used when one character tries to move, feint, or otherwise try to unbalance another character with physical motion, but not dodge a specific attack. Maneuver also covers characters trying to maneuver around other individuals and so forth. Maneuver can normally only be used during combat rounds.

Note that any maneuver skill can be used to defend against any maneuver attack skill, as long as the circumstances are correct.

Maneuver Attack/Defense Skills: (Acrobatics /Dexterity*), Beast riding, (Flight/Dexterity*), (Maneuver/Dexterity*), Brawling (Strength*), Powersuit Operation, Archaic Starship Piloting, Capital Ship Piloting, Ground Vehicle Operation, Hover Vehicle Operation, Repulsorlift Operation, Space Transports, Starfighter Piloting, Swoop Operation, Walker Operation.

* – Skill is not listed in the SW RPG R&E.

Maneuver Attacks and Defenses

These are handled in the same way as interactive attacks. The character performing the attack declares what he wants to do.

Success Chart Results

The following effects are possible:

  • Fatigued: The target character gets “winded” and must Resist Shock (See Resist Shock) as the result of the maneuver.
  • Stymied.- See under the description of “Intimidation” above.
  • Stymied/Fatigued: The target character takes both results at once.
  • Setback/Fatigued: The target character takes both results at once.
  • Player’s Call: The target reacts along the lines of the character’s statement of intent (within reason). If the goal of the maneuver was to cause the target to fall down, the target falls down. The gamemaster has the final ruling on what .player’s calls’ are appropriate and which aren’t – though he should state this when the call is made.