mini-mace 2008 II – The Second Helping

mini-mace 2008 II – The Second Helping

mini-mace 2008 II
September 20, 2008
Golden Corral
Hanes Mall, Winston Salem, NC

Jeff and I thought it would be good to get a feel for the current industry and fan base after the release of D&D 4e. It is sort of a test of the market for MACE. mini-mace 2008 II was supposed to be that test.

In the end however, all we had to do is pay attention to GenCon and DragonCon. The RPGA in particular are going to take it hit but in time, that’ll change.

But mini-mace will still go on because everyone likes to eat and game. Lots of board games will break out, witha few RPGs. I always have fun at mini-mace.
I have myself signed up to run Tide of Iron and Arkham Horror, I think.