The Rogue Planet (Mythic Con West 2024)

The Rogue Planet (Mythic Con West 2024)

March 1, 2024

My first game was Friday night, Savage Star Frontiers – a version of Star Frontiers that I put together with a little influence from other games – Alternity Star*Drive primarily.  I wanted to modernize the game but also preserve some of it’s quirkiness.  The adventure – The Rogue Planet –  was designed according to my 3 Phase plan (Intro, Phase 2 Encounter, Finale) and was inspired by a fanzine article in The Star Frontiersman.  The final phase did not go exactly as planned.  We had a satisfying ending, however.  I think the players were too busy trying to figure out the how and why, rather than simply tackle the task at hand.  They wanted to know the story more than solve the problem, which is kind of cool in a way.  This game ended well and ended with 5 minutes to spare.  My central goal for this game was not only return back to my favorite setting but also showcase some of my Star Wars toy vehicle crafts, the biggest of which I did not get to do – a casualty of rushing and abstracting the ending.