Helmets, Headsets & Optical Devices d20

Helmets and headsets come in varied shapes and sizes. Most helmets are made with modular sections that can be removed to add microphones, goggles, etc. The items in this section can be added to helmets. There are eight ports on a helmet; only one item can be attached to a port. The cost for a helmet attachment is slightly more than for the normal item (add 20%). Headsets are stripped down version of helmets with less bulk, but roughly the same functionality. A headsets’ visor is usually nothing more than a set of goggles or sun-glasses.
Power helmetpack | Gas mask |
Infrared (IR) visor | Magni-visor |
Comlink | Sun visor |
Electro-visor | Infralight |
IR High Res -visor | Powerlight |
Solar – visor | Starlight – visor |
Ultraviolet (UV) – visor | Sonic Protection |
Minigrenade launcher | Helmet Mini-Blasters |
S-Comp link Connector |
Sonic Protectors: These Protectors are only found in a helmet and are useless if removed. They provide a natural, non-powered sonic baffler that protects the ears and head from sonic damage. Any character wearing a helmet with sonic Protectors only receives half damage from sonic attacks, unless otherwise stated. Extremely strong sonic attacks, such as boomer grenades or sonic warheads, affect the entire body and sonic headphone have no effect on those.
Minigrenade Launcher: (Helmet only) This device can hold six sonic marble grenades and has a range of 25 meters (no range combat modifiers apply). Up to three grenades can be launched per turn. This grenade launcher is activated by a jaw-tension mechanism and is an action that can be performed in addition to ther actions that round. (Referees should note that if the player is firing a hand-held weapon that round the grenades must be launched in the same direction as the player is looking.) A minigrenade launcher cannot be affixed to a helmet that is already equipped with any other weapon system. The minigrenade launcher can launch a total of 60 grenades per microdisc. (Damage: 1D6+1, DC 15 Stun – Sonic Damage)
Helmet Mini-Blasters: These double projections (one on each side) on the helmet are actually two hold-out blasters that are activated by a jaw-tension mechanism. The range is 12 meters maximum (no range combat modifiers apply) and a single attack roll is made for both blasters. Each blasters has its own microdisc power source. Helmet blasters cannot be affized to a helmet that already has a minigrenade launcher attached. (use stats for hold-out blaster)
Visors: Visors for helmets can have up to three (3) functions, such as electromagnetic, infrared, and ultraviolet capabilities. These combination visors are more expensive than normal ones (the cost of all three types is +20% of the total cost).
Goggles: Goggles are simply that – stand alone optical devices that one wears.
Scopes: A scope mounted on any weaponas an add-on, to serve many purposes, primary of which it to improve accuracy at long ranges. Using a Basic Magnifying Scope reduces the ranged difficulty one level. The Cost is defined by weapons typoe – Holdout/Pistol/Heavy Pistol/Rifle. Many of the special optical enhancements found below (IR, Starlight, UV, EM, etc.) also come in scope form. The cost for a scope is 100 Cr, plus any enhancement feature added on.
All options below are available as Visors, Goggles and Scopes.
Electromagnetic Optics: EM optics are used to spot the tell-tale pale blue or purple sheen surrounding all force screens and fields. Pressor beams, used for lifting and moving cargo, can also be seen by EM optics.
Floodlight: This extremely powerful light comes in many shapes and sizes, but is usually cylindrical, 60 cm long with a 60 cm diamter. It is most often mounted on vehicles, larger robots, and installations. A floodlight can cast a beam of light up to 600 meters. If it is directed at a character’s eyes, he must made FOrt Save DC 10 or the character cannot see clearly and suffers a -2 combat modifier to all attacks made that turn.
Holo-Projector: The holoprojector can send the image on a high intensity laser beam up to a distance of 20 meters. The projector is the size of a 30-cm cube.
Infralight: This form of power-light emits an infrared beam that can only be seen by those using IR optics. All other statistics are the same as a powerlight. It is generally used as an invisible signal or search light.
Infrared High-Resolution Optics: IRHR optics allow a character all the advantages of normal IR optics plus the ability to see normally invisible energy beams, like microwave laser-trip wires, etc. Unfortunately, it also adds the penalty for microwave laser blindness.
Omnoculars: This optical device resembles a large binoculars and combines the abilities of magnigoggles with an automatic range and vector readout that gives the exact location of any object in view. The maximum omnocular range is three kilometers. Various features can be added to omnoculars: IR, IRHR, UV, EM, and starlight capabilities can all be added as lens attachments (at the feature’s normal cost plus a 20% installation fee).
A spotter using omnoculars adds a +1D to the attack of a long-range weapon indirect fire, such as a grenade mortar. This is a delicate piece of equipment with a built-in computer and should be treated carefully.
Powerlight: The powerlight is a cylinder 60 cm long by 20 cm in diameter. Its beam has a range of up to 300 meters.
Solar Optics: Solar optics look like giggles, but have a thin layer of polarized material between the glass that instantly darkens when brilliant light appears. Though the reaction is too slow to prevent the wearer from suffering the effects of a flash grenade, solar optics do help a character looking into floodlights and powerlights. This type of optics is used extensively by starship personnel.
Starlight Optics: When using starlight optics, night scenes are viewed as clearly as if it were daytime. This is because starlight optics greatly amplify even very low levels of lighting to almost daytime intensities. Therefore the character suffers no penalties for darkness, basically giving the character the ability Darkvision. The only time starlight optics do not work is when the sky is heavily overcast and no artificial light is present.
Ultraviolet Optics: UV optics are useful in detecting anything printed or written in UV ink, paint, or dye (commonly used by Imperials to mark valuable objects), a LSS in use, or any object that emits UV waves.
Type | Cost (Cr.) | Mass (kg) |
Electromag | 250 | – |
Infrared | 300 | – |
IR High Res | 350 | 0.5 |
Solar | 100 | – |
Starlight | 400 | 0.5 |
Ultraviolet | 200 | – |
Magnify | 100/200/300/400 | 1-3 |
Electromag | 300 | 1 |
Infrared | 350 | 1 |
IR High Res | 400 | 1.5 |
Solar | 150 | 1 |
Starlight | 450 | 1.5 |
Ultraviolet | 250 | 1 |
Electromag | 275 | 1 |
Infrared | 300 | 1 |
IR High Res | 375 | 1.5 |
Solar | 125 | 1 |
Starlight | 425 | 1.5 |
Ultraviolet | 225 | 1 |
Holo-Projector | 1,000 | 5 |
Blank Holo Disc | 50 | – |
Recorded Holo Disc | 100 | – |
Floodlight | 250 | 5 |
Infralight Lens | 30 | 1.5 |
Omnoculars | 600 | 2.5 |
Powerlight | 75 | 1.5 |